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Bone Clamp Tenders

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CTN :39129066 Due date: 19 Feb, 202519 Feb, 2025 2.45 Lacs
Tender For supply of airway long transparent oropharyngeal set consisting of size 0 1 2 3 4 , laryngoscope cell 1 point 5 v pencil cell , lighted intubation stylet small medium large , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 3 point 5 with out cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 5 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 7 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 9 with cuff , silicon foleys catheter 2 way 16fr ballon capacity of 30 to 50ml , knife bard parker blade size 1 fitting commercial no 10 packet of 6 , knife bard parker blade size 2 fitting commercial no 20 packet of 6 , adhesive plaster tape 3 inches box of 6 microfoam , adhesive plaster tape 4 inches box of 6 microfoam , adhesive plaster microporous tape 2 inches box of 12 hypoellergenic highly breathable , adhesive plaster micro porous tape 3 inches box of 12 , monofilament polyglyconate synthetic absorbable suture size 2 oblique 0 70 to 75 cm half circle taper cutting 20 to 30 mm , monofilament polyglmonofilament polyglyconate synthetic absorbable suture size 3 oblique 0 70 to 75 cm half circle taper cutting 20 to 30 mm , polydioxanone size 3 oblique 0 70 75 cms half circle rb 20 25 cms , polypropylene blue monofilment 70 to75 cm size 4 oblique 0 half circle reserve cutting 13mm double needle , polypropylene blue monofilament 70 to 75 cms size 2 oblique 0 3 oblique 8 circle reverse cutting 12 mm. , silk braided size 2 oblique 0 70 to 76 cm rb 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45mm , silk braided size 3 oblique 0 70 to 76 cm cutting 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45mm , synthetic absorabable polyggalactin 910 polyglycolic acid coated with polycarproplate size 1 oblique 0 70 to 90 cm half circle rb 20 to 25 mm , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 8 f with red flexible connector for nasogastric feeding , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 5 f with red flexible connector for nasogastric feeding , urinary leg bag 540ml

CTN :39129156 Due date: 19 Feb, 202519 Feb, 2025 3.20 Lacs
Tender For supply of apparatus anaesthetic face mask with air cushion transparent size 3 adult with valve , catheter suction endobronchial with terminal transparent non toxic pvc tubing size fg 10 length 45 cm , combined epidural or spinal sets , ecg electrodes disposable , supraglottic device with non inflatable cuff and gastric drain port size 1 1 point 5 2 and 2 point 5 , supraglottic device with non inflatable cuff and gastric drain port size 3 4 and 5 , needle spinal anaesthesia with luer lock fitting with styllet 25g , operating pack containing sheet large 3 trolley cover 2 surgeon gown 4 , pressure monitoring line 100cm or 200cm male or female , three way stop cock plastic , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 3 with out cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 4 with out cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size 5 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size 6 with cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size6 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size 7 with cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size 8 with cuff , tube endo tracheal nasal size 8 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 4 point 5 with out cuff , tube endo tracheal re-inforced pvc size 5 point 0 with cuff , tube endo trachel reinforced pvc 6 point 0 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 6 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 7 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 8 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 8 point 5 with cuff , airway guedel all rubber or pvc all sizes infant paediatric and adult , knife bard parker blade size 1 fitting commercial