Tender For armo of electrical and mechanical services for cbi office building at bkc, mumbai-400098. sh- maintenance of epabx, data networking, audio video system and motorized gates.subwork/packages:maintenance of epabx, data networking, audio video system and motorized gates.
Tender For urgent repair and renovation of data, wi-fi, voice networking including cctv system and ups power point for different offices at purta bhawan, kolkata
Tender For urgent repair and renovation of data, wi-fi, voice networking including cctv system and ups power point for different offices at khadya bhawan, kolkata
Tender For providing of annual maintenance contract of integrated security and surveillance system - theft prevention, facility/asset protection, employee safety, parking lots, public safety; comprehensive; hardware, software, networking system, to retrive data as and when required; consumables to..
Tender For supply of book bank list 3 - elements of x ray diffraction , concepts of genetics ,microeconomics , research methods in social sciences ,data structures using c , problem solving and programdesign in c , cryptography and network security principlesand practice , computer networks , modern operatingsystems , introduction to automata theory languages andcomputation , event management , basics of eventmanagement , communication systems , electronics circuitanalysis and design , principles of electromagnetics ,computer system architecture , computer organization andarchitecture , design and analysis of computer algorithms ,python for programmers , fundamentals of databasesystem , artificial intelligence a modern approach ,introduction to machine learning , inorganic chemistry principles of structure and reactivity , postcolonialliterature an introduction , contemporary literary andcultural theory from structuralism to ecocriticism ,elements of the theory of computation , modern digital andanalog communication , organic chemistry , electronicdevices and circuit theory , wireless communicationprinciples and practice , marketing management , materialscience and engineering , quantum mechanics , genetics ,digital fundamentals , learning and teaching , financialadministration in india , basic accounting , complexvariables theory and applications , communication systemengineering , engineering circuit analysis , datacommunications and networking , digital logic andcomputer design
Tender For supply of optical fiber cable 6 core cable for camera data networking , powercable for camera power supply , conduit pvc electrical pipe for underground wiring , ptz camera repair , optical patch cord 1 mtr for camera connection