Tender For corrigendum : supply installation and commissioning of fire fighting equipment for109 tpd capacity material recovery facility mrf in city corporation belagavi - supply of fire fighting pump city, jockey pump & diesel fire fighting pump corporation belagavi, supply of fire alarm system city corporation belagavi, supply of fire hose-30m city corporation belagavi, supply of fire hydrant system and pipes city corporation belagavi, supply of fire bucket city coroporation belagavisupply of fire bucket city corporation belagavi, supply of fire extinguisher city corporation belagavi
Tender For corrigendum : supply of prmm245170 - schedule - 1 - gear pump with diesel engine , prmm245170 - schedule - 2 - gear pump with electric motor
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - pdm3v24350 scheduled maintenance overhauling of ms greaves cotton make diesel engines installed with fire water pump at dcu rrls and cpp unit of paradip refinery iocl odisha
Tender For maintenance to various roads under shahdara road division (m211) during 2024-25. (sh - desilting of drains, supplying-running of diesel generator set on hire basis, operation-maintenance of permanent pump houses and comprehensive maintenance of sub .......-2114.
Tender For maintenance to various roads under shahdara road division (m211) during 2024-25. (sh - desilting of drains, supplying-running of diesel generator set on hire basis, operation-maintenance of permanent pump houses and comp. maint. of sub station and dg under sd-1,2
Tender For work contract for necessary measures for fugitive ash suppression i.e deployment of 15 hp mono block diesel pump in lagoon ii of ash pond of 2x660 mw stage ii, sstpp mppgcl, dongalia.
Tender For corrigendum : installation of diesel generator set for immols server, hawk fss and motorised high pressure pump for fitting cft at af station kalaikunda
Tender For servicing, testing and commissioning of 3 no. diesel engines and dismantling, servicing, testing and commissioning of diesel engine driven hydrant, spray and booster spray pumps, motor driven booster spray pump including providing and erection of deluge valves of bcn - 36 conveyor of unit - 3 fire protection system at btps
Tender For supply installation testing and commissioning of 125 kva rating silent diesel generator set complete with its accessories at rana pratap bagh and bp block pitampura pump house under kpz
Tender For corrigendum : supply of repair oblic work is required for maruti gypsy veh ba no 02b084662p at det ep 1125 fma jaisalmer , m and l for parts of veh to be replaced , distilled water for bty , gear oil 80w90 make mobil , engine oil 05w30 approx 3 and half ltr make mobil , oil filter , wheel bearing as reqd , coolant , grease , diesel filter pump with fuel pump , hub packing kit , clutch plate , leather break shoes , maintenance and labour work required , transmission oil changing , engine oil changing , greasing of wheel and hub , servicing of vehicle oblic cleaning oblic polishing , fixing of clutch plate of clutch , connection of head light oblic fog light oblic tank meter , auto wiring