no 11 , suction drain , adhesive plaster micro porous tape 1 inch box of 12 , bandage open wove uncompressed 6 cm x 4 metres , bandage open wove uncompressed 10 cm x 4 metres , bandage t shaped , dressing wound care dressing 10cm x 10cm box of 5 , dressing post op medicated 6 x 7cm pack of 100 dressings , dressing sterile 4 inch x 4 inch box of 5 , suspensory scrotal , surgeons caps disposable , polydioxanone size 1 90 cms 1 oblique 2 circle needle 40 45 mm , polipropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cm size 3 oblique 0 1 oblique 2 circle taper cut 25 mm double needle , silk braided size 0 70 76 cm reverse cutting 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45 mm , skin stapler with 35 oblique 55 stainless staples , naso gastric tube adult 100 cm long 16g , naso gastric tube adult 100 cm long 18g , sterile post op dressing pack large , sterile post op dressing pack small , sterile post op dressing pack mini , under water seal drainage with trocar , urine collecting bag with volume meter , bone wax box of 12 , suction cannula 10 fr lenght 18cm , collagen sheet 2 inch x 3 inch , push back hernia support bid details/ 2 / 45

CTN :39130906 Due date: 18 Feb, 202518 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of cord clamp for new born , inj lignocaine 2 parcentage without preservative for iv use comma 50 ml vial , mephentermine 30mg inj , phenytoin sodium 100mg oblik ml comma vial comma inj , phenylephrine 500mg oblik ml inj , battery for glucometer , biological indictor for steam sterlization process , bowie dick packs for steam sterilisation process , central line comma double lumen 4 oblik 4 point 5fg , chemical indicator strips class vi for steam sterilisation process box of 250 strips , suction tubing with yankuer tip , disposable gown wrap around reinforced with 2 hand wipes large size , extension line with 3 way stop cock 100 cm , extension line with 3 way stop cock 50 cm , hme filter adult , stimuplex needle a 25 with 30 bevel comma needle size 0 point 55 x 25mm 24g x 1 inch , leadercath 18fg with introducer needle comma guidewire comma cathetar 18fg , leg u drape , multi rate ambulatory infusor set lv 5 oblik 7 oblik 12 ml oblik hr comma baxter , neodisher instrument cleaner , nitinol hydrophilic guide wire 140 180 cm length 0 point 035 terumo like , nrb mask , micro optic gloves powder free size 6 point 5 , micro optic gloves powder free size 7 , micro optic gloves powder free size 7 point 5 , nebulisation chamber , umbellical venous catheter 3 point 5 fr , umbellical venous catheter 5 fr , dispo half apron impermeable , hiv kit disposable containing disposable head cover point cap 01 comma , closed wound suction set size 10fg romovac drain , closed wound suction set size 14fg romovac , closed wound suction set size 16fg romovac drain , closed wound suction set size 18fg romovac drain , closed wound suction set size 8fg romovac drain , mersilk 3 oblik 0 cutting 25mm , mersilk atraumatic size 1 reverse cutting needle 1 oblik 2 circle 30 40 mm , polypropylene blue monofilament 70 100 cm size 2 oblik 0 comma , suture polyamide monofilament size , synthetic absorbable polyglactin 90 oblik polyglycolic , suction cathetor size 10 fr , cautery pencil long lead , fogarty arterial embolectomy cath s 04 fg , reloadable linear cutter 55 60 mm x 1 with 12 green reloads of the same company , reloadable linear cutter 75 80 mm x 1 with 12 green reloads , sterile marking pen with scale , surgical fibrillar size 1x2 comma pkt of 10 , surgical fibrillar size 4x4 comma pkt of 10 , polyster composite mesh with absorbable collagen baner parietex composit mesh 15x15 , abdominal drain kit 20fg , abdominal drain kit s 28 fg , abdominal drain kit s 24 fg , central line triple lumen 7 oblik 7 point 5 fg , nitrous gas , cylinder co2 gas for bid details/ 2 / 45

State Government

CTN :39089212 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 187
