Tender For providing cables for 66 sub station to 11kv sub station and providing transfarmer and lt panel for phsc buildings of sgnd hospital and government medical college at amritsar(electrical services only)
Tender For upgradation & improvement of power supply network, panels, cables and other lt/ht switch gears & associated electrical items at nehru park colony, ws colony & ds colony, traffic colony and nearby service buildings & important locations at jodhpur.
Tender For repair/maint of security light/perimeter lights alongwith damaged lt cables/panels and connected items at di-a and d-ii zone under ge (s) mamun
Tender For repair maint of ht lt system transformers lt panels o h lines lt ug cables street light fittings security lights gate lights garden lights and allied works in residential area at tech area at diat du and mility girinagar pune 25
Tender For rep aint of ht lt system transformers lt panels oh lines lt ug cables street light fittings security lights gate lights garden lights and allied works at r and d e dighi pune
Tender For corrigendum : repair or maintenance or replacement of ug lt cables, feeder pillar boxes and allied works at various locations at hq eac (u) af under ge (i) (af) shillong
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint/replacement of feeder pillars, lt panels, lt cables, street lights and flood lights alongwith repair to e/m installations (b/r nature works) at af stn sirsa
Tender For annual tender for the work of preventive maintenance of dtc, lt & ht overhead lines & underground cables in trimurti nagar sub division under congress nagar division of nagpur urban circle
Tender For annual tender for the work of preventive maintenance of dtc, lt & ht overhead lines & underground cables in hudkeshwar sub division under congress nagar division of nagpur urban circle