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Air Press Switch Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

CTN :38965898 Due date: 06 Feb, 202506 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of fuel tank guage,combination switch,wisco fan,clutch plate assy,alternator cutout,rectifier plate,egt assy,clutch booster assy,fuel filter cloth,fuel filter paper,rear door glass

State Government

CTN :38920959 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 8.78 Lacs
Tender For electric material supply - electric item supply, led tube light rod(branded) (isi marka), led tube light complite(branded) (isi marka), sada bulb 100 watt branded (isi marka), led bulb 5 watt(branded) (isi marka), led bulb 9 watt(branded) (isi marka), led bulb 15 watt(branded) (isi marka), led ligth 50 watt(branded) (isi marka), led ligth 150 watt(branded) (isi marka), sodium vepar lamp 400 watt(branded) (isi marka), sodium vepar lamp 250 watt(branded) (isi marka), sodium vepar lamp chock 400 watt(branded) (isi marka), sodium vepar lamp chock 250 watt(branded) (isi marka), led light 400 watt complete branded (isi marka), led light 200 watt branded (isi marka), condensor 3 taar wale (isi marka), condensor 2 taar wale (isi marka), condensor 2 taar 36 watt (250/440 uac) (isi marka), copper wire 0.75mm (bundle 90 meter branded) (isi marka), copper wire 1mm (bundle 90 meter branded) (isi marka), copper wire 1.5mm (bundle 90 meter branded) (isi marka), copper wire 2mm (bundle 90 meter branded) (isi marka), copper wire 5mm (bundle 90 meter branded) (isi marka), lapeta 2 wire copper (branded bundle 90 meter) (isi marka), copper wire 10mm(bundle 90 meter) branded (isi marka), copper wire 12mm(bundle 90 meter) branded (isi marka), cable 2 wire complite 10mm branded (isi marka), cable 3 wire complite 12mm branded (isi marka), alluminim wire 03mm(bundle 90 meter) branded, allumiimum wire 6mm(bundle 90 meter) branded (isi marka), allumiimum wire 10mm(bundle 90 meter) branded (isi marka), allumiimum wire 16mm(bundle 90 meter) branded (isi marka), chakki pat 16inch branded (isi marka), chakki soft branded (isi marka), rajan danda (isi marka), chakki pulli branded (isi marka), chakki patta belt branded (isi marka), chakki dav 0.6 no. bairing branded (isi marka), aata chakki fan belt 57a branded (isi marka), aata chakki fan belt 57b branded (isi marka), aata chakki grece dabbi (isi marka), chakki baring branded 6210 (isi marka), starter oil branded (isi marka), cutout 63 amp (isi marka), cutout 100 amp (isi marka), motor rewinding 10 hp, motor rewinding 5 hp, motor rewinding 3 hp, motor rewinding 2 hp, motor rewinding 1.5 hp, motor rewinding 1 hp, submursible motor rewinding 10hp, submursible motor rewinding 5 hp, submursible motor rewinding 1 hp, submursible motor rewinding 1.5 hp, pundubbi motor 1.5 hp rewinding, pundubbi motor 02 hp rewinding, distal water (isi marka), insulataion branded (isi marka), exust fan 18 inch complete (isi marka), exust fan 12 inch complete (isi marka), exust fan 18 inch rewinding, exust fan 12 inch rewainding, taprol electric (isi marka), plash branded topriya (isi marka), tester branded (isi marka), kaiya 60 watt (isi marka), plug 2pin (isi marka), celling fan branded (isi marka), fan taar copper 35 no. (isi marka), fan taar copper 36 no. (isi marka), fan baring branded (isi marka), grees branded (isi marka), board sheat 10x12 branded (isi marka), board sheat 8x10 branded (isi marka), board sheat 7x4 branded (isi marka), casing patti branded 15feet (isi marka), holder box branded (isi marka), board switch branded (isi marka), holder latkane wala branded (isi marka), holder board branded (isi marka), power combind board branded (isi marka), fan regulator branded (isi marka), 5 pin socket branded (isi marka), 2 pin socket branded (isi marka), switch latkane wale branded (isi marka), plastic pipe kala wala 2 inch 20 feet branded (isi marka), section pipe 2 inch branded (isi marka), football 2 inch branded (isi marka), telephone wire 0.5 mm boundle (isi marka), telephone connetion lead wire (isi marka), telephone riceiver lead wire (isi marka), computer hard disk 1000 gb (isi marka), computer hard disk 500 gb (isi marka), printer cartridge reffle toner 140 gram bottle (isi marka), all printer cartridge reffle, photocopy toner (isi marka), photocopy cartiridge reffle, inkjet all color pritner in bottle 65 ml, vidhyut motor 2 hp me complete (isi marka), pandubbi motor 2 hp me complete (isi marka), vidhyut starter 56 a

