Tender For repair replacement of garden lights, solar lights, area lights and associated miscellaneous works at officers accn, main gate area and pm marg, periodical maint of ht transformer, vcb and ht cable related works including painting of ht equipments at nms
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to drains along with main road from dssc main gate towards college area and special repairs to hardstanding footpath interlocking tiles at dssc wellington
Tender For for the work of repair of cross regulator gate and escape gate of left bank main canal rd. 30.00 km. and rd. 31.00 km. of r.a.b.l.s. project.
Tender For bid to ras providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - office space; construction of 02 pillars of 10ft height on both sides of main college gate; service provider
Tender For bid to ras providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - office space; fabrication and installation of college main iron gate 19ft9inch x 7ft; service provider
Tender For repair/ replacement of sub main wiring, mccbs, dbs, earthing, gate lights, bldg, light and connected works and certain repair to internal wiring and replacement of elect fitting and fixture and earthing of md and otm accn at afs kumbhirgram
Tender For improvement and repair of approach road, repair of main gate, providing and fixing of sign board and proiding of cattle trap at the main gate of phc, kadamtala.