Tender For repair rewinding of 15 hp pump motor set and 30 hp pump motor set of ac plant along with allied works , rewinding of 5 hp motor of ward no. 2 , and repair of 15 kva avr of tmt machine installed at govt. super specialty hospital jammu.
Tender For replacement of main supply switch for auto clave, repair of air curtain, repair rewinding of secondary pump motor set and primary pump motor set of ac plant along with allied works at govt. super specialty hospital, jammu.
Tender For repair and replacement of central ac plant ducts cooling coils tower air handling units compartments filters chillers tanks indoor grills lt panels and other allied works under ge i gos
Tender For maintenance of electrical installation & fans, repair maintenance of pump set, sub-station, ac plant and compound lighting in plant quarantine at rajasansi, amritsar. (pb). dg. 2024-25. sh:- repair & replacement of electrical installations.
Tender For 1. repair maintenance of 4 x 550 tr central ac plant and ahus and softening plant in opd block at s j hospital new delhi 2. repair maintenance of 2 x 250 tr centrifugal centralized ac plant at s j hospital new delhi 3. repair maintenance of 2 x 175 tr centrifugal centralized ac plant at s j hospital new delhi ( sh : cleaning overhauling of ducts in sensitive area at burns ward, ots, gynaeopd, medicine opd, cghs department, maternity ot 1st floor and ground floor
Tender For repair maintenance of 4 x 550 tr central ac plant and ahus and softening plant in opd block at s j hospital new delhi ( sh : supply, installation, testing and commissioning of duct mounted air purification system in lr1 )