Tender For bid to ras supply of five pin socket 5 oblique 6 amp - supply of five pin socket 5 oblic 6 amp comma makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj at ge ep jodhpur , switchsocket comb 5 amp and 15 oblic 16 amp comma makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj , insulation tape 20 mtr widepvc make steelgrip , ceiling fan capacitor 2 pont 5mfd ,spn 20 amp make havells oblic anchor oblic bajaj obliccrompton , three plug top 5amp oblic 6amp make anchor ,three plug top 15amp oblic 16amp make anchor , tubelight led 20wt oblic 22wt fitting make havells obliccrompton oblic polycab oblic bajaj , mcb 6 amp sp makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj oblic crompton , mcb 16amp sp make havells oblic polycab oblic bajaj , mcb 10 ampsp make havells oblic anchor oblic bajaj oblic crompton ,cable pvc copper single core size 1 point 5 sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj , cable pvccopper single core size 1 point 0 sqmm make havells oblicfinolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj , cable pvc copper singlecore size 2 point 5 sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblicpolycab oblic bajaj , cable pvc copper 2 core size 2 point 5sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj ,cooling pad for desert cooler big as per smple , cooling padfor desert cooler med as per smple , ms wire mesh suitablefor med and big desert cooler as per smple , desert coolerfan motor capecity 250 watt make havells oblic anchor oblicbajaj oblic crompton , desert cooler medium size gauge 20hypan 22 with remote control as per smple , sub pump fordesert cooler big 40 watt comma 3900 l oblic h , sub pumpfor desert cooler med
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of m/s michell make thrust pad and spares for bearing of cepfor ntpc vindhyachal - set of lower thrust pad (rh) , set of lower thrust pad with rtd hole , set of upper thrust pad lh , cooler (cooling coil)
Tender For supply of m and l for servicing of window and split ac , m and l for replacment of pcb control card , repairing of pcb control card , supply and filling refrigerant gas for ac , dismantling and taking out of burnt fan motor of desert collers , s and f in replacement of submersible type water pump , s and f in replacemnt of bore puch type water tap , s and f in repalcement of front grill of desert cooler , m and l for scraping and removing of old paint of desert cooler , s and f wood wool pad set , supply and filling refrigerant gas for water cooler , m and l for servicing of water cooler , m and l for servicing of refrigerator any capacity
Tender For supply of locking plate type ii tg9710043374 , dowe dia 30 tg9710043382 , brush holder bracket tg9710673645 , pad stop tg9715423019 , pin for thrust pad tg9715424066 , cooler support pad tg9715424074 , pad for brush tg9715424082 , set of shims tg9715673589 , locking plate type i tg9715674810 , set of shim oil tg9718014802
Tender For supply of supply of register 6 size as per directed , supply of scale steel big size as per sample , supply of scisors 220mm as per sample , supply of cutter big size as per sample , supply of sharpner good quality as per sample , supply of sketch pen as per sample , supply of sticky pad multi three color size as per sample , supply of stamp pad big size as per sample , supply of stamp pad ink , supply of installation of cartridge hp laserjet m233sdw printer , supply of plastic dustbin big size as per sample , supply of borosil glass big size as per sample , supply of feviquick , supply of stapler machine small size as per sample , supply of stapler pin small size , stapler pin big size , supply of color flag five color size as per sample , supply of tag nst 11 , supply and installation of dolphy automatic shoe shining polish machine with sole cleaner silver , supply of envelope 11 x 5 net inside as per sample , supply of envelope a4 size as per sample , supply of envelope full size as