Tender For tender for supply and installation laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test basis to at bmcri super speciality hospital(cprt) - hivrapidcardtest, nmo nmog antibodies ( csf ), nmo nmog antibodies ( serum ), para neoplastic profile ( csf ), para neoplastic profile ( serum ), auto immune encephalytic profile, myiasthesnia gravis workup, wilsons disease workup, peripheral smear for acanthocytes, apla profile igm, apla profile igg, anti thrombin 3 leiden, gram stain test, pap smear, platelet count test, indirect coombs test, direct coombs test, aec ( absolute eosinophil count ), pcv, bile salt and bile pigments in urine, fnac, biopsy hpe 4, biopsy hpe 3, biopsy hpe 2, biopsy hpe 1, serun procalcitonin, serum cholinestrace, serum ldh, brucella antibody igm, brucella antibody igg and igm, brucella antibody igg, aspergillus antibody igm serum, aspergillus antibody igg serum, aspergillus antibodies panel igg and igm serum, chikkangunya igm, dengue profile ( igg , igm , nsi ), serum digoxin level, helicobacter pylori panel igg and igm, helicobacter pylori igm, helicobacter pylori igg, koh for fungus ( sputum , blood and others ), pneumocystis carinii stain -sputum, pneumocystis carinii stain -fluid, montoux test, perpheral smear for malaria, automated semon analysis, serum complement(c4), serum complement(c3), sputum for culture and sensitivity, sputum afb smear, sputum analysis for cytology and malignant cell, toxoplasma antibodies panel igm, toxoplasma antibodies panel-igg, toxoplasma antibodies panel-igg and igm, serum copper test, vdrl, vidal test ( solmonella typhe o , h paratype ah & bh ), urine urobilinogen test, urine microalbumin-creatinine ratio (mcr ), urine for fungal hyphe, urine ketone bodies test, upt(urine pregnacy test), stool occult blood , stool for hanging drop preparation, stool for culture sensitivity, stool for afb stain, bile duct stent for culture and sensitivity, catheter tip for culture and sensitivity, cvp tip for culture and sensitivity, endotracheal aspirate (et) for culture and sensitivity, csf analysis, pericardial fluid analysis, pleural fluid analysis, asctic fluid analysis, afb smear (zn stain), serum phenobarbitone, serum sodium valproic acid test, serum phenotoin, serum cbz ( carbamezapine ), urine culture sensitivity, automated blood & sterile body fluid culture & sensitivity, blood culture and sensitivity ( automated ), estradiol, serum testostirone test, progesterone, c-peptide, pth (serum - parathyroid hormone), cartisol, prolactin test, fsh test, lh test, cea ( carcino embrionic antigen ), cancer antigen 15.3, cancer antigen 19.9, cancer antigen 125, beta-hcg, alpha pheta protein, anti-parietal cell antibody, amh test test, anti ccp antibodies, achr binding antibody ( acytile colin receptor ), urine protein (micro protein) 24 hr, urinary 5 hiaa urinary vma 24 hr, urinary vma 24 hr, urine osmolality, serum osmolality, serum ace ( angiotensine converting enzyme ), urine bencesjohns protein, urine homocystine, serum homocystine, urine routine ( ph , specific gravity , sugar protein and microscope ), portein s functional, protein c functional, ama ( anti mitochondrial antibody ), anca ( panca , canca ), anti ds dna antibody, serum electrophoresis test, anti ds dna, aslo titre, ana, hcv core antibody, hepatitis e antigen, hepatitis e igb, hepatitis a igm, cd4/cd8 ratio, hiv 1 and 2 wetern blot, hcv rapid cord test, hcv elisa cpr, hbsag rapid card test, hbsag elisa cpr, hiv elisa cpr, ada profile, ana profile (anti neuclear anti body), ra factor, c - reactive protein (crp) quantitative, nt probnp, d dimer test, prostate specific antigen ( psa ) free, prostate specific antigen ( psa ) total, anti tpo antibodies, free t4, free t3, tsh test, total t3 and t4, tft ( t3 , t4 , tsh ), serum thyroid profile, serum procalcitonin, cpk mb / ckmp, serum troponin i ( quantitative ), serumtroponin t ( quantitative ), serum troponin i ( qualitative ), serum troponin t ( qualitative ), serum lact

State Government

CTN :38956660 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 204
