Tender For supply of case for using chem samples make dewalt y 12651 , box for storage of chemical samples dewa y 12651 , ear defenders 3m peltor x series over y 12651 , paint spraying equipment 230v model pilo y 12651 , heavy duty hot wire cfm thermo anemomete y 12651 , sight flow funnel indicator dia 32mm y 12651 , sight flow funnel indicator dia 65mm y 12651 , sight flow funnel indicator dia 20mm y 12651 , portable digital multimeter fluke 179 y 12651 , pen drives sandisk 2tb extreme pro ssd p y 12651 , induction heater linmast part no lbh4 y 12651 , helmet with torch helmet with head lamp y 12651 , optic fiber optical repair kit proskit y 12651 , oscilloscope metrix tetronix tbs1052c y 12651 , boiler disinfection bajaj auto ketiles c y 12651 , high voltage class b elastomer insulat y 12651 , portable welding machine yeswelder ar y 12651 , arc sensitive welding helmet roebll au y 12651 , table for pc s y 12651 , floor cleaning detergent 5 ltr jerry can y 12651 , mop handle holder andpads make upyog spin y 12651 , set of tools for milling machine for ste y 12651 , inspection lamp facom model 779 eye y 12651 , sets of drilling bits for drilling mach y 12651 , see thru gauges for use in tank level in y 12651 , recordable dvd verbatim y 12651 , various chemicals for lab potassium dic y 12651 , silver rods for brazing y 12651 , recordable cd verbatim cap 4 7 gb y 12651 , infrared camera fluke 726 precision mul y 12651 , photo luminiscent sticker strip with bla y 12651 , mild steel phoenix platform scales mode y 12651 , lan tester fluke network tester msr ttk y 12651 , ethernet connection with cap rj45 shiel y 12651 , hot air gun with temperature control exc y 12651 , kent supreme plus 2020 11112 zero wa y 12651 , facom chipping hammer set v 321ah pneu y 12651 , floor cleaning machine eureka e51 pr y 12651 , fluke 381 clamp meter with iflex tong y 12651 , s wrap polymer sticks sealing compound y 12651 , s wrap polymer general purpose y 12651 , industrial laser cleaning machine mapis y 12651 , sonic industrial imager to detect gas le y 12651 , valve refacer machine pathak industries y 12651 , frequency generator fluke 789 y 12651 , laptop hp victus intel core i7 13th gen y 12651 , refrigerant analyser cosmos xp 704 ill r y 12651 , electric tricylce mahindra treo zor 10hp y 12651
Tender For tender for supply of plywood commercial 8 ft x 4 ft x 19mm accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood commercial 8ft x 4ft x 12mm accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood commercial 8ft x 4ft x 12mm accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood commercial 8ft x 4ft x 6mm accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 8ft x 4ft x 6mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 8ft x 4ft x 9mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 6ft x 3ft x 12mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 6ft x 3ft x 12mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 7ft x 3ft x 12mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 8ft x 4ft x 12mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 8ft x 4ft x 19mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , plywood 8ft x 4ft x 19mm bwr grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , ply wood one side teak face 8ft x 4ft x 6mm bwp grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , ply wood one side teak face 8ft x 4ft x 6mm bwp grade accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , prelaminated particle board 8ft x 4ft x 9mm mdf accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , prelaminated particle board 8ft x 4ft x 12mm mdf accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , wpc wood polymar composite board 8 ft x 4 ft x 18mm prelaminated one side and white on other side , wpc wood polymar composite board 8 ft x 4 ft x 18mm white colour both side , pvc celuka board 8 ft x 4 ft x18mm thick single side prelaminated rigidlam colour , pvc celuka board 8 ft x4 ft x 18mm thick white colour both side , prelaminated particle board 8ft x 4ft x 19mm mdf accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , prelaminated particle board 8ft x 4ft x 19mm mdf accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , block board commercial 8ft x 4ft x 19mm accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , block board commercial 8ft x 4ft x 19mm accepted brand kitply , archidply , greenply , century , duraply , top of table size 900mmx 600mm shall be 18mm thick made of mdf board exterior grade (grade i , type ii) isi marked action tesa century prowud from century ply green panelmax from green panel , duly post formed with 0.6 mm thick laminate in colour shade as approved by ge with 2 mm thick pvc edging of make rehaus pegasus kynex shall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine complete , top of table dining 06 pers size of 1500mmx900mm shall be 18mm thick made of mdf board exterior grade (grade i , type ii) isi marked (action tesa century prowud from century ply green panelmax from green panel) duly post formed with 0.6 mm thick laminate in colour shade as approved by ge with 2 mm thick pvc edging of make rehaus pegasus kynex shall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine complete , top of peg table size 450mmx 300mm shall be 18mm thick made of mdf board exterior grade (grade i , type ii) isi marked action tesa century prowud from century ply green panelmax from green panel , duly post formed with 0.6 mm thick laminate in colour shade as approved by ge with 2 mm thick pvc edging of make rehaus pegasus kynex shall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine complete , top of table writing size of 1145mmx600mm shall be 18mm thick made of mdf board exterior grade (grade i , type ii) isi marked action tesa century prowud from century ply green panelmax from g
