Tender For replacement of faulty components in the existing addressable type automaticfiredetection and alarm panel for the proposed cnoc at te panampilly nagar
Tender For bid to ras supply of smart rack with 42u rack, cooling, access control,utm security firewall,24 port layer 3 managed core switch,48 port layer 2 managed access switch,24 port layer 2 managed access switch,10g sfp module same oem or should be compatible of quoted model,wi-fi 6 indoor access point,6 core sm armoured fiber optic cable per mtr,6 port sm fully loaded liu,sm fiber patch cord 2 mtr.,cat6 utp cable box 305 mtr,cat6 24 port fully loaded patch panel,cat6 information outlet with base and face plate,12u rack wall mount with pdu and fan,cat6 patch cord 0.5 mtr.,cat6 patch cord 3 mtr.,sitc with required accessories casing caping pvc or raceway or digging work or splicing or hdpe punching etc,smart rack with 42u rack, cooling, access control, monitoring and management, firedetection, rodent repellent, flooring,utm security firewall,24 port layer 2 managed access switch,cat6 utp cable box 305 mtr,cat6 24 port fully loaded patch panel,cat6 information outlet with base and face plate,12u rack wall mount with pdu and fan,cat6 patc
Tender For renovation/alterations of e i and fans, computer wiring, lan work and main electrical panel at old pmg building, ashram road, ahmedabad. (sh firedetection and alarm system)
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras supply of watch tower , sitc of prefab security post of size 10x12x10ft with control panel and including wpn storage safe for pers wpn , sitc of all-weather proof 24x7 operated vehicle inspection area of size 50 x 50 x25ft having infra red cameras for capturing number plate and video recording of inspection procedure. , sitc of boom barrier self operated remote controlled with span up to 25 ft , sitc of motorised ms gate heavy duty of size 29 ft x 14 ft , full height turnstile single lane , sitc of spike busters 50 tons approved capacity , day and night ptz camera vision sensor base motion detection camera with 180 tilt and span and 50 meter hd zoom alongwith nvr and cables amplifiers, and supporting software , anprc night and day hd camera with software connected through data cable trenches in m20 grade to conceal them ug with ik 10 test load casing , two way camera with storage having 180 degree tilt and span with zoom , visitor management system with software and work station , application supporting software for security related equipment , infra structure for control room , cabling conduits, boosters, amplifier, ups and other security related accessories each , sitc of fire fighting water storage 70 percentage bff and 30 percentage aff for fire fighting with high pressure water gun , plc based controlled ip 65 fixture with range of 200 meters , allied civil work and electric works for installation of security related equipment bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5780778 dated/ + : 10-01-2025 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 20
Tender For supply of firedetection work and passive fire protection work - fda panel addressable , armoured cable 1 , flexible cable , pvc rigid conduit , flexible conduit , multi sensor detector , heat detector , sounder cum strobe , manual call point , control module , isolator module , monitor module , response indicator , pa console with 250 w amplifier , pa speaker 3w and 6w , armoured cable 2 , talk back master panel 8 zone , talk back handset , talk back telephone jack , armoured cable 3 , frame and shutter , frame and shutter lead lined , hinges , door closure , vision panel wired glass , panic bar with trim for 900 mm door , panic bar with trim for 1000 mm door , panic bar with trim for 1200 mm door , panic bar with trim for 1500 mm door , panic bar with trim for 1800 mm door , panic bar with trim for 2000 mm door , door handle with latch , installation signle leaf door normal door , installation double leaf door normal door , installation signle leaf door lead lined door , installation double leaf door lead lined door , duct sealing with fire resistant material , emergency light led , signages floor plan 12inch x 18inch , signages exit with arrow , signages floor no 4inch x 8inch , signages in case of fire 10inch x 12inch , signages fire hydrant 8inch x 8inch , signages fire hose reel 8inch x 8inch , signages assembly point 16inch x 16inch , signages mcp 6inch x 6inch , signages talk back 6inch x 6inch , cleam agent suppression system , gas leak detector , control panel , armoured cable 4 , hooter , civil work , modular fire extinguisher , liasoning
Tender For supply and installation of aerosol based firedetection and suppression system cartridges ( 100gm+100gm), total 02 pieces (1 set means 02nos. of 100gm aerosol based firedetection and suppress ion system cartridges with all accessories) for each lhb ac coach. detailed technical specification as per t he annexure- g1 of rdso specification no. rdso/pe/spec/ac/0192-2018(rev.1). the mounting arrangeme nt shall be suitable for installation in switch board cabinet (electrical panel) installed on railway passenger coach (non passenger area) with necessary accessories required for installation of this item shall be with t he scope of supplier (total 447 sets i.e. 2x447= 894nos. of 100gm aerosol based firedetection and suppr ession system cartridges along with allaccessories has to be supplied and fixed in 447 nos. of lhb ac coac hes) makes: makes which have been enlisted in the bill of material for fire suppression cartridge vide rds o letter no. el/7.1.108/mssbc dated 17.09.2021 to till tender opening date. note: location of installation of aerosol fire cartridge in the sbc shall be as per drawing mentioned in the rdso letter no. el/7.1.108/sbc/m ain dt. 07.01.2022. note-test report & warranty certificates to be submitted along with supply. make :- pyr ogen firepro, statx ,dspa bv, and hafex model no. exa -1 for 100+100 gms aerosol. [ warranty peri od: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For extension of automaticfiredetection system from main control panel to ntr room and s/f of fire extinguisher at p d nagar te under ba kanpur, up(e).
Tender For supply & installation of aerosol firedetection and suppression system cartrid ge 100 gm in underslung panel of lhb non-ac coach in line with technical parameters and ap proved makes as per rdso specification no. rdso/pe/spec/ac/0184-2015 (rev.1) this shall be ins talled in underslung panel of various type of lhb non-ac coach all necessary modification clamping arrangement and accessories required for installation of this item shall be with the scope of this supplier eligibility criteria. 1) rdso approved make for aerosol firedetection and suppression system oem (vizfirepro/statx/pyrogen/hafex/dspa bv ) and their a uthorized dealer shall only be considered . 2) rdso approved source for sbc with aerosol firedetection and suppression system shall also be considered. [ warranty period: 30 month s after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply and installation of aerosol firedetection and suppression system cartridge 10/20 gra m total one piece asper the technical required specified in annexure -g1 of rdso specn . rdso/pe/spec/a c/0192-2018 (rev.1). this shall be installed in the already available end wall panel for icf sg non-ac coach es . all necessary modification clamping arrangement and accessories required for installation of thisitem s hall be with the scope of this supplier eligibility criteria rdso approved makes for aerosol firedetection & s uppression system-oem and their authorized dealer shall only be considered. note- location of installation of aerosol fire cartridge of icf sg non-ac coaches shall be as per drawing mentioned in the rdso letter no - el/7.1.108/mssbc/main dtd.-17/07/2023 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]