Tender For special repair to qtr no 544,545,546,548,549 and 550 at ph ii of 313 coy asc( sup) type f and provn of chain link fence along unit bdy at 261 cedu under ge narangi
Tender For special repair to building no. p-03 at nlp, special repair to building no. t-11, t-17, t-25, t-5/1, t-5/2 at nlp, special repair to chain link fencing to security fence approx 100 mtr around building no. t-14 at nlp and special repair to bathroom block
Tender For provn of chain link fencing baghpat road constn of security gate and sentry post at gharaya chowk, addn/altn to building p-9, provn of toilet block, offrs mess wall, special repair to building e-135, existing broken boundary fence under ge (south) meerut cantt