Tender For corrigendum : replacement of old split type airconditioningmachine by new split type airconditioningmachine at outer hall chairman room deputy financial room at dept of sundarban affairs mayukh bhawan 3rd floor salt lake kol 91 electrical installation work
Tender For providing installation commissioning of hi-wall split type airconditioningmachines to the chamber of the ld principal counselor family court sonamura sepahijala district
Tender For providing installation and commissioning of hi-wall split type airconditioningmachines in the studio based vc room in the court complex of the district session judge sepahijala district sonamura during the year 202324
Tender For providing installation and commissioning of hi-wall split type airconditioningmachines in the studio based vc room in the court complex of the district session judge sepahijala district sonamura during the year 202324
Tender For providing installation and commissioning of 02 two nos airconditioningmachines in the newly constructed vulnerable witness deposition court at the court complex of additional district sessions judge sepahijala district bishalgarh
Tender For corrigendum : acm of additional. room airconditioningmachine, concealed split type and ductable split type ac of different capacity and different makes installed at different buildings of sskm hospital incl. bin and iop, pg polyclinic, snp and kph,kmh kolkata
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of airconditioningmachine with allied e.i. work for superintendents office room of lumbini park mental hospital, kolkata
Tender For bid to ras providing of custom bid for services - annual rate contract for electrical distribution system maintenance including fans airconditioningmachine etc under electrical colony maintenance division dtps dvc durgapur713207
Tender For corrigendum : undertaking rrc for diesel generators-prime mover m/s man make onboard kalvari class submarines for a period of one year - 3000 hourly routines., inspect the starting aid device and its injections as per jicbd01-i-045, inspect the pinion shaft clearance and the impeller condition of the motor charge air compressor as per jic bd-01-i-074.s., run the electronic over speed as per jic bd-0 1-1-083, check the calibration, the atomization and the tightness of the injectors as per jic bd-01-i-015., 5500 hourly routines., visually inspect the timing gear as per jic bd-01-1-037., 6000 hourly routines., check the engine controller connections as per jic bd-01-o029., inspect the starting air valves as per jic bd-01 l-007, inspect the decompression valves as per jic bd-01 l-008, carry out an endoscopic inspection of liners, piston heads and pre combustion chamber nozzles as per jic 80-01-1018., visually inspect the cams as per jic bd-01-l-035., visually inspect the inlet and exhaust lappet rollers as per jic bd-01-l-036., inspect the air distributor disk as per jic 01-l-046, drain the otter of the air distributor as per jic bd-01-l-047, inspect the main starting valve as per bd-01-l-048, clean the oil cooler as per bd-01-l-049, clean the fuel cooler as per jic bd-01-i-050., clean the air coolers as per jic bd-01-i-076., inspect the hydraulic clutch gears of the motor charge air compressor as per bd-01-l-077, inspect the thrust clearance of the turbocharger as per jic bd-01-l-078., inspect and calibrate the control and safety instrumentation., inspect the over speed safety slide valve and replace the o-rings as per jic bd-01-l-085, inspect the over speed solenoid valve as per jic bd-01-l086, adjust the tappet clearance on cold engine as per jic bd01-o-021, mandays rates, mechanical superintendent engineer @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., control superintendent engineer @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., skilled technician @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., semi - skilled technician @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., overtime charges., mechanical superintendent engineer / hour, control superintendent engineer / hour, skilled technician / hour, semi - skilled technician / hour, travelling charges to and fro karwar., mechanical / control superintendent engineer per trip/ per person, skilled technician per trip/ per person, semi - skilled technician per trip/ per person