Tender For corrigendum : supply of dressing and other items to the associated hospitals of mmc and ri mysuru - cvc catheters adult double lumen kit 7fr, bed pan (steel), band aid handy plaster(round), elastic adhesive plaster 6 inch/topo plast , ez io needle , madgic automizer , reinforced epidural set, silicon rendell baker 1, silicon rendell baker 2, silicon rendell baker 3, lma proseal with introducer reusable 3, lma proseal with introducer reusable 2.5, lma proseal with introducer reusable 2, lma proseal with introducer reusable 1.5, lma proseal with introducer reusable 1, ivory pvc north polar preformed nasal tube profile soft seal 7.5, ivory pvc north polar preformed nasal tube profile soft seal 7, ivory pvc north polar preformed nasal tube profile soft seal 6 .5, ivory pvc north polar preformed nasal tube profile soft seal 6 , medicated, non - fraying ,tulle gras paraffin gauze dressing with leno weave technology containing chlorhexidine acetate (0.5%) which is a broad spectrum antiseptic active against gram positive & gram negative bacteria and which gives a soothing effect and protection to the wound. size- 15 x 10 cm, non - fraying ,tulle gras paraffin gauze dressing with leno weave technology which gives a soothing effect and protection to the wound. size- 15 x 20 cm, disposable draw sheet, disposable babay diapers , biological indicator(stream), gluco meter , i.c.d tube no. 30, double jar suction apparatus, mucusextract , guide wire 0.032 x 150 cm, tyvek reel 200mm x 70mtr ty 7570, tyvek reel 150mm x 70mtr ty 7570, b p blades for single use sterile individually packed .sizes 23, b p blades for single use sterile individually packed .sizes 15, b p blades for single use sterile individually packed .sizes 24, epidural needle with cathater set 14g, 16g , urine collection bag, examination gloves, small (1 x 100 packs), sterile non reusable disposable syringe with hypodermic needle 1ml, sterile disposable i v canula with injection port sizes , 22 g, sterile disposable i v canula with injection port sizes , 24 g, sterile disposable i v canula with injection port sizes , 18 g, urine pregnency test kit, umblical venous catheter 4, umblical venous catheter 3.5, sterile non reusable disposable syringe with hypodermic needle 20ml, 18g, nasal prongs size 1(neonatal), nasal prongs size 1(adult), nasal prongs size 0(neonatal), nasal prongs size 00(neonatal), micro slides (100 in one box subject to approval from dept of pathalogy boxes, j r circuit, formalin 40% 30 ltr can (formaldehyde) for ot, flowmeter for b type cylinder, easy fix (iv plaster) paediatric, autoclave tape 18mm x 50mtrs, boeie dick strip, pack indentification tape 24mm, pack indentification tape 18mm, skin marker , flexometallic tube 7 & 7.5, glycine irrigation ip 3 ltr (polycarbon bottle), spinal drape, craniatomy drape , knee surgery kit, c-arm drape, c-arm covers , spinal needle 23g (bd company), spinal needle quinkee 27 g, spinal needle quinkee 26 g, arterial line transfer set , u drapes with mayo table cover, hip o drape with disocation bag, tyvek reel 400mm x 70mtr ty 7570, tyvek reel 350mm x 70mtr ty 7570, tyvek reel 300mm x 70mtr ty 7570, tyvek reel 250mm x 70mtr ty 7570, cotton crape bandage 10cm x 4 meter , bandage cloth indivually packed 20mtrs length 1mtr width asper d&c act schedule f ii , absorbent cotton roll 500gms net wt ip , an absorbent, low adherent post operative dressing with adhesive coated backing material (6cm x 8.3cm) , silicon gel sheet 12cm x 6cm , low adherent wound dressing (20cm x 10cm) , non-adhesive hydrocellular foam dressing 10cm x 10cm , non-adhesive hydrocellular foam silvedressing 20cm x 20cm , purilon gel , silicone gel adhesive hydrocellular foam silver dressing 17.5 x 17.5cm , streile medicated collagen sheets film dressing impregnated with silver sulphadiazine usp 1 percent w/w as a sustain relase system size 10cm x 20 cm, streile medicated collagen sheets film dressing impregnated with silver sulphadiazine usp 1 percent

