Tender For supply the following opthalmic operaton table threater table ( appasamy associates model no- aamot00 or equivalent) managed by our new barrackpore municipality nced phaco emulsification system for b.c. roy general managed
Tender For retender for supply and installation of ophthalmic equipments under npcb&vi programme for the year 2024-25 - phaco emulsification units, cataract extraction, operating microscope xy coupling, operating microscope (basic), operating microscope xy coupling with side scope, a-scan, keratometer, gonieo scope, anterior vetrectomy, handheld application tonometer, opthalmic unit chair with led vision chart, streak retinosscope, indirect ophthalmoscope with 20d lens, n d yag laser, facho emulsification with anterior vetractomy, direct opthalmoscope compatible with heavy duty cell, auto refractrometer, flaash autoclave, cataract surgical set