State Government

CTN :38921075 Due date: 05 Feb, 202505 Feb, 2025 18.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of vidhyut samagri at central jail ujjain - chowk tubelight 36 watt, starter tubelight 36 watt, tube rod 36/40 watt, tube rod holder, tube rod complete 36 watt, wire bundel 1 mm sq, wire bundel 1.5 mm sq, wire bundel 2.5 mm sq, wire bundel 4 mm sq, torch cell bade, led lamp 3 watt, led lamp 5 watt, led lamp 9 watt, led lamp 12 watt, led lamp 18 watt, street light 90 watt, street light 150 watt, tape roll 3/4 inch, switch 5 amp, bulb holder paindet, submercibal cable 6 sqm, submercibal cable 10 sqm, starter tubewell 3 phase, cutout 63 amp braxx, cutout 100 amp braxx, cutout 200 amp braxx, casing caping 25 mm, power plug ss 15 amp, three pin top 15 amp, telephone wire 2 pair, flexible wire 40.76, fan regulator, main switch 63 amp, main switch 100 amp, lamp 100 watt, five pin sacket, mcb 6-32 amp sp, mcb 63 amp 4p, mccb 100 amp 10 ka, mccb 160 amp 16 ka, ceiling fan 48 inch 1200 mm, exhaust 18 inch heavy, exhaust 24 inch heavy, alu. wire 10 mm, 6x4 cable 3 phase, 10x4 cable 3 phase, pipe 1 inch 25 mm pvc, bell ding dong, screw hardware 75x8, cable 6mm 2core, widing wire copper different size, bairing evam slow pvc paper

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38841034 Due date: 19 Jan, 202519 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : centralized rate contract for electrical spares in locomotives at ntpcgroup stations - ecc with gear box,ec9005/2/m1,bhel, air connection,25781530001,bhel, altn fd resistor pnl,15890330002,bhel, arc box assy,25816130001,bhel, arc box support,15801130006,bhel, arc box,15816130001,bhel, arcing horn,25815030001,bhel, armature assy,25815330001,bhel, armature complete,447400001,bhel, ac control reactor,26700600004,bhel, roller bearing,401440005,bhel, emr assy,05841011001v02,bhel, assy of resistor,15751030005,bhel, wheel slip rly assy,15890330013,bhel, auxiliary pinion,421160001,bhel, bearing sleeve,421450004,bhel, ball bearing,421450006,bhel, blck rectifier panel,25890030093,bhel, braking resistor,05751030002,bhel, brush holder clamp,422200003,bhel, brush connection,447300004,bhel, brush gear assy,425200004,bhel, brush holder spacer thick,416200015,bhel, brush hldr spcr thin,416200014,bhel, cable clamp,425200003,bhel, capacitor,36700100003v00,bhel, coil,es800505,bhel, altnr rect module,16670500044,bhel, aux gen/exciter,422100001,bhel, aux gen/exciter,417100002,bhel, contact block,15781230001,bhel, contact set(n.c),35831730010,bhel, contactset (n.o),35831730011,bhel, contactor,25815030017v02,bhel, contactor,25815030017v01,bhel,m50ec1, contactor,25815030017v00,bhel,m50ec2, control card,16702200007,bhel, field coil,418450012,bhel, field shunt contactr,05815030004v00,bhel, finger assy,35816230003v01,bhel, free wheeling diode,36700100007,bhel, gear wheel,413160004,bhel,74, governor plug line,26700800002,bhel, insulation shield,35890230029,bhel, insltn strip(top),45890230022,bhel, interlock assy,05831730001v01,bhel, iv suppr panel,26700200001v01,bhel, isolating switch,15790630001,bhel, led panel,25890030059,bhel, la resistor panel,35890230028,bhel, motor cutout switch set,35890030049,bhel, operating coil,25815630006,bhel, operating coil,35815630003,bhel, outer rotor,418450002,bhel,w/fins, pinion,413160005,bhel, pinion,401160010,bhel,18th, pinion nut,422160002,bhel, safety aux relay,15831030005v01,bhel, resistor element,25751030019,bhel, rvrse pwl sprng set,35771030005,bhel, roller bearing,de,416160015,bhel, sealing washer set,45801030001,bhel, single shield ball brg,ce,426440004,bhel, stab signal resistor,26700900002,bhel, terminal board,26700900003,bhel,3way, traction motor,413000003,bhel,w/pinion, traction motor,413000001,bhel,w/pinion, valve seat,45880530021,bhel, top commutator cover assy,04391700001v00, carbon brush,401200008,bhel, carbon brush,418200001,bhel

