Tender For special repair to certain building provn of chainlinkfencing in lieu of barbed wire fencing with iron pole 01 x room and kota stone flooring for 05 x stores at certain units under age b r ii and age e m of ge bengdubi
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to chainlink, barbed wire fencing, entry/exit gate and associated concrete pillars alongwith the areial park at ts(k)
Tender For construction of paved area for stacking of material including dismantling of middle wall, raising of boundary wall with barbed wire fencing, construction of aluminium zinc sheet shade abd repair and maintenance of acos office building, dausa
Tender For construction of guide wall in ww and repair of barbed wire fence and entrance gate on both sides of the dam at ambatkhol m i project tal chiplun dist ratnagiri
Tender For repair to path, culverts, hard standings.gates, barbed wire, fencing, chainlinkfencing in domestic and tech area and periodical services to boundary wall in tech area at af station chandigarh under ge(af) chandigarh
Tender For construction of paved area for stacking of material including dismantling of middle wall, raising of boundary wall with barbed wire fencing, construction of aluminium zinc sheet shade and repair and maintenance of acos office building, dausa