CTN :38533165 Due date: 28 Jan, 202528 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras supply of non compliant ptca balloon cathter low tip entry profile 0 point 016 inch multilayered polymide tri fold balloon design rbp 20 atm , 0 point 014 inch one piece core wire with jointless spring coil with sion tech having composite core with actone inside length 12 cm with tip load 0 point 8 gm 180 cm length tip radiopacity 3 cm , 0 point 014 inch one piece core wire with jointless spring coil with sion tech having composite core with actone inside length 8 point 5cm with tip load 0 point 5 gf 180cm length tip radiopacity 3cm , ptca coronary guide wire dual core direct joint technology nitinol alloy core hydrophilic coating tip load 0 point 6 gf wire length 180cm radiopacity 3 cm , sirolimus elluting bio reabsorbabale brs of plla backbone bio reabsorbabale polymer pdlla strut thickness of 100 micron hybrid cell design with tri axial ro markers , biodegrabable polymer coated cobalt chromium sirolimus drug eluting stent with 60 micro m strut thickness , everolimus eluting cobalt chromium thin strut drug eluting coronary stent assorted size , everolimus drug elluting stent of 50 micron strut thickness with biodegradable polymer hybrid cell design close cell at proximal and distalend open cell in between , biodegradable polymer coated cobalt chromium sirolimus drug eluting stent system with laser cut seamless tubing in serpentine pattern with 65 microns struct thickness , rapid exchange semi compliant balloon with slider hydro from tip to adjacent guidewire port external surface eel coating for guidewire lumen assorted sizes , semi compliant ptca balloon catheter with hydrophilic coating with low profile design size assorted sizes bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5644290 dated/* : 10-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 15

CTN :39069700 Due date: 14 Feb, 202514 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of gaia coronary wire , slip coat coronary guide wire sion blue , radial sheath asoorted sizes , radial angiography catheter asoorted sizes , runthrough coronary guide wire , hyperion guiding catheter with tertiary curve , triple fold nc coroanry balloon dilatation catheter , trans radial guiding catheter with full wall technology , streilized lead free radiation protection sheet for interventional procedures radpa , patient transfer device transferlife 1800 mm x 1200mm x 0_4mm , pebax multilayer crossflex nc ptca balloon 1_2_4 mm diameter in assorted lengths , pebax multilayer crossflex ptca balloon 1_2_4 mm diameter in assorted lengths , inj iohexol 350mg_ml 200 ml vial , ptca_monorail nc balloon dilation catheter with bi segment inner shaft design z glide hydrophilic coating balloon material_assorted sizes , caravel microcatheter , valvuloplasty balloon assorted sizes , inoue percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy balloon complete with accessories assorted sizes , mullins introducer sheath with radiopaque tip and dilator set assorted sizes , cartridge for hp colour laser jet pro m454 dn , pressure injector syringe compatable with medrad pressure injector mark 7 arterion , sirolimus coated drug eluting balloon with nano lute technology and phospholipid carrier assorted sizes , surescan pacemaker mri compatible , mri compatible single chamber aicd , mri compatible dual chamber aicd , mri compatible crt p , mri compatible crt d , corsair micro catheter , whole body mri compatible vvir pacemaker , his bundle pacing lead and sheath , ivus catheter 60mhz compatible with 5f guide catheter , intra vascular lithotripsy balloon ivl for use in calcified coronaries with deep calcium , balloon tip temporary pacemaker implantation lead , aed pads compatible with schiller defigard 400 poerheart_g5 bid details/ 2 / 32

