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Ambrettolide Tenders

Get complete information related to latest Ambrettolide Tenders . from India at Classic Tenders. Search the best available tenders from Indian government tenders, domestic Ambrettolide Tenders , private tenders, online tenders, tender invitation notice, business tender notices, online tenders and bidding Ambrettolide Tenders .


Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

State Government

CTN :39123099 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 79.20 Lacs
Tender For procurement of ambrettolide

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39084302 Due date: 15 Feb, 202515 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of trizol , sybr green , pcr master mix , isopropanol , cdna synthesis kit , chloroform , diluent for dna extraction ethanol , diethyl pyrocarbonate depc , depc treated water

State Government

CTN :39067711 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 79.20 Lacs
Tender For procurement of ambrettolide

State Government

CTN :39073303 Due date: 14 Feb, 202514 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of sodium carbonate 500g , edta 100mg , potassium hydroxide 500g , sodium acetate 500g , pcr teaching kit 1kit , ag-ab blood typing 1kit , potassium iodide 500g , sodium sulphite 500g , potassium dichromate 500g , ferrous amonium sulphate 500g , iron sulphate heptohydrate 500g , phenanthrolinin monohydrate 5g , 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine 50g , ames kit medox 1kit , ammonium hydroxide 500g , galactose 100g , sucrose 500g , tlc plates 1 packet , tris hcl 100g , folin reagent 100ml , fructose 100g , leshmian stain 100ml , bsa 25g , chloroform 500g , cuso4 500g , cyanomethaemoglobin kit 1kit , dialysis membrane 1roll , dnsa 25g , fehling b solution 500ml , iron free potassium persulpate 500g , isopropanol 500g , kbr 500g , kovacs reagent 100ml , lb broth 500g , maltose 100g , ninhydrin 25g , o-toluidine reagent 50oml , pas reagent 120ml , phenol 500g , pyridine solution 500g , restriction enzyme 100units , rna 25g , tetramethylbenzidine 1g , triton x 100 500ml , g6pdh kit 1kit , sgot kit 1kit , sgpt kit 1kit , urea kit 1kit , creatinine kit 1kit , diphenyl amine 100g , uric acid estimation 2kit , xylene cyanol 5g , trizol reagent for rna isolation 1 packet , sodium potassium tartarate 500g , acetone 500ml , butanol 500ml , glacial acetic acid aldehyde free 2.5l

State Government

CTN :38890827 Due date: 10 Feb, 202510 Feb, 2025 5.30 Crore
Tender For procurement of ambrettolide

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38934549 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of thermo , cat 4461882 , taqman multiplex master mix , biorad , cat tcs0803 , optical flat 8 cap strips , biorad , cat tls0851 , 0.2ml , 8tube pcr strips without caps , low profile , white , eppendorf protien lobind tubes , cat 13 698 794 , reversible rack with cover one side place for 1.5 ml and another side for 0.6 ml , 4 per pack , microcentrifuge tubes 1.5 ml , each contain 1000nos , microcentrifuge tubes 2 ml , each contain 1000nos , sealer , microplate seal , invitrogen , cat 10296010 , trizol ls reagent , 100 ml , hayman , ethanol 500ml , 2 ml centrifuge tube , falcon tubes 50ml , mineral oil , 5 ml , tarsons , cat 5256080 , cryobabies white tarsons 1000 roll labels 0.9x0.5 , tarsons , cat 550011 , biohazard autoclave bags small 8x12 , tarsons , cat 553016 , biohazard autoclave bags large 24x36 , minj pp prepulled microcapillary , 10 per pack , 1 ml syringe with detachable needle , 1 percentage gentian violet stain 125ml , sigma , cat m0387 , 500g , methyl cellulose , qiagen , cat 169508 , dneasy blood and tissue kits , 250 , qiagen , cat 201225 , taq pcr core kit 1000 u , inbios kala azar detect rapid test , 25 per kit , cat ins025 , biorad , cat 1725280 , bio rad sso advanced universal probe supermix , qiagen , cat 28706 , qiaquick gel extraction kit , 250 , axygen cat mct 150 c , 1.5ml maxy clear snaplock micro centrifuge tubes , invitrogen , cat 15628019 , trackit 100 bp dna ladder 100ulx2 , invitrogen , cat 10416014 , 50bp dna ladder , merck , cat g5516 , 1l , glycerol 1l , sigma , cat 19101 , rnasea , roche , cat 4729692001 , lightcylcer 480 multiwel plate , sigma , cat cs0410 , gutathione s transferase asssay kit , axygen , cat tf 100 rs , 100ul universal fit filter tips

