Tender For bid to ras supply of plywood for general purpose synthetic resin bonded grade bwr type aa to is: 303/1989 (iii rd revision , plywood for general purpose specification to is: 303/1989 reaffirmed 2018 and with latest amendment b
Tender For supply of decorative thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheet (lp shee t) size:2440 mmx 1220 mm x3mm; to rdso specn. no. c-k 514 (rev.0 of dec.2005 with 7 amen dments last amd.no.7 issued in aug.2016 & corrigendum 1 of june 2015), colour -"star du st grey". [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of decorative thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheets(lp sheets) with f ire worthiness property size; 2440 x 1220 x 3mm[blue ]
Tender For supply of decorative thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheet (lp sheet) to si ze 3x 1200 x 2400mm for ac coaching stock to rdso approved sample code ac-sp 02 to rdso/spe c. no. c-k 514, (rev.0 of dec.2005 with 7 amendments -last amd.no.7 issued in aug.2016 & corrige ndum no.1 of jun2015) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of synthetic resin bonded glass fibre cleat for tm cable ('u' bracket & h anging) for e-beam cable size 300 sq.mm as per drg no. elw/bsl/4/f.88.189, alt-1, ref. 1 & 2. [set consist of ref.1 = 1 no. and ref.2 = 1 no [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deliver y ]
Tender For decorative thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheets for use in coaching stock to rdso specification no. c-k514 with amdt. no.7 of aug.2016 & corrigendu m 1 of june 2015 to shade and pattern as per rdso's sample code no. nac-sp 05, size: 2440 x 1220 x 3 mm. (warranty period: upto 30 months from the date of supply) [ warranty period: 30 month s after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of carbon fiber cloth width 1 point 27 length 1mtr , plaster of paris pop pdr oblique unbranded class iii plaster dental stone size 25 kilogram in bag , cream of tartar vim , fevicol synthetic resin adhesive , soap toilet , plate pelvic band