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38662558 Due date: 20 Jan, 202520 Jan, 2025 6.38 Lacs
Tender For corrigendum : supply of boq bid - top block assy 32 cfm, part no. x020007b , air pressure switch rt116, part no. 4106016510 , air- filter regulator lubricator 1 in bspt, part no. 4106016638 , non return valve, part no. 4106016633 , shut off valve, 1 in, bspt, part no. 4106016634

State Government

CTN :38911204 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 3.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of sanitation and electricity item - sanitation and electricity items :, led bulb 5 watt (branded), led bulb 09 watt (branded), led bulb 15 watt (branded), led bulb 50 watt (branded), led bulb 100 watt (branded), taproll, bulb holder(branded), aluiminium wire 3.20 bundle 90 meter (branded), multi stand 1mm wire branded 90meter bundle (branded), tester (branded), cutout all types, light fitting casing patti, board switch branded, switch board 5 button 2 plug sahit, pechkash sabhi size branded, plas branded, seeling fan condensor branded, seeling fan winding, toothpast branded, sarso oil branded, washing powder branded, kapda sabun branded, nahane ka sabun branded, saving cream branded, saving brush branded, saving blade branded, bans jhadu, nariyal jhadu(seenk), khajur jhadu, acid branded, finil branded, nariyal oil branded, jeevi plastic, oil pant all type branded, tarpeen oil, thiner branded, crude oil, chuna, lal mitti(geru), pili mitti, putai brush 6 inchi, oil pant brush 4 inchi, letrin brush, plastic balti 15 liter, plastic magga 01 liter, tooth brush