CTN :38988784 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of microbiology molecular biology reagents - acinetobacter selective medium with supplements - pack of500gm , camphylobacter selective medium bracket boold freeand with supplements bracket - pack of 500 gm , cary - blairtransport medium - pack of 500 gm , enterococcus selectivemedium - pack of 500 gm , macconkey agar - pack of 500 gm ,modified cary - blair medium - pack of 500gm , mrs medium -pack of 250gm , mrsa selective medium with or withoutchromogenic - pack of 500gm , pseudomonas selective agar -pack of 500gm , salmonella shigella agar- pack of 500gm ,selective , vibrio selective media with supplements - pack of500gm , xylose lysine deoxycholate- pack of 500gm , yersiniaselective agar - pack of 500gm , sim medium - pack of 250gm ,mrvp broth - pack of 250gm , kovac sindolereagent - pack of100ml , barritt s reagents a alpha - naphthol - pack of ml ,methyl red reagent oblique indicator - pack of 50ml , simmonscitrate agar - pack of 250ml , triple sugar iron agar - pack of100gm , mha medium - pack of 500gm , durham tubes length 25to 27 mm diameter 6 by 7 - pack of 100 , tryptone broth - pack of500gm , sucrose powder - pack of 100gm , mannitol sugar powder- pack of 100gm , lactose sugar powder - pack of 500gm , xylitolsugar powder- pack of 100 gm , adonitol sugar powder - pack of10 gm , sulfanilic acid - pack of 25 gm , amikacin bracke amkbracket - pack of 100 discs , amoxicillin bracket amx bracket-pack of 100 discs , ampicillin bracket amp racket- pack of 100discs , azithromycin bracket azm bracket- pack of 100 discs ,cefepime bracket fep bracket - pack of 100 discs , cefotaximebracket ctx bracket- pack of 100 discs , cefoxitin bracket foxbracket- pack of 100 discs , cefoxitin - cloxacillin - pack of 100discs , ceftazidime bracket caz bracket - pack of 100 discs ,ceftriaxone bracket cro bracket - pack of 100 discs , cephalothin- bracket cef bracket - pack of 100 discs , chloramphenicolbracket c bracket - pack of 100 discs , ciprofloxacin bracket cipbracket - pack of 100 discs , clarithromycin bracket cla bracket - bracket - pack of 100 discs , clarithromycin bracket cla bracket - norfloxacin bracket nor bracket - pack of 100 discs , ofloxacinbracket ofx bracket - pack of 100 discs , penicillin bracket pbracket -pack of 100 discs , rifampicin bracket rd bracket - packof 100 discs , teicoplanin bracket tec bracket - pack of 100 discs, tetracycline bracket tet bracket - pack of 100 discs ,tobramycin bracket tob bracket - pack of 100 discs , vancomycinbracket van bracket - pack of 100 discs , potassium chloride -pack of 500gm , sodium phosphate dibasic bracket mw 141 dart96 g oblique mol - pack of 500gm , potassium phosphatemonobasic bracket mw 136 dart 09 g oblique mol - pack of 500gm, 0.5m sodium edta - pack of 50 ml , 100percent acetic acid -pack of 50 ml , 10x te buffer- pack of 10 ml , agarose - pack of100 g , nuclease free water - pack of 500ml , potassiumdichromate - pack of 500g , stool dna purification kit - pack of 50pairs , qubit tm 4 system verification assay kit - pack of 50 assays, 1x te buffer, ph 8.0 - pack of 100ml , rnalater solution - packof 100ml , formaldehyde , glycerol - pack of 100ml , sybr tmgreen master mix - pack of 1x5 ml , first strand cdna synthesiskit - paco of 50 reactions , trizol reagent - pack of 100ml , 2propanol bracket isopropanol bracket moleculer biology grade -pack of 500ml , ecl western blotting substrate - pack of 250ml ,prestained protein ladder for western blot - pack of 500 microliter, tris hcl bracket 1 m bracket ph 8dart0 rnase free - pack of100ml , sodium chloride for molecular biology greater than orminus 99 percent bracket titration bracekt - pack of 500g ,sodium dodecyl sulfate - pack of 100g , ethyl alcohol formolecular biology greater than or minus 99 point 8 percentbracket bracket gc bracket - pack of 500ml , tris dash borateedta buffer 10x - pack of 1000ml , gel loading buffer - pack of5ml , hot start pcr master mix ready to ...

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38957147 Due date: 04 Feb, 202504 Feb, 2025 8.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of yeast dna extraction kit , ribopure rna purification kit , phusion high-fidelity pcr kit , s.c. easycomp transformation kit , dntp mix , ethidium bromide solution , sybr safe dna gel stain , supersignal enhanced molecular weight protein ladder , trizol plus rna purification kit , 50 bp dna ladder , anza 10-pack starter kit , datp , dctp , dgtp , dttp , chaps detergent

CTN :38920762 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of m-mvl reverse transcriptase , bca protein assay kits , trizol reagent , 1kb dna ladder , 100bpdna ladder
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