CTN :38984074 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 22.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of drugs/surgical and equipment, medicine during the year 2024-25 - type c category equipments, furniture, implants and medicines, autoclave surgical drum ss-size 15*12 approx, autoclave surgical drum ss-size 9*9 approx, autoclave surgical drum ss-size 11*9 approx, autoclave surgical drum ss-size 11*5 approx, ot trolly (dressing), supra pubic trocar 12 no, supra pubic trocar 8 no, supra pubic trocar 14 no, tooth forcep & non tooth forcep midium size, suture cutting (micro), mayo scissors (carved) midium, nebular (bone cutter), sharp scissors 9.0ml, tissue cutting scissors carved midium, mosquito artery big size, mosquito artery medium artery, gigli saw vial, bone saw big, hegars dilator set, biopsy gun, h.b skin grafting handle, bull dog, clamp, suction cannula disposable, o.t. light double dome, cautery pin, triway catheter no 20, urinary cathetor no 12,, urinary cathetor no 14, urinary cathetor no 10, k-90 catheter, tommy syringe, hperdomic needle no 16, hydrogen peroxide (500ml), small tooth, non tooth forcep, bone vax, senetizer, disposable syrienge 2ml, disposable syrienge 5ml, disposable syrienge 10ml, disposable syrienge 20ml, uro bag, adhesive tape roll 4 ", paper adhesive roll per pack, gloves no 6.5, dressing disposeble gloves, spinal needle, ven flow no 20, suction tube, oxygen key, oxygen flow meter set, vicryl 3.0 round body, vicryl 2.0 cr rb needle 30mm, vicryl 3.0 cr rb needle 22mm, vicryl 3.0 cutting needle, vicryl 1 cr rb needle 36mm, vicryl 1.0 cr rb needle 30mm, ethilon 1. 0 cutting needle 36mm, ethilon 2. 0 3/8 cutting needle 36mm, ethilon 3. 0 3/8 cutting needle 36mm, silk 1.0, silk 2.0, silk 3.0, hydrogen peroxide 6% 400ml, butroclot solution, drain sheet (currugeted), sumag ointment, dis. needle 16no,, k90 katheter, 3 way stop cock with extension line, needle 24x1 , lignocain 4% vail, endotrachial tube 7.5cm, endotrachial tube 8.5cm, poly propylene 2.0 1/2 cr rb needle 30mm, surgical cap, chair s type, abdomans spange 20" x20, tailar scisor, feetal doplar digital, nebulization machine, giuco meter, bp instrument stand modal, bp instrument digital, palse oximeter tabel top, fogging machine, digital tharma meter, baby tray, autoclav drum, gyser 20 liter isi mark, wheel chair, digital watch, o2 flow meter, kideny tray 8", doctor chair, sizzer 8, epigiotomy sizzer, hand wash 500 ml, dispossable syrienge 50ml, dispossable syrienge 20ml, dispossable syrienge 10ml, dispossable syrienge 5ml, dispossable syrienge 3ml, dispossable syrienge 2ml, follyes cathetar 16 no, endotrachial tube 2cm, endotrachial tube 2.5cm, endotrachial tube 3cm, endotrachial tube 3.5cm, endotrachial tube 5cm, endotrachial tube 6cm, endotrachial tube 7cm, endotrachial tube 7.5cm, endotrachial tube 8.5cm, endotrachial tube 8cm, air pressure line, o2 mask, nrbm mask, flatus tube, glucometer strip, albumin strip, utp kit, celispaid, senitary pad, ambu bag adult, ambu bag pediatric, mettress 4 (6 x3) fom with cover, baby diper, ventilator tube, pediatric dreep set, iv stand ss 4 wheel, oxygen key, sterlizer medium size, chair office, steel tray with cover, nebulization mask, refrigerator 180lit, strature with wheel, lade aprone, nasalprobe child, nasalprobe adult, mayo sizzer, fine tooth forcep, tooth forcep big, step stool ms 2 step, pattela holding forcep, bone cutter, giggli wire, t- handel, tubalring, mucous extractor, caord clamp, baby tag, romo vac sizes of 10, 12, and 14 fgbellow unit capacity is 800 ml.curved needle length is 175 cm., pules oximeter tabal top, weight machine adult, enfusion set, ppe kit, feeding tube 5 no, feeding tube 6 no, feeding tube 7 no, feeding tube 8 no, p.m.o. line, adult nosal prong, water cooler 40 litter, urine polmale, tuning fork (256), stop watch, percussion hammer, omce table, office dustbin, led torch, iron almiraha "6", digitalclock, fuji printer dry imaging filmobx 10 digital x-ray film, distal redius t,t obliq plate (simple), 3.5 mm locking clevical plate ( 5 to 8 hole ), 3.5/2.7 mm locki