State Government

CTN :38892518 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of swachhta evm vidhut samagri - sarso oil, coconut oil (5ml pouch), toothpaste ( pack of 25,30,35 gram), bath soap, washing soap, washing powder, choona dela, neel (chune me daalne hetu), geru, yellow clay, finyle, sochalya cleaner, bansh jhadu 03 ft., bansh jhadu 06 ft., khajoor jhadu 02 ft., ful jhadu 03 ft., painting brush 03 inch, painting brush 05 inch, paint brush 3 inch, paint brush 5 inch, brush toilet, mitti ke matke may dhakkan, plastic tongue cleaner, plastic kanghi (naai ke upyog hetu) 8 inch, plastic kangha (for men and women), plastic mug 01 ltr., plastic balti big 15 ltr., plastic balti small 5 ltr., toothbrush, shaving brush, shaving cream, antiseptic liquid, shaving blade, dispojal razor blade, led bulb 5 watt, led bulb 9 watt, led bulb 18/20 watt, led bulb 30 watt, street light(led flood light 50 watt) water proof, street light(led flood light 100 watt) water proof, street light(led flood light 160 watt) water proof, betton holder, angel holder, tube light rod 40 watt, tube light electronic chok 40 watt, tube light starter 2.5 watt, led tube light 36 watt complete, condensser ceiling fan 2.5, condensser ceiling fan 3.15, condensser ceiling fan 4, regulator ceiling fan, ceiling fan (teen pankhdi), power plug 16 amp with switch, copper wire 01 mm (multi) length-90m, copper wire 1.5 mm(multi)length-90m, copper wire 2.5 mm (multi)length-90m, copper wire 4 mm (multi)length-90m, flexible wire copper 02 core length-90m, alumenium wire 1.5 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 2 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 2.5 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 04 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 06 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 08 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 10 mm length-90m, alumenium wire 12 mm length-90m, 2 core cable (copper) 2.5 mm, 2 core cable (copper) 10 mm, 3 core cable (copper) 2.5 mm, 3 core cable (copper) 04 mm, 3 core cable (copper) 50 mm, 4 core cable (copper) 04 mm, 4 core cable (copper) 10 mm, 4 core cable (copper) 35 mm, 4 core cable (copper) 50 mm, aluminium cable 6 mm 3 core (armed), aluminium cable 8 mm 4 core (armed), aluminium cable 10 mm 4 core (armed), aluminium cable 35 mm 4 core (armed), aluminium cable 50 mm 4 core (armed), submersible pump cable 4 mm, submersible pump cable 6 mm, switch ( on/off) 6 amp, switch ( on/off) 6 amp pvc box, socket five pin 6 amp, 4 way modular pvc box, 6 way modular pvc box, 12 way modular pvc box, 63 amp t.p.n. 3 pole box, 63 amp t.p.n. 3 pole box ka box, taperoll, pvc pipe 25 mm, main switch 32 amp single phase, main switch 63 amp three phase, main switch 100 amp three phase, mcb 10 amp single phase, mcb 32amp single phase, mcb 63 amp single phase, mcb 32 amp three phase, mcb 63 amp three phase, mcb 100 amp three phase, mcb box (single), mcb box (double), mcb box (four), mcb box (eight ), mcb 200 amp three phase, tester, extension board computer kaa, star penchkas set, plair, monkey plug, change over 63 amp three phase, change over 100 amp three phase, isolater 32 amp threee phase, top pin male-female, three top pin 16 amp, three top pin 6 amp, two pin plug, cheelam mike (pa horn spealer), door bell, 06 way modular box, 12 way moduler box, 06 amp moduler socket, 16 amp moduler socket, moduler regulator, 06 way moduler plate, 12 way moduler plate, 16 amp moduler switch, china pin for casing, casing n caping patti (25 mm x 32mm), dry battery (cell) r6 aa, battery (cell) r3 aaa, submersible pump rewinding 10 h.p. (copper wire me), submersible pump rewinding 7.5 h.p. (copper wire me), electric motor rewinding 3 h.p. (copper wire me), electric motor rewinding 7.5 h.p. (copper wire me), electric motor rewinding 10 h.p. (copper wire me), wilding machine oil, distilled water (battrey me daalne hetu), aata chakki ki softin, aata chakki ke paat, aata chakki ke bairing, chakki ki takaai, chakki ke belt 59 no., ceiling fan rewinding(copper wire), nail cutter, naai ustarey, naai kainchi, naai kaichi dhar karaai, naai fawvarey, hair trimmer machine, cutout 32 amp (copper), cutout 64 amp (coppe

State Government

CTN :38911120 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of swachhta evm vidhut samagri - colgate paste, toothbrush, nariyal tel 5 gram pouch me, chuna kalidar, pili mitti, distember, teracota, putaai brush 4" inchi, putaai brush 2" inchi, putaai brush 1" inchi, geru, putti birla, white cement, bans jhadu bade dande wali, khajur jhadu, mitti ke matke bade may dhakkan, mitti ki nand, acid 1 liter pack me, finyle, whashing powder, kapda dhone ka sabun, nahane ka sabun, toung cleaner plastic, toilet brush, blade, shawing cream, shawing brush, shawing ustara, bal katne ki kaichi, aata chalni, bans tokni 36 ki, bans supda, plastic ki balti 20 liter, plastic ki balti 05 liter, plastic ke mugge, crude oil, chaipatti chalni, bleaching powder, toilet murga saf karne wala pumping brush, hatho ke dastane (moje), rejmal patta, thinner patta, dhwaj bandhne ki rassi, led 9 watt, led 18 watt, led 23 watt, led 50 watt rechargeble, led lamp 35 watt, led lamp 50 watt, led lamp 100 watt, led lamp 150 watt, bulb holder, taperoll, wire bundle copper me 2.5 mm, casing patti, penchkas, tester, plier, aata chakki motor winding, bijli starter repairing, chat pankha winding, chat pankh condensar, naveen chat pankha, chat pankha regulator, tubewell motor pump winding, tubewell ke andar se motor pump nikalna avam punah dalna 400 feet, wire bundle copper me 1.5 mm, bijli ki cable 10 mm (gol), submersible pump ki bijli ki cable 6 mm, bijli line man majduri, submersible pump 10/10 horse power texomo tero company, light decoration, naveen bijli starter may auto suu, bijli ke cutout 32 amp, bijli starter fitting hetu 2x4 size ka pattiya, bijli cutout ke taar, modular light fitting board 18 modal, modular light fitting board 12 modal, modular light fitting board 8 modal, modular light fitting board 4 modal, switch button 6 map, lighter gas chulha chalane hetu, gas regulator, gas regulator nali 8mm 4 feet lambai, 5 pin socket, mcb 32 amp, power plug, oxygen gas cylinder refilling, chakki ke belt, bijli connector