Tender For item rate base for nursery and plants propagation work at khetera, champawat farm of the centre-preparation of field for nursery, first digging- it includes breaking the soil and removing the weeds by hand or hoe/shovel and throwing them out. second digging- it includes breaking the soil and removing the weeds by hand or hoe/shovel and throwing them out. making ridges and furrows with the help of hoe, levelling, preparing beds etc. preparing soil for planting for agronomic experiments, repairing 6-9 inch ridges, collecting seeds, cutting, plucking, drying, cleaning, threshing and packing for collecting seeds from the field, tree species bay leaf, surai, camphor, chandan, timru, bottle gourd etc. herbs artemia, bhukumbar etc. sieving of soil, preparing mixture of manure, sand, soil etc. filling bags, tea, etc. bag filling (pram 8 g 5 pdb), bag filling (pram 11 g) 7 steps, grow bag filling (p.m. 12 x 12 steps), grow bag filling (p.m. 22 x 12 steps), minimum subsidy (p.m. 15.75 x 23.62 steps), minimum subsidy (p.m. 17.72 x 94.5 steps), preparation of seed-planting material, uprooting of rooted slips/plants from beds, packing and loading into vehicle. loading of plants of lemongrass, sitanella, gingergrass, artemia, fevercosa etc., pouch plants, grow bags, sowing, planting and transplanting, preparation of pits (45x45x45 cm), stony soil, good soil, uprooting of plants from nursery and taking them to transplanting site, manure mixing prepare the seed, fill it in the pits and transplant it and irrigate it. rose, sandalwood, bay leaf, timur etc. preparing furrows/line in the field and planting slips/suckers/plants/cuttings which includes putting fertilizer mixture in the field and irrigation. lemongrass, sitanella, gingergrass, khus, damask rose etc. sowing seeds by broadcasting method which includes mixing the seeds with the soil in the field. sowing seeds in a fertile ground, sowing in nursery, preparing nursery bed for preparing saplings size 10 x 1 x 0.15 m. prepare a mixture of fertilizer/pesticide/seeds etc. and sow the seeds 10 x 1 x 0.15 m. a. sowing in lines, sowing by sprinkling, preparing cuttings and planting- making cuttings from the stems of the plants, treating them and planting them in beds/bags/growbags, throwing out the prunings of the bushes and irrigating them. a. mulching after sowing seeds in the field after sowing the seeds, a. using manure and fertilizers for agronomic experiments, bringing cow dung manure/compost manure/oil/sand/grain etc. from any place inside the field station and putting it in the beds and spreading it. a. preparing the mixture of fertilizers in the field and spraying it, irrigation of basins through irrigation pipes, irrigation of basins through 10-litre tank capacity, 10-litre bag irrigation through 10-litre tank capacity, 10-litre grow bag irrigation through 10-litre tank capacity, 10-litre pot irrigation, using manure and fertilizers, spraying fertilizers and ash in the fields- this includes picking up sacks from the store and taking them to the field, preparing the mixture and spraying is included. use of insecticides, agrochemicals (in soil, fertilizers), availability of essential oil and water, etc. it includes making solution of fertilizer, carrying water and spraying through machine. agro chemical fertilizers/insecticides etc., spraying of chemical dust. weeding/cleaning of field, uprooting the weeds from the crop and throwing them out by hand weeding/cleaning of field, in case of less grass, in case of more grass, weeding-weeding by spade/hoe, breaking the weeds, uprooting weeds from the bag and throwing them out by hand uprooting and throwing weeds from the growbag by hand uprooting and throwing weeds from the pot by hand a circle hoing thala (hoe) by hand and making a circle around the plants in 0.50 meter diameter by digging with hoe/hoe deodar, surai, timur, morpankhi, camphor, moringa, bay leaf, damask rose, agarwood, chandan etc. weeds removed from the field and throwing
Tender For corrigendum : retender for supply and installation of equipments for establishment of two integrated centre for diagnostics and treatment for hemoglobinopathies and hemophilia under sbc for the year 2024-25 - walk-in cooler, physiotherapy equipments, hplc (5000 sickle and thalassemia test free), electrolyte analyzer, deep freezer (-40), deep freezer (-20), centrifuge machine, blast freezer/ contact shock freezer, bio chemical anlayzer (5000 tests free), automated coagulometer (3000 tests free all the 17 test parameters), five part analyzer (5000 tests free all the 23 test parameters)
