Tender For corrigendum : swas - primary racks(with ibr certified isolation valves and ibr certified ss316h cooler coils)(isolation valve shall be with the plug & spindle should be single piece & of non-rotating type. the plug should be guided throughout its travel), wet panel - open type with canopy, dry panel, chiller unit - 2x100% redundant - min. 5 tr rating (with 25% extra capacity), conductivity(specific, cation) analyser - single channel, conductivity(specific) analyser for hotwell - single channel, ph transmitter- single channel, ph sensors, dissolved oxygen analyser transmitter- single channel, dissolved oxygen analyser sensor with electrolyte filling solution, sodium analyser (multi channel- 6 channel including spare channel), silica analyser (multi channel- 6 channel including spare channel), hydrazine analyser - single channel, degassed cation conductivity analyser, orp analyser transmitter - single channel, orp analyser sensor, free residual chlorine analyser - single channel, chloride analyser- single channel, loose supply items as per annexure-a, mandatory spares as per annexure- b, commissioning spares- reagents /calibrators/standard solutions as required for commissioning & handing over of system to owner, erection supervision and commissioning of swas at each 800 mw unit, price for one line of high pressure & high temp. - primary & secondary cooling to be considered along with other instruments as per p&id applicable for the project. (optional item for ordering), price for one line of low pressure & low temp. - secondary cooling to be considered along with other instruments as per p&id applicable for the project. (optional item for ordering), freight charges for complete scope of supply for each 800 mw unit upto respective project site
Tender For tggenco-chemicals-procurement of 5.6mt hydrazine hydrate(as per is:12086:2020) required for various thermal power stations of tggenco for the year 2025-26
Tender For supply of sucrose , cleri gel , 6-bap , iba , a-naphthaleneacetic acid bracket naa bracket , l-ascorbic acid , phloroglucinol , kinetin , thidiazuron bracket tdz bracket , murashige and skoog macroelements , murashige and skoog plant salt mixture , woody plant medium , autoclave tape , bluple nitrile examination gloves, medium size , marcuric chloride , 2-propanol, hi-lr , surgical blade bracket twelve number bracket , surgical blade bracket eleven number bracket , forcep pointed bracket eight inch bracket , freeze tag , syringe-driven filters size zero point twenty two , agar , wash bottle , para film , buffer capsule ph four point zero , buffer capsule ph seven point zero , buffer capsule ph nine point zero , stainless steel scalpel holder number four , dimethyl sulphoxide bracket dmso bracket , acetone for synthesis , methanol for synthesis , thiobarbituric acid ar , trichloro acetic acid ar slash acs , two comma four comma six tri bracket two pyridyl bracket one comma three comma five triazine ar , perchloric acid twenty percent , folin and ciocalteu s phenol reagent ar , sodium carbonate bracket anhydrous bracket ar , gibberellic acid bracket ga3 bracket , indole three butyric acid bracket iba bracket , one naphthalene acetic acid , acetic acid, glacial , sulphuric acid ar , ethanol ultra pure ninety nine point ninety nine percent , petroleum ether ar , two comma six di tert four methyl phenol bracket see butylated hydroxy toluene bracket , acetic acid , sulphosalicylic acid ar , orthophosphoric acid , ninhydrin , two comma four dinitro phenyl hydrazine ar , thiourea ar , potassium dihydrogen phosphate , di-potassium hydrogen phosphate , ascorbic acid , glutathione oxidized , five comma five dithio bis extra pure , tris bracket hydroxy methyl bracket amino methane