State Government

CTN :38911405 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bhavan evm vidhut samagri - blau ret (ghanmiter), motiret (ghanmiter), gitti 20 mm (ghanmiter), gitti 06 mm (ghanmiter), cement bori, white cement, eet paki hui, dhula churi (ghanmiter), muram (ghanmiter(, pehwar block, loha angle vibhinn size me, colour coated chaddar 0.5 mm 4x12 feet, loha chaddar tin shade chaddar 4x16 feet me, loha patti vibhinn size me, loha sariya, loha pipe, ss machhar jali sq feet, rara wiron witer fencing chain link net for fencing mesh d fence wire 5 feet bundle linght:50 feet diameter:2.6 mm block size 4"x4 ., galvanized iron fencing angle 8 feet 5 inch (width), door kabja set, window chitakni, door holdrop, letrin sit may murga (indian), letrin sit may murga (western), urinal pot male, steel nal 1 inch, pvc nal 1/2 inch, pvc nal 1 inch, walve 1.5 inch, walve 2 inch, t 1.5 inch, gi pipe 1/2 inch (10 feet size), gi pipe 2 inch (10 feet size), gi socket 1/2 inch, gi socket 1 inch, gi socket 2 inch, gi elbow 1 inch, gi elbow 1/2 inch, gi elbow pon inch, gi elbow 2 inch, gi union 1/2 inch, gi union pon inch, gi union 1 inch, gi union 2 inch, riducer 2 inch, aashirwad pvc solvent, wall putti, rejmaal patta, tagadi, karni choti/badi, lakdi gutka, gaiti, darata, fawda, khurpi, gaiti/fawda dasta, iron keel (biranji), screw 1 inch, screw 2 inch, rawal plug, senting taar, deewar primer, iron primer, chuna putaai may material (prativarg miter me), oil paint putaai may material (pratibvarg miter me), distember putaai may material (prativarg miter me ), pani ki tanki (plastic) 1000 liter me, ashirwad cpvc picpes standerd quality 2 inch 1 pipe 3 miter, ashirwad cpvc picpes standerd quality 1 inch 1 pipe 3 miter, pvc joint socket 2 inch, pvc joint socket 1 inch, pvc point "t" 1x1/2 inch, pvc point "t" 2x1 inch, taflon tape, vidyut copper wire 2.5 mm (90 miter) prati bundle, vidyut copper wire 1.5 mm (90 miter) prati bundle, board five pin socket, board button, bulb holder sidha, bulb bad holder, holder board, round plate, 2 pin plug, 3 pin plug, fan regulator, mcb 32 a, mcb 63 a, mcb 200 a 3 fase, battrey/ ghadi cell, digital diwal ghadi, cutout 100 amp, cutout 65 amp, switch board (10 switches 1 sockets 1 indicator 1 fuse) 6 a three pin socket 9/11 board size, vidyut samagri fitting mistrii charge, electric taperoll 1 inch, pvc casing capping 1 inch, pvc casing bends left right 1 inch, casing patti, casing patti bend, ceiling fan copper rewinding 48 inch 1200 mm, ceiling fan condensor, led bulb 11 watt, led bulb 14 watt, led bulb 16 watt, led bulb 40 watt, led bulb 85 watt, street light may frame 20 watt, street light may frame 50 watt, street light may frame 60 watt, street light may frame 80 watt, led bulb rechargeble 12 watt, led bulb rechargeble 15 watt, torch rechargeble, electric tubelight, extension board, 16 amp power plug, finolex flexible copper cabels 4 sq mm 3 core, ceiling fan 1200mm, inverter 2 kva with batteries, electric exhaust fan, ups 1 kva, ups 2 kva, tester, plass, penchkas chota/bada, distilled water soor urja battrey hetu, submersible 7.5 hp texmo 8 stage three phase, submersible 7.5 hp texmo 8 rewinding, tubewell ke andar se motor nikalne avam punah dalne charge 400 feet, submersible pump 7.5 hp motor starter sj 3 phase mj1+series 280-415 (20-32 amps,7.5hp), aata chakki 14 inch pat ambri, aata chakki ke saft, aata chakki takai avam fitting charge, aatachakki ke belt, aata guthne ki machine ki saft, aata guthne ki machine ka belt, grease, gas chulha lighter, gas regulator nali 8 mm 4 kit, rv gas burner 3 feet, g-11 gas burner, gas converter, gas adapter high speed, gas coppertube 18", gas system marmmat mistri charge, vidyut saaj sajja charge (lighting gov. building charge per days), vibhagiya/rashtriya dhwaj bandhne ki rassi, maap inchi tape (measurement tape)