Tender For providing of supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine - supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine , supply and installation of electrophorsis apatos , supply and installation of grajuated cylinder for verious sapecity raning fram 100 cc to 1000 co , supply and installation of whote plate , supply and installation of digigal sklr at list 20 megapixel with micro, mecro, wide , supply and installation of digital perafin dispencing module cold plate holdingmore than 1000 ca , supply and installation of balance chemical with vetus , supply and installation of microscope , supply and installation of processing station (stenless still, with control panel. air filtration syste , supply and installation of three part fully automated sel counter , supply and installation of quaglemter , supply and installation of weight machine adult , supply and installation of seltaras baby weight machin , supply and installation of harpenden calybar , supply and installation of hight machuring stand , supply and installation of smart tv , supply and installation of public address system (2 portable for fild besd activity and one inch r , supply and installation of cloroscope , supply and installation of herijack approtas , supply and installation of muaac tep , supply and installation of bp apretus (digital) , supply and installation of sound level meter , supply and installation of water samplig bottle form any depth , supply and installation of nidle shudder , supply and installation of vekey carrier , supply and installation of cropt water testing kit , supply and installation of treatment kit asper national health program , supply and installation of idone testing kit , supply and installation of glucometer , supply and installation of mayseuto kaching kit , supply and installation of clinical tharmexmeter , supply and installation of fast and kit , supply and installation of autoscope , supply and installation of fast aid banding and spliting kit , supply and installation of basic cpr half body nanikin with monitor , supply and installation of advance infut cpr training modul , supply and installation of advance child cpr training modul , supply and installation of imbriyo model , supply and installation of fetas with vhisera and plesenta , supply and installation of the development process of fetas , supply and installation of female internal and external genital orgon model , supply and installation of gayenology examination model , supply and installation of brist examination model , supply and installation of fertilizan process model , supply and installation of female cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of male cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of adult instra mescular injection modul , supply and installation of adult sub cantiview injection training modul , supply and installation of adult instra venious injection training modul , supply and installation of new bonr baby model , supply and installation of unisex torso 23 part 85 cm , supply and installation of computer system , screw 850 half threded
Tender For supply of solid chemical for container , powr backup relay , wheel for fuel tank cleaning machine , tray for vechile parts washing , pointer staff
Tender For clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation,grass,bushes, wood,trees and saplings of girth up to 30cm by manual means/grass cutting machine/small excavators. providing weed control mat. supply n spraying eco friendly chemical upl sweep
Tender For supply of glass fitted at unit gym size 4 x 8 ft , door back cloth hanging hook , gopi heater rod , garbage waste dustbin 70 ltr , ors mess idly machine motor repair cost , stainless steel tea thermus 2 ltr , coir rectangular shape dooemat , cosco volleyball plus hand pump , cosco volleyball only , pad locks , football , tea coaster , vegetable rack of ors mess , store rack for ts and qm section , hygine and chemical items for units
Tender For procurement of workshop equipment - island bench with labexcel fume hood , industrial chemical resistant stowage containers , industrial fire resistant record cabinet , industrial cupboards for bin storage should accommodate bins with lock , hanging filing system , industrial personal lockers , fire resistant document safe with four shelves , confidential document 4 drawer , electronic fire resistant safire locker , cd dvd sdrive portable safe , industrial material storage bin t , industrial material storage bin m , industrial material storage bin t big , drum spill pallet , four drum spill pallet , spill pallet ramp polyethylene spill control , industrial trolley , heavy duty trolley , battery operated pallet truck , electronic weighing machine , heavy duty industrial assembly workbench , portable pipe cutting machine , 1 5t capacity fully electric stackers , semi electric drum stacker cum tilter , industrial vaccum cleaner , industrial walk behind battery operated scrubber , industrial walk behind battery operated sweeper , industrial walk behind manual micro scrubber