Tender For bid to ras upgradation of arbor ddos threat mitigation system - supply upgradation activation and implementation of arbor threat mitigation system with software license for 5 gbps of inspected traffic qty 4 nos as per scope of work annexure a , premium support at hdc and mdc for year 1 for line item 01 as per scope of work annexure a , premium support at hdc and mdc for year 2 for line item 01 as per scope of work annexure a , premium support at hdc and mdc for year 3 for line item 01 as per scope of work annexure a , training and certification
Tender For bid to ras providing of hiring of sanitation service - housekeeping supervisors; 6; all areas; all areas; daily; 4,hiring of sanitation service - housekeeping staff; 6; all areas; all areas; daily; 4,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; deep cleaning; indoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; facade cleaning; outdoor
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - comprehensive repair of xray baggage scanner model rap618xr special repair no 6155044 6155229 6155246 and 6155247; ecil rapiscan ltd; yes; buyer premises