Tender For corrigendum : supply of group tender of medical equipment for histopathology, pathology, microbiology and blood bank dept. - grossing station automated , microtome- fully automated , lab incubator , hot air ove , ph meter , hot plate , semi automatic microtome , esr analyzer , embedding station with hot & cold table & paraffin dispenser , tissue floatation bath , lab refrigerator , electronic balance , slide filing cabinet , block filing cabinet , centrifuge , microscope binocular , microscope binocular with illumination & photography , hematology analyzer-3 part , semi automatic coagulometer , fully automated coagulation analyzer , elisa reader with washer , vertical gel electrophoresis system , ultra deep freezer -80 deg c , cytospin , blood donor couch , blood collection monitor , dielectric tube sealer, handheld , refrigerated blood component transport box , (-40) degree deep freezer , vertical deep freezer - 20deg , ultra high speed centrifuge , plasma thawing bath , blood bank refrigerator , blood bag weighting balance- single pan , water bath , blood gas analyser , autoclave , bacteriological incubator , co2 incubator , anaerobic incubator , laminar air flow , bio safety cabinet class ii type b2 , ultrapure water purification system , fully automated colony counter , technical specification for compound microscope for microbiology
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lo centrifuge - lub oil centrifuge with heater control panel sludge tank feed pump sludge discharge pump and all accessories , flow meter for treated oil , gauge assembly board with pressure or compound gauge pipes isolation cocks etc , loose fittings and instrumentation as applicable , shock mounts with center and side holding down fasteners , flexible pipes bellows for all equipment interface with external loose supplied system , electrical items for connectorisation termination that is cable gland lugs etc , first submission of binding drawing , documentation hard copy , documentation soft copy , ietm documentation , service of service engineer 10 mandays with 3 sorties per equipment and there is 4 eqpt , preservation de preservatives , commissioning spares , onboard spares , standard special tools , training training material , service of service engineer 10 mandays with 3 sorties per equipment and there are 3 eqpt
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lab equipment - details decription attach in the specfication document ), bench top single beam systronics uv spectrophotometer 340 999 model no 167 covers 190to 1100 nm 4 position cuvette holder automatic wavelength selection 128x64 graphical lcd printer interface usb computer interface with professional scanning software specifications wavelength range 190 1100nm spectral band width, remi cis 24 plus orbital shaking incubator size 580 by 600 mm shaking speed range 20 to 250 rpm voltage 220 240v external dimensions 800 x 1150 x 1300 mm chamber volume 215 ltrs, manual baby mini power pack manual bio world, mini horizontal gel electrophoresis system, advance rotary microtomy latest spencer 820 type with razer, compound microscope, laboratory hot air oven, laboratory eggs incubator capacity 80 lit, ph meter digital, conical flask 200 ml insufficient number available, electronic balance, gel electrophoresis assembly with digital power pack, thermal cycler, cooling centrifuge, gel documentation unit with computer, micropipette, tips of micropipette, eppendorf tubes, pcr tubes, deep freezer, laminar air flow, ph meter, soxhlet apparatus with heating mantle, autoclave, bottle top dispenser with dual inte technology, centrifuge, digital chemical balance, double door refrigerator, d o meter, digital ph meter with electrode lcd display, digital photoelectric colorimeter, digital potentiometer, distillation apparatus, dryer and temperature controller, blower, chemical thermometer, calorie meter, beaker 50ml 100ml 250ml 500ml and 1000ml catering to various volume crafted from high quality 3point3 borosilicate glass the low form design with a wide base and tapered spout, funnel, pipette, burette, burette stand, mortar pestel, electronic balance, burette brush, test tube brush, conical flask, volumetric flask capacity sg 100 100ml sg 250 250ml sg 500 500ml sg 1000 1 000mlmaterial glass heat resistance with graduation, wire gauze, round bottomed flask, periodic table poster, gas connection and fitting in new lab, water bath digital, digital ph meter, digital blood pressure machine, blower, single needle lock stitch sewing machine, over lock or inter lock sewing machine, usha steam ironpro s13816, notice board, inverter, water coller
