Tender For providing of custom bid for services - excavation dewatering and soil filling 2113 cubic meter,custom bid for services - enriched vermicompost or farm yards manure 36000 kilogram,custom bid for services - water retainer 24 metric ton,custom bid for services - land preparation soil mixing and levelling 288 hour,custom bid for services - pasundhal seeds sowing 20 kilogram,custom bid for services - hiring of tractor with rotavator 34 hour,custom bid for services - tree plantation 5000 each,custom bid for services - sapling procurement 5000 each,custom bid for services - supply of support stick 5000 each,custom bid for services - shed net fencing with support stick 260 square meter,custom bid for services - plumbing and drip work 4210 square meter,custom bid for services - pathway stones 60 square meter