Tender For design, supply, construction and installation of husk shed, boundary wall, aspiration dust collection system and ash tower boundary wall along with roof sheeting and other allied works for tncsc mrm at sitharkadu mayiladuthurai region.
Tender For corrigendum : infrastructure development for collection of dry fly ash from three pulverized coal fired boilers and utilization of fly ash through operating the system on boot mode
Tender For ttps ?? mech.ii ?? ahp - unit 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 esp - operation and maintenance of pdfac system and wet sluice system including materials for the collection of 58,000 mt fly ash in unit-i to v from the date of handing over of sitenote: prospective bidders may get the specification free of cost by down loading from tangedco :www.tangedco.gov.intn govt. :www.tender.tn.gov.innic:http://www.tntenders.gov.in/nicgep/app
Tender For ttps mech ii ahp unit 1 2 3 4 5 esp operation and maintenance of pdfac system and wet sluice system including materials for the collection of 58000 mt fly ash in unit i to v from the date of handing over of site