Tender For construction of bitumen road layers from sub grade tobinder / wearing course on internal roads of differentsocieties and for reinstatement of trench lines fallingin west zone(rander) of surat city by contractors ownbatch mix type hot mix plant and wmm plant to beinstalled within surat city limit with manual operatedpaver finisher including construction / repair offootpath, divider, water table and providing & laying/fixing of pavement marking, road studs, road signageswith other traffic safety measures. (work no- 01)
Tender For corrigendum : auction sale of mixed iron scrap,scrap ms /ci pipe . 150m dia avb,scrap high chrome grinding roll,scrap grinding ring sigment,scrap mill tire,scrap cast iron with mgr item,empty plastic jarican (20 -50 lts ),misc gi scrap,s s scrap (magnetic non magnetic),scrap ht/lt breaker,misc electrical pannel scrap with cover,scrap alumininum bars and others,copper cable (assorted size ),used oil,airpreheaterbasketscrap,scrap empty lub drum metal,electrical scrap with light fittings