Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - coal mines; repairing strengthening of ventilation fandust suppression system for ground bunker tunnel of rajmahal chp of rajmahal area; service provider
Tender For corrigendum : repair of mat pavement at entrance of adit to pressure shaft surge gallery and proper drainage of seepage water in cable and ventilation tunnel at power house elagad
Tender For corrigendum : camc of environment control system (ecs) and tunnel ventilation system (tvs) for 05 years for 07 ug stations (janpath to kashmere gate) of line-6 and camc of hvac plant installed at 3rd floor for dmrc offices in nbcc building.
Tender For design verification, detail engineering, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electrical and mechanical system, dg sets, environment control system, tunnel ventilation system and building management system for 03 ug metro stations
Tender For corrigendum : supply, fabrication and installation of ventilation duct in draft tube plug end tunnel of power house of chamera power station-1