Tender For grass cutting of shoulders of main runyway and taxi track, repair to monsoon drain, hardstanding and repair to boundary wall, fencing, hardstanding, path, culvert, area drainage at air force station kalaikunda
Tender For corrigendum : repair maintenance of wall roof shelter paver block fencing improvement of old stp and sewage sump eqpt and repair to steam boiler laundry plant equipments including allied works at various locations under age em and age br i of ge bengdubi
Tender For corrigendum : ges/pkt/64/2024-25 repair/ maint of security wall, wall cladding, adjoining path, fencing etc incl certain miscellaneous b/r items at md and otm accn at damtal, kandrori, nangal bhur, kaunterpur and mirthal area under ge south pathankot
Tender For corrigendum : repair to open drain, steel gate boundary wall, path and chainlinkfencing and maint of runway at certain unit and md accn under ge gurdaspur.