per sample , supply of clip board size as per sample , supply of table glass 12mm with cloths size as sample , supply of add gel pen v5 trimax color as per directed , supply of ball pen blue reynolds , supply of u clips , supply of collin , supply of cello tape white , supply of bond paper a4 size , supply of bone china cup and soucer set as per sample , supply of brown tape big size as per sample , supply of erasers size as per sample , supply of file tag long size as per sample , supply of bone china dinner set premium as per sample , supply of paper weight , supply of fevicol 250g , supply of glue stick , supply dettol hand wash liquid , supply of natraj pencil , supply and installation of storage cooler inbuilt water purifier uv ro uv 120pss , supply of certain services of cctv camera installed at ge i dm v , supply of executive table as per sample , supply of highlighter pen , supply of gem clips , supply of file cover printed as per sample bid details/ 2 / 67
Tender For supply of drona mk iii wireless sml qty 01 - processor amd 5000 series ryzen 9 5950x desktop processor 16 core and 32 thread processor with 3 point40 , ram ram 32 gb fury beast rgb ddr 4 speed upto 3733 mt by s , ssd m point2 2280 512gb pcie nvme ssd mz v7p512bw , hard disk drive hdd 2tb comma7200 rpm sata , graphics card nvidia geforce rtx 2080ti by gtx 3070 with minimum 4 ports 3x display and and 1x hdmi , mother board msi by asus mpg b550 gaming plus amd am4 m point3 x usb 2 point0 comma 2 x 3 point2 , smps asus rog strix 850 watt gold psu 24 pin commainput voltage range 220v ac commafrequency , computer chasis master box k501l rgb e compatible to the motherboard , computer cooling fan cooler master is to master liquid ml240zr rgb or higher compatible with mother board a , mouse with mouse pad logitech by dell usb mouse optical with mouse pad , keyboard logitech by dell keyboard usb keyboard 104 keys commacomfortable comma quiet typing comma , 18 point5 inches led monitor display screen size 46 point99cm 18 point5 , tplink ac 1900 , bluetooth tower speaker set 2 point0 channel output model spa9120b 80w rms 40 hz 20 khz frequency , usb bluetooth adapter for speaker , 4 port usb hub usb 3 point0 with 2 ft extended cable , output power capacity 3500 watts by 5000 va max configurable power 3500 watts by 5000 va nominal out , support usb specification revision 2 point0 comma 40 times faster transfer rate than that of usb 1 point1 , print speed black normal comma a4 up to 14 ppm commaprint speed footnote comma speed specification , recordable dvd 4 point7 gb with jewel case , recordable dvd 8 point5 gb with jewel case , projectors np p554u 5500 lumens or higher commanative wuxga 1920x1200 with aspect ratio suport 16 is to9 , webcam c270hd with adjustable mounting stand , high quality usb extender cable 2 point0 15 mtr dyeton , ir filter for 830nm laser with mouning clamps for fitting in front of web cam c270hd , auto calibration set complete with 30x ir , new port comma model f irc1 s infrared sensor card comma sensitivity area 4x3 cms , display port to hdmi convertor , hdmi cable extra guard multi conductor with both end m by f moulded connectors point , operating system win 10 pro 64 bit os latest version , microsoft office microsoft office 2010 64 bit with ms access and license , ir laser 830nm with specification operating volt 3 point5v dc wavelength 830nm beam divergence 0 point8m , weapon board details of weapon board is to 1 atmel smart sam d21 32 bit micro controller , wireless recoil board details of recoil board is to 1 samd21g1832 bit microcontroller , wpn harness wpn harness incl wiring comma sleeve and connector , hall sensors hall sensor , magnets magnets for hall sensor , hall sensors dual hall sensor , aluminium rod 50 mm dia ft 50mm dia , delrin rod black 2 inches dia ft 2 inches dia black , stainless steel pipe 1 inches dia stainless steel pipe length 17 inches both side threaded , brass reducer brass reducer 1 inches x 