CTN :38843570 Due date: 21 Jan, 202521 Jan, 2025 10.00 Lacs
Tender For repairing and purchasing maintenance material of different vehicals operating under financial year 2024-25 municipal council damoh - pickup van, disbrake plate, hydraulic repair, wheel bearing, alternator repair, alternator new, wheel greasing one wheel, steering rod and, gas kit complete, non-removable foundation, engine foundation rubber both, thali pinium set, chillum slit pit key, cross holder, center bearing rubber pit key, pit cross, diesel pump and nozzle repair, horn new, siren new, hooter new, diesel filter set new, oil filter, air filter, spring stirrup new, front spring swing set, front spring plate, clutch plate new, clutch drive plate new, side door, clutch bearing, self rocket plate new, self carbon set, self boot set, silencer packing kit, silencer welding, spring pin set new, spring boot set, diesel filter body new, nozzle green and repairing, engine timing welt new, head wall set new, head guide set new, front brake shoe, rear brake shoe, alternator bearing, cutout, alternator carbon, master cylinder new, stirrups, deck i.c.a. armature, tapa spray kit, non wax packing kit, gear 1st and 2nd, diesel pump new, oil seal new, accelerator wire, head thermostat valve new, refrigerator new, refrigerator fan new, horn siren new, heater plug new, horse pipe, water tank set, flywheel ring gear, car, fuse box lock key, front light, front wiring, timing welt, ring set, gate lock new complete, gate lock handle, brake leather, gate wheel main new, tie rod end set new, shaft cross, l.h. side gate new, gate paint & fitting, shaft holter new, alternator volt, body new, chassis welding, clutch wire, battery new, engine ring, engine slip set, engine piston set, cr buy, cr bearing, main bearing, enavond, hydraulic jack new, body colour, alternator bearing, alternator cutout, alternator carbon, alternator welt new, hydraulic chassis new, hydraulic motor new, body part new, hydraulic box new, hydraulic switch new, amplifier, diesel tank cap new, cam set new, body & plug new, engine liner set new, engine ring set, battery terminal new, self complete new, refrigerator horse pipe, engine heater, regulator new, fan new, two volume carbon plate, pump, soft rail, right wheel sensor new, cam sensor new, thali pinium set, istar, gully star, steering new, spandle, main pipe, camshaft new, engine new complete including accessories, gate main new, seat making, self new complete, car service lever charges, engine over hauling lever charges, self, alternator repairing lever charges, hydraulic repairing lever charges, wiring repairing lever charges, gear lever charges, vane, disbrake plate, hydraulic repairs, wheel bearing, alternator repairing, alternator new, wheel greasing one wheel key, steering rod and, gas kit complete, non-barka foundation, engine foundation rubber both, thali pinium set, chillum slit split key, cross holder, center bearing rubber split key, split cross, diesel pump and nozzle repair, horn new, siren new, hooter new, clutch plate new, clutch drive plate new, clutch bearing new, clutch wire, self rocket plate new, self carbon set, self boot set, self slowdown switch, altinator rectifier plate, altinator carbon set, altinator cutout, altinator commutator, armature new, diesel filter, oil filter, air filter, diesel filter valve, diesel tank cap, main pipe, front spring belt new, front spring swing set, front spring stirrup, rear spring belt new, rear spring swing set, rear spring stirrup, sats, sats volt, sats cross holter new, hydraulic box hydraulic self motor armature, hydraulic switch new, hydraulic pipe new, hydraulic chassis jack new, hydraulic volt, steering new, siren, down oil seal, down packing kit, crown plate, penum set, d.e.f urea, hydraulic oil, engine oil, rubber paint, puncture repair work, welding rod 90 piece packet, battery new, battery water, battery terminal, battery charging charger, tie rod and set, head light bulb new, head light switch, relay box new, head light complete, use relay, key switch
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