CTN :38764048 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of cotton wool absorbent pkt of 500 gm , gauze surgical , open wove , unmedicated 60 cm wide x 18 mtr qr , suction catheter size 14 , pad abdominal swab 40 x 25 cm with tape , 30 cm , pad abdominal swab 25 x 25 cm with tape 30 cm , disposable shoe cover , surgeons mask disposable. , bandage triangular , bandage crepe , 10 cm , bandage crepe , 15 cm , bandage , open woven , uncompressed , 6 cm x 4 metres , bandage open woven compressed 2.5 cm x 4 m , bandage open uncompressed 10cm x 4 mtr , disposable insulin syringes 40 iu , syringe disposable , plastic , sterile , 5 ml with needle , syringe disposable , plastic , sterile , 2 ml with needl , disposable suction catheter size 8 fr , disposable suction cather size 6 fr , suction catheter size 10 , suction catheter size 16 , surgeons caps disposable , disposable nebulizer mouth piece , mask , channel tube and cup . , apparatus oxygen inhalation portable facemask disposable for. , apparatus oxygen inhalation portable tubing 1 meter with connector for , disposable oxygen face mask , adhesive plaster microporous 2inch box of 6 , adhesive plaster , micro porous tape , 3 inches , box of 4 , adhesive plaster zinc oxide 7.5cm x 5 mtr , bandage elastic adhesive , 6 cm x 3 metres unstretched and 5-6 metres when stretched. , urine collecting bag with volume meter , urine collection bag with device for measurement of hourly urine output capacity 2000 ml , knife bard parker , blade size 1 fitting commercial no.11 packet of 100 , knife bard parker , blade size 1 fitting commercial no . 12 packet of 100 , knife bard parker , blade size 1 fitting commercial no. 15 packet of 100 , knife bard parker , blade size 2 fitting commercial no. 20 packet of 100.. , knife bard parker , blade size 2 fitting commercial no.22 packet of 100. , knife bard parker , blade size 2 fitting commercial no. 23 packet of 100 , 2 propanol 45gm , 1 propanol 30 gm ethyl hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium ethyl sulphate 0.2 gm with skin protecting substances 500 ml bott with dispenser. , hydrogen peroxide solution with stabilizer ip 20 volume 500 ml bott , ultrasound jelly , bottle 0f 250 ml. , electrocardiograph paste salce jelly bottle of 250 ml , ecg paper roll 210 x 20 mtr for niscomed model ecg 1201 , ecg papers cardioline , nitrile non sterile gloves small s , nitrile non sterile gloves medium m , nitrile non sterile gloves large l , hand gloves sterile size 6 1 slace 2 , hand gloves sterile , size 7 pair of , hand gloves , sterile s- 7 1 slace 2 , gloves operational , size 8 pair of , adhesive plaster , microporous tape , 1 inch , box of 12 , condom catheter , three way stop cock plastic , iv extension line 200 cm with 3 way stopcock , extension tubing with 3 way stop cock 10cm in length , pressure infusion bags 1000 ml , pressure infusion bags 500ml , ultrasound jelly tube of 250 gm. , needle for spinal anesthesia , 25g , quincke , needle for spinal anesthesia , 26g , quincke , gauze surgical , open wove , unmedicated 60 cm wide x 18 mtr qr , pad abdominal swab 36 tpi , 25 x 25 cm x 8 ply , starch and chlorine free with radiopaque line and tape 30 cm in readymade autoclavable double packing with indicator pack of 4 , readymade gauze pieces 36 tpi , 10 x 10 cm x 12 ply , starch and chlorine free with radiopaque line in autoclavable double packing with indicator pack of 6 , mayo trolley cover sterile , waterproof 100 x 120 cm , pressure monitoring line 100 cm 200cm male female , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles edta 2ml salce 3ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles sterile tube with gel 5ml material plastic slace glass , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles sterile tube with out gel 5ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles sodium citrate 3ml , battery for glucometer , non rechargable aaa battery , non rechargable aa battery , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles and additives sodium fluoride salcesodium fluoride plus k3edta in tubes of vol 02 ml.

