Tender For ca no cwe/amb/utility-57 of 2024-25 special repair / replacement of ot centralairconditioningplant at mh ambala under ge (utility) ambala cantt
Tender For corrigendum : ge (w)/hsr-74/2024-25 repair annual maintenance of centralairconditioningplant of mh czwsp signal centre and wksp at hisar mil stn under ge (w) hisar
Tender For operaration and comprehensive maintenance of centralairconditioningplant of administrative building at rail coach factory, hussainpur, kapurthala.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - rate contract for the operation and maintenance of centralized airconditioningplants 2x270 tr and 3x70 tr of ctps units 7 n 8 2x250 mw dvc for a period of 02 two years0