1 by 2 inches , pressure regulator air pressure regulator 30 bar with guage , elbow stainless steel elbow 1 internal dia with threaded , stainless steel pipe stainless steel pipe1 inches 10 ft both sided threaded , hose pipe hose pipe flexible ph 253 1 by 2 inches length 1 point5 mtr with flowing capacity 160 bar , stainless steel pipe 1 inches dia stainless steel pipe length 5 feet both side threaded , elbow 1 by 2 inches internal dia stainless steel elbow 1 by 2 inches , dummy socket 1 inches dia dummy socket ss internal thread , u type clamp ms angle t stand with u type clamp with nut bolt steel both sidethreaded 12 mm length , flow control valve flow control valve ss 1 by 2 inches , nipple stainless steel nipple 1 by 2 inches both side threaded , nut and bolt nut and bolt 11mm length 3 point5 inches with washer , shavo regulator shavo air regulator 30 kg load presure with guage , compressor industrial air compressor 30 bar model is to elgi ts 15 lb pet with 25 mtr 4 core 15 amp , pu pipe pu p
Tender For supply of spare parts of kirloskar pneumatic make kg4h compressor - crank shaft assly , oil filler , gasket part no 24 462 440 00 , washer spring , stud std t , v belt , gasket for rear cover , pulley fan driving , oil seal , bearing roller , circlip internal , screw hex std , plug magnetic , washer 3 , nut hex , bearing needle rollr , spacer single edge , gasket for front cover , circlip internal type b , bearing ball journal , rod connecting 4 stage , rod connecting i by iv stage , gasket for oil filter , spacer ring , nipple pipe one side thread , nut hex m20x2by5 , washer plain steel , cylinder 128d , cylinder and liner assly 35d , suction valve ii stage , delivery valve ii stage , suction valve fourth stage , discharge valve iv stage size , ring no 330 , ring 4th st valves , bell for iv stage suction , ring no 334 , cylinder head iv stage , ring , bell for iv stage delivery , piston iv stage , compression ring 4 th stage , nut fixing m75x1 by 5 i and iv and i , pad for piston iv and v stage , pin gudgeon , plug m6x1 for iii , piston i stage circlip , ring piston compression ii stage , ring oil scraping , gasket part no 24 441 240 00 , gasket part no 24 462 000 00 , washer spring id 14 point 2 x thk 3 , stud std type b m12x1 point 75x35l , nut hexagonal m 12 x 1 point 75 p , washer , ring 99x62x1 , gasket 90sqx71x1 , ring no 856 , ring part no 24 430 182 00 , ring no 331 part no 24 430 251 00 , ring no 330 part no 24 430 260 00 , ring part no 24 430 421 00 , pin gudgeon , cylinder iii stage 65d , piston ii stage and iii stage , gasket part no 8047 10 41 00 , compression ring 3 rd stage , stud std type b m10x1 point 5x50l , nut hex m10x1 point 5p , washer spring id 10 point 2 x thk 2 point 2 , washer spring id 14 point 2 x thk , rod connecting ii iii stage , suction valve third stage size 52rn , discharge valve iii stage size 52rn , washer part no 23 560 203 00 , pressure safety valve first , pressure safety valve second , pressure safety valve third , safety valve fourth stage set , cooling package i , s a filter suction , hose bend suction filter 90 deg 114 , clamp hose id 125 to 145 , pulley 2grooves , mechanical lubricator , v belt a71 , washer spring id12 point 2x2 point 5 mm , felt seal sq 8mmx200l , brg ball deep gr , adaptor sleeve assembly , plummer block dia 75 , screw hex std m20x2 point 5x90l , v belt space saver spc 3550 , auto drain valve 2 by 2way , auto drain valve 2 by 2 way , auto drain valve 3 by 2way , auto drain valve 2by2way nc 24vdc , alert lub liscrew , screw hex std m8 x 1 point 25 x 20l , stud std type b m10x1point5x55l , nut hex m10x1point5p , gasket 66 sqx1mm for fan hub , bearing ball , ring felt 47 dia x 32 dia x 10 , washer lock for fan axle , flywheel 2 grooves 660point4 pcd , pulley motor 2 grooves 620 rpm , fan for air cooler item no 94 111 337 00 , locking plate for motor pulley , drive shaft assly , cam shaft assly , pumping element