CTN :38904660 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 9.29 Lacs
Tender For supply of immobilizer , arm sling pouch paediatric , knee cap elastic medium , knee cap elastic small , elastoplast , neoprene anklet size s m l xl , heel cushion , ls belt large , walking stick monopod , abdominal binder 10 , bandage open woven compressed 2 point 5 cm x 4 metres , bandage open woven uncompressed 6 cm x 4 metres , bandage open woven uncompressed 10 cm x 4 metres , bandage triangular , bandage abdominal binder with perineal support dash large , bandage dvt stocking small , bandage dvt stocking dash medium , bandage dvt stocking dash large , dressing medicated adhesive 2 point 5 cm x 6 cm in a single strip pack baind aid , gauze absorbent folded 2 point 5 cm x 100 metres , surgeons mask disposable , n 95 face mask , cannula iv with injection port and wings size 20g , cannula iv with injection port and wings size 22g , cannula iv with injection port and wings size 24g , microtips 200ul filter barrier and sterile , microtips 1000ul filter barrier and sterile , lancet disposable pre sterilised s 10 , scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 21 g blister pack , scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 22 g blister pack , scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 23 g blister pack , scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 24 g blister pack , sodium lactate compound ringer lactate isotonic solution 500 ml self collapsible container ffs technology 270715 , test tube length 8cm x 13mm internal dia with rim , disposable plastic infusion set for iv fluids presterilised pyrogen free complete with airline and nylon filter alongwith air vent , ankle brace , ankle support , ankle wrap l , ankle wrap xl , bandage abdominal binder with perineal support dash small , comfort back support , elastic shoulder immobiliser , heel cup silicon or carbon copolymer , knee immobiliser , rib belt female , rib belt male , tennis elbow support , thumb spica splint , walking stick tetra pod , wrist and forearm splint , electrocardiograph paste slash jelly bottle of 250 ml , cervical collar s l hard , cervical collar soft small , novofine ultrafine needle , surgical blade 16 , walker aluminium ms , wrist band , face shield , nelaton catheter size 1 , silicon insole size dash universal , oxygen mask adult size , oxygen mask paed size , knee cap elastic xl , knee cap elastic large , ls belt xxl , ls belt medium , ls belt small , ls belt xl , dvt stocking xxl , knee cap xxl , surgical tape micropore small , urinary bag 540ml , sheath protective condom male , foleys ballon catheter silicon no 14 , anti microbial hand wash , adhesive plaster micro porous tape 2 inches box of 6 , dressing sterile 8 x 8 box of 3 , urine disposable container , 2 dash propanol 45 gm 1 dash propanol 30 gm ethyl hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium ethyl sulphate 0 point 2 gm with skin protecting substances 500 ml bott with dispenser , push back hernia support , adhesive plaster zinc oxide 2 pont 5 cm x 1 mtr , adhesive plaster zinc oxide 7 point 5 cm x 5 mtr buprenorphine patch 10 mcg , hand gloves,size 6 1/2 pair of, hand gloves, size 7 pair of, hand gloves, size 7 1/2 pair of, bandage crepe, 10 cm, bandage crepe, 15 cm, bandage elastic adhesive, 6 cm x 3 metres unstretched and 5-6, cotton wool, absorbent pkt of 50 gm, cotton wool, absorbent, pkt of 500 gm, cotton wool, non-absorbent, pkt of 500 gm, dressing medicated gauze paraffin, 10 cm x 10 cm, tin of 24, gauze surgical, open woven, unmedicated, 60 cm wide, gauze surgical, open woven, unmedicated, 60 cm x 3 metres packet, monofilament polyglyconate synthetic absorbable suture, size 3-0, 70-75, semi auto haematology bid details/ 2 / 94
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