Tender For corrigendum : re-tender for supply and installation of blood storage equipments for four blood storage centre under karnataka state aids prevention society for the year 2024-25 - laminar air flow., reagent refrigerator 2 to 6 degree, microscope, binocular microscope with inbuilt light, dry bath, blood collection monitor, plasma expresser manual (4 each), hemogloin analyzer, hand sealer cutter-portable (2 each), dielectric tube sealer (bench model) (2 each), cryo bath, sterile blood connecting device, refrigerated centrifuge (heavy duty handle 12/16 bags), platelet agitator and incubator, plasma thawing bath, gel card centrifuge and incubator, fully automated elisa reader and washer, deep freezer (-80), deep freezer(-40), automated hemotology analyser 5 parts, automated blood group and cross match system, apheresis for sdp and plasma apheresis, weighing balance (electronic) to weigh blood bags, walk in cooler 6x8 size capacity of storing 500 to 1000 blood bags, test tube centrifuge, temperature regulator ice box (4 each), temperature data logger
Tender For equipments for science lab - equipments for science lab, chemical balance, paper chromatography testing kit, ph meter digital with electrodes, melting point apparatus digital, d o meter digital, oven universal, potentiometer digital, flame photometer digital, spectrophotometer 340 900 nm, water soil testing kit digital, digital thermostate, cod digestion apparatus, bod incubator, soxhlet apparatus, polarimeter half shaded, vaccum pump, water bath, double wall, measurement of wavelength of he ne laser using ruler with laser complete setup, fiber optics trainer, study of hall effect complete setup, stop watch digital, study of active and passive filter, pulse width and pulse position modulation and demodulation trainer, study of frequency modulation and demodulation trainer, 8086 microprocessor with smps, function generator b 1 hz to 10 mhz, zener regulated power supply, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, series and parallelresonance circuit, clipping and clamping circuit using operational amplifier, power amplifier, newtons ring apparatus complete with travelling microscope power supply and sodium lamp, stop clock, vernier caliper, travelling microscope, inertia table, photo diode characterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparatus, complete apparatus to determine em using thomsons method, lees apparatus to determine the hear conductivity of bad conductors of different geometry, mosfet characteristic apparatus, apparatus to determine the value of planks constant complete with photocell light source set of filter and power supply, apparatus to study specific resistance and energy gap of a semiconductor., fet characteristic apparatus, transistor characteristics apparatus with built in power supply and meters, solar cell characteristic apparatus, single stage and double stage rc coupled amplifier feed back amplifier, battery charger 2 to 12 volt, apparatus to study response curve for lcr circuits and to determine the resonance frequency, study of amplitude modulation and demodulation trainer, inertia table, ph meter, autoclave vertical cap 50 lit, rotary microtome with aceesories, compound microscope, dissecting microscope, oven, water and soil testing kit, flame photometer, spectrophotomeyter 340 900 nm, research microscope, thin chromatography kit, autoclave vertical, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 3lt, water bath double wall 12 holes stainless steel, incubator stainless steel, autoclave portable, thin layer chromatography kit, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, electronic digital balance, laminar air flow horizontal, uv single beam spectrophotometer, image projection system, backup power supply unit