Tender For procurement of jcb spares - 500 00214 element , 123 04561 cable grommetharness , 40 302136 leak off hose , 40 303377 side cutter right hand 3dx super ch ii ch xxxi cdef , 826 01144 7 point 9 inch lg standard cable tie 180 200mm 3dx super ch xiii bab , 730 04072 bulb 12v 60 55w p45t , 3h00712000 joint for lubricant oil cooler , 4h39902000 fuel pipe fuel filter , 320 08547 belt front 8pk 1835 3dx super ch xxiv a , 550 40575 oil filter engine , 696 00453 ignition switch , 827 50070 wind screen , 40 303576 hose clamp 3dx super ch xiii r s ch xxxi p , 48117020 filter fuel secondary mico no 1 451 037 409 , 823 00223 rubber washer , 646 04548 bulb 12v 60 55w p45t , 926 14900r weather seal roll 50 mtr , 4h16510000 fuel injection pump , 4h68101000 alternator 12 volt , 614 27400 613 46600 hose 10bsp hp 690mm b , bsk2587 3 secondary element , 332 y4005 629 02502 radiator cap , 696 01288 hose assy , 2410 0213 grommet std 31 point 8x6 point 5 , 445 19808 washer thrust 3 point 35mm thick phosphated 3dx super ch xxi e , 827 20177 window glazing clear , 2401 0505 2401 0505 o ring , 30 600141 hose radiator top , 816 20070 adaptor 3dx super ch xviii m , 40 304450 screw driver 6 x 150mm 3dx super ch vii d , 40 302921 332 y3852 332 y3852 throttle cable p92 loader 3dx super ch xi a , 904 20230 seal fillter cap , 130 14053 alen key 8 mm 3dx super ch vii d , 130 99560 ring spanner , 40 302709 throttle cable p92 , 506 00007 fuse 10 amps 3dx super ch ix e , 40 303803 tooth loader , 581 05605 581 05605 packing ring , 335 y7271 hose 10 bsp hp 2620 mm b 3dx super ch xiii lx , 40 302075 40 300429 hose bend , 40 303281 liner bearing 3dx super ch iii a , 40 302877 bush , 332 y6630 hose 10 bsp hp 2790mm b 3dx super ch xiii j , 40 303280 liner bearing 3dx super ch iii a , 704 10000 buzzer 12v , 730 01055 starter relay , 730 50310 wiper motor , 831 00117 bearing 3dx super ch x c , 550 42462 2h00601000 rotary shaft sealge , 1406 0014 bonded washer 3dx super ch xiii r , 910 28300 throttle lever and control assy , 828 00346 grommet , 130 99521 adjustable spanner 1025mm , 130 99563 socket 1 by 2 x 1 by 2 sq drive 3dx super ch vii d , 2400 00218 o ring , 25 606112 oil ring , 550 41639 air filter primary , 716 05707 fuse20 amp 3dx super ch ix e , 320 06837 injector mt3 tc 63 by 6 3dx super eng xxxvii c , 831 00099 bearing self lub , 550 42595 001 00114 mud filter , 130 15095 piston bearing , 30 600701 pressure cap , 40 301866 hose , 40 303376 side cutter left hand 3dx super chi ch xxxi cdef , 48117010 filter fuel primary mico no 1 457 431 003 , 1406 0031 seal , 40 303383 switch engine oil pressur , 121 13400 int door lock l h , 130 99512 d e spanner 5 8x9 16 , 130 99556 spanner de 5 by 8 x 9 by 16w 3dx super ch vii d , 331 20550 pad wear upper 5mm thick colour green 3dx super ch iii h , 331 20556 wear pad 7mmblue 3dx super ch iii h , 40 301908 hose04 bsp hp 1300 b , 612 26600 hose , 617 01600 hose , 401 f8476 808 00364 bi metallic bearing 70 60x62 , 320 25108 1 turbo charger , 335 y7269 hose10 bsp hp 2650 mm b 3dx super ch xiii jt , 333 y2921 inner latch assy rh 3dx super ch iv n , 02 100284 32 907600 element oil filter , 130 99517 d e spanner 1x15 16 a f3dx super ch vii d , 130 99557 spanner de , 130 99564 allen key 1 by 8 inch , 2411 3108 piston head seal , 252520156328 fan belt , 332 y6631 hose 10 bsp hp 2520mm b 3dx super ch xiii k , 450 10208 pad thrust 3dx super ch xix c , 40 303813 453 00103 piston brake , 813 00251 gasket , 829 00548 bearing , 904 50000 dual lip seal , 320 06159 turbocharger 68kw ac t3 3dx super eng xxxix a , 116 00822 handle , 130 14122 ignition key , 40 300743 bush , 40 300893 filter element 3dx super ch xvii a , 40 302255 suction hose hydraulic , 40 303956 wiper blade , 445 03206 counter plate , 550 30444 seal kit dipper ram , 730 02502 wiper blade18hd , 904 08200 seal dual lip , 550 42691 910 24901 inner cable , 333 y1376 cap filler breather 3dx super chiii d , 2410 0205 grommet hole dia 12 point 7mm3dx super ch viii a ch xxvii a , 332 y