Tender For supply of maintenance kit for m-48 (knorr bremase air dryer) (consisting of 56 items i ncluding desiccant - 5.57 kg/ vessel) (item list as per pdf attached). [ warranty period: 30 mon ths after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of m-48 kit for trident makes air dryer consist of 14 items as per following details: -(1) filter ele ment equivalent to trident pt. no.ad433, qty/set-01 no. (2) cup top filter, equivalent to trident pt.no.-cd 668,qty/set-01 no. (3) cup bottom filter, equivalent to trident pt. no.-cd669, qty/set-01 no. (4) spare kit f ilter bottom equivalent to trident pt. no.-as443, qty/set-01 no. (5) spare kit valve double poppet, equivale nt to trident pt. no.-as444, qty/set-01 no. (6) filter element m205y, equivalent to trident pt.no.-ac077, qt y/set-01 no. (7) spare kit valve shuttle, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as445, qty/set-01 no. (8) spare kit for purge valve equivalent to trident pt.no.-as446, qty/set-01 no. (9) bag cartridge desiccant, equivalent to t rident pt. no.-cd671, qty/set-02 nos. (10) spring compactor, equivalent to trident pt.no.- cd673, qty/ set- 02 nos. (11) spare kit seals tower, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as447, qty/set-01 no. (12) sub assly humi dity indicator-3-r1, equivalent to trident pt. no.-ad925, qty/set-02 nos.(13) gasket pad amisco solenoid v alve, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as079a, qty/set-02 nos. (14) spare kit seals controller box, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as709, qty/set-01 no. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]