Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservice for soil investigation arch structural dwgs for the work constrcution of static rocket test centre srtc at arde
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservices for architectural structural design drawings for provison of urp based magazine of two bays size each 14m x 14 m with nec 25t each hd 13 at hemrl pune
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservices for soil investigation architectural structural design drawings for provision of deficient 16 unit md accn for student offrs major above at milit girinagar pune
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultancyservices for soil investigation arch structural dwgs for provision of sports complex with two indoor wooden floor badminton courts and one indoor wooden floor basket ball court with allied accessori..
Tender For construction of quarter guard g 1 at bn hq sepenjuri under shq bsf panisagar. sh consultancyservices soil investigation, preparation of detailed estimate, preparation of structural and working drawings and 3 d views as per the approved layout
Tender For consultancyservices for condition survey and structural strength of building no p-14, p-20, p-1(officers md aacn), p-31, p-6, p-1 (pum house) and p-50 at ins agrani coimbatore
Tender For providing architectural, and structural consultancyservices for the work namely construction of new degree college at gdc ghagwal including ( design of b/wall, master plan, culvert design etc). (3rd call)
Tender For appointment of pmc for providing architecturalconsultancyservices for the western ghat integrated religious, historical, eco -tourism circuit plan - construction of additional works under koyna helwak forest zone tal.patan. dist.satara.