Tender For first year maintenance of plantation bamboo plantaiton - (pit method) pit size 0.60m3 -400 pits) (including maintenance & raising of seedlings 8x12 size 40(casuality)) patte of konaje rf at subrhmanya range.
Tender For mainteance of one year of plantation raised during 2024-25) (400 pits/8x12)bamboo plantation (bandri rf) at garaga sy no. 1 block-ii (25ha) (under kmerc) in hospet range during-2025-26 (unit no -55)
Tender For mainteance of one year of plantation raised during 2024-25) (400 pits/8x12)bamboo plantation (bandri rf) at garaga sy no. 1 block-i (25ha) (under kmerc) in hospet range during-2025-26 (unit no -54)
Tender For mainteance of one year of plantation raised during 2024-25) (400 pits/ 8x12) bamboo plantation (shivapura rf) at hosakere sy no.1004 block-i, (25 ha) (under kmerc) in hospet range during-2025-26 (unit no -88)
Tender For mainteance of one year of plantation raised during 2024-25) (400 pits/ 8x12) bamboo plantation (shivapura rf) at hosakere sy no.1004 block-ii, (25 ha) (under kmerc) in hospet range during-2025-26 (unit no -89)
Tender For corrigendum : estimate for raising of mansoon planation, high density bamboo plantation at govt./panchayat/community/land including waste lands, srinivasapur village, kasaba gomala, beat block-1 sy no.87,88 in srinivasapur range during 2024-25 (25ha)
Tender For corrigendum : estimate for raising of mansoon planation, high density bamboo plantation at govt./panchayat/community/land including waste lands, srinivasapur village, kasaba gomala, beat block-2 sy no.88,89 in srinivasapur range during 2024-25 (25ha)
Tender For corrigendum : estimate for raising of mansoon planation, high density bamboo plantation at govt./panchayat/community/land including waste lands, srinivasapur village, kasaba gomala, beat block-3 sy no.108 in srinivasapur range during 2024-25 (25ha)