Tender For refurbishment repair replacement of components of spillway radial gates 1 2 3 for its max opening as per design up to 12m including fabrication installation painting testing and commissioning
Tender For "restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring& management of works of spillway gates and offtake gates of chagallu barragein ananthapuramu district."
Tender For restoration of de-icing system of spillway radial gates 1 and 2 and trash rack by way of repairing and servicing at dam of nimoo bazgo power station, nhpc limited, alchi (ladakh).
Tender For strengthening of flood banks on top of mylavaram reservoir spillway gates in between ch. 740.84 mts to 1037.84 mts of mylavaram reservoir located at mylavaram (v & m) of ysr kadapa district.