Tender For supply of various customized printing materials - trade proficiency pads , books printing and spiral binding , greeting cards , passenger manifest , cargo manifest ship , cargo manifest aircraft , civilian manifest , do pad for 122 hf co , fss part i ii flm l , fss part i ii flm m , fss part i ii flm w , tarmac management part 1 , tarmac management part ii , grc all trade , printing of frc , iaff ms 1953 , medical exam registers , arrival register , clearance register , p 32 register , overnight monitoring register , x ray examination register , bay servicing record register , tool daily issue register , ojt record register , demand and return register , continuity record register , expense book , attendance register , demand lp register , di of testers and rig register , engine filetr register , hydraulic filter register , mbt test record register , particle count atf register , expense record register , particle hydraulic register , hydraulic oil test register , tester flush record register , temperature humidity monitor even register , work order odd register , work order even register , car diary iafz , cwr register , ssvf register , t 2 registers , met 2477 registers , sod registers , temperature humidity monitor odd register , tools in out register , running hm register , e mms work order , defect register , immols register , air conditioning register , cpcp register , drss register , radar watch hour register , movement register , log book register , leave register , dependent card issue register , invitation cards 7 x 5 inches , master file index register , mso t 27 service book , security passes , odd tools issue regsietr , cwr register , synoptic situation register , certificates , a4 clour print with flowers , invitation cards 6 x 5 inches , flight manual , buff envelope 7 x 5 inches , buff envelope 6 x 4 inches
Tender For corrigendum : expression of interest for empanellment of twin/multi/jet engine/turboprop service operators to be included in empanelled list for chartering various types of twin/multi engine aircraft on as and when required basis.
Tender For procurement of spares for il-78 aircraft - fixture to deliver the video endoscope to inspection zone, fixture, guide tube, delivery device, template, vibration acceleration indicator, unit set, special tool for dome removal, device for air wheels tire tube filling, eddy current transducer, test equipment, branch standard specimen for eddy current inspection, unit to flush the engine gas flow duct (complete with metal hoses), detector, washer, locking, washer, locking, washer, screw, chisel, plier, round nosed, non destructive testing standard working specimen, puller oil pump gear, fixture oil pump installation, fixture for ultrasonic inspection, pliers, ultrasonic flaw detector, seal