Tender For repair and maint to roof treatment, shafts, soil waste and vent pipes at jco and ors md accn, repair to plastering in shaft area, jaffri, chajja repair, plumbing and tiling at zone e1 and e2 and repair under ge (west) mathura
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement to roof treatment rcc slab chajja and other connected br items in md accn me line cod line and kirby place under age br i of ge north delhi cantt
Tender For corrigendum : repair to rcc work of roof, chajja, facia etc for structural strengthening alongwith allied repair works in zone-i, ii and iv under age b/r-ii of ge(i) kanpur
Tender For repair and rehabilitation to rcc member beams columns slabs chajja parapat etc including roof sunken waterproofing treatment in the aor of age b r i under ge hisar
Tender For corrigendum : ge/smb/t-70/2024-25 repair to external plaster chajja, flooring, toilet/bath and connected br items in zone i at mil stn samba
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement to siliding door rolling shutter stoped roof rcc slab chajja and other miscellaneous b and r works in otm under age b and r i of ge north delhi cantt