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Bidi Leaf Tenders

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CTN :39027995 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of flowering plants at hpmdi and hptti - salvia , torinia , marigold , zenia , petunia , dianthus , geranium , balsum , balsam all season , bigonia , red crinum lily , duranta purple , areca palm tree 4 , crotan petra , areliya , drecina mahatma , song of india , miniature ixora , cana variegated red , singoniam , hibiscus not hybrid , musanda red or pink or wh , plumbago , tagar mini , tecoma gaudichaudi , tecoma capensis , wedelia trilobata y , abelia variegated , zebrina purple , murraya exotica or pani , stachyterphata all , jatropha , hemelia patens , hydrengeas 2 colou , pampas grass red , poinsettia , gerbera potted , red crinum lily larg , diffenbachia , diffenbachia verigat , aglaonema , jade , bamboo golden , senseveria , alocasia , monstera , zamia , heiconia , heiconia psittacorum , heiconia rostrata , russelia , acalypha hispidia , alstonia scholaris , tabebuaia rosea pin , jacaranda mimosifoli , lawn grass - taiwan , lawn grass - america , lawn grass - selection , mango tree 4 or 5 ft , guava tree 4 or 5 ft , pomegranate tree 4 or 5 , custard apple tree 4 , banana tree 4 or 5 ft , papayatree 4or 5 ft , amla tree , anjir tree , pandanus , ashoka tree , carissa carandas , mulberry fruit plant , coleus , rose , delia , bougainville , star jasmine , madhumalti , flame vine sankrant creeper , morning glory , allamanda , curtain creeper , passion flower , rakhi bel , climbing rose , clematis creeper , bleeding heart , jai plant , coxince thumbraja , aparajita gokarn vel mix colour , carmona , dap , thimet , urea , stermil , folidust powder , organic manure , npk 19 19 19 , roger , roundup , soil
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