Tender For supply of consumables/non-consumables for the department of anatomy - sample of consumables for evaluation and demostration of instruments and non- consumables should be made failing which the bid will not be considered note: sample of consumables for evaluation and demostration of instruments and non- consumables should be made failing which the bid will not be considered, 1 ml micro tip box, 20 ul micro tip box, 200 l micro tip box, 5 ml micro tip box, aluminium foil, blotting paper - regular (filter paper) 60 x 60 cm, centrifuge tubes 15 ml sterile, conical bottom, individual flow pack - pack of 25 nos., centrifuge tubes 50 ml sterile, conical bottom, individual flow pack - pack of 25 nos., diamond pencil - glass marking for laboratory use, indicator tape for steam autoclave, laboratory film (parafilm) rolls 4 inch width x 125 ft, micro centrifuge tubes pp material autoclavable 1.8 ml capacity - pack of 1000 nos, micropipette tips 1000-5000 l - pp autoclavable - pack of 100 nos., micropipette tips 200-1000 l - pp autoclavable - pack of 500 nos., micropipette tips 2-20 l - pp autoclavable - pack of 100 nos., micropipette tips 2-200 l - pp autoclavable - pack of 1000 nos, microscopic lens cleaning paper (20 x 30 cm)- pack of 100 nos., non mercury glass thermometer, slide labels (25mm *10mm) (pack of 100 nos), sodium heparin vaccutainers (green top) 4ml - pack of 100 nos., laboratory spirit lamp, tissue cassette 4x3 cm plastic 100/pack, tissue cassette (steel ) 4x3 cm 100 /pack, tissue embedding mold 37x24x9 mm, tissue embedding ring standard size 500/pack, tissue paper roll , minimum 60 meter long, 100% pure cellulose, chemicals, absolute methanol 2.5 litre, aceto orcein 100 ml, acid fuchsin 25 gm, alcian blue 10 gms, aluminium pottasium (500 gm pack), ammonia 500 ml, amniomax media, sterile for cell culture(100 ml pack), antibiotics for culture (penicillin,streptomycin) - (100 ml pack), bacillol, disinfectant (500 ml pack) with sprayer, basic fuchsin 25 gm, celestine blue b 25 gm, chromotrope 2r 25 gm, colcemid in pbs, sterile for cell culture (100 ml pack), concentrated hydrochloric acid (ar grade) (500 ml pack), cresyl violet 1 gm, diamidino-phenylindole (pack of 1 ml) (dapi), eosin yellow (25 gm pack), ethanol absolute 99.9% (500 ml pack), eucalyptus oil (500 ml pack), fast green 25 gm, ferric ammonium sulphate 500 gm, ferric chloride 500 gm, fetal bovine serum, sterile for cell culture(500 ml pack), formalin lr grade (30 ltrs can), giemsa stain (25 gm pack), glacial acetic acid ar (2.5 ltrs pack), glycerine (2.5 ltrs pack), glycerol gr grade (500 ml pack), gold chloride 250 mg, grade 1 filter paper 100 sheets/box, hematoxylin monohydrate 25 gm, hydrogen peroxide (500 ml pack), immersion oil (refractive index 1.515-1.526) microscopy grade, optically clear, non-flourescent (30 ml pack), iodine powder 100 gm, iron alum 250 gm, liquid rpmi1640 media with l- glutamine, phenol red, hepes & sodium bicarbonate, sterile for cell culture - (pack of 500 ml), mercuric oxide (100 gm pack), methanol gr grade (pack of 2.5 l), methanol hplc grade ( pack of 2.5 l), methylene blue 500 ml, microscope oil (for flourescent microscopy) (make: olympus/ sigma/ carl zeiss) (pack of 50 ml), oxalic acid salt 500 gm, paraffin wax melting point 58-600c (pellets form) (pack of 500 gm), periodic acid salt 25 gm, pha- m form - sterile for cell culture, (pack of 25 mg) -, phenol (500 gms), phloxine b (50 gm), phosphomolybdic acid 25 gm, phosphotungstic acid 1 l, potassium hydroxide 500 gm, potassium iodide powder 100 gm, potassium metabisulfate 250 gm, potassium permanganate salt 500 gm, silver nitrate 10% 25 gm, sodium citrate (500 gms), sodium hydroxide 500 gm, sodium metabisulphite (pack of 500 gm), sodium thiosulphate 500 gm, sulphuric acid 500 ml, thymol (pack of 1000 g), toluidine blue 25 gm, trisodium citrate, ar (pack of 500 gm), trypsin edta, sterile for cell culture(pack of 100ml), trypsin with proteolytic activity 1:250, (pack of 100 gm),