Tender For works of sample collection, testing, chemical solution preparation transportation of various chemicals chlorine gas tonners, assistance in operation works of chemical division and miscellaneous works of chhabra supercritical thermal power project
Tender For work of sample collection, testing, chemical solution preparation, transportation of various chemicals, chlorine gas tonners , assistance in operation work of chemical division and miscellaneous works of chhabra supercritical thermal power project unit 5and6
Tender For annual contract for the work of sample collection, testing, solution preparation, transportation of various chemicals, chlorine gas tonners, assistance in operation work and other miscellaneous work of chemical division at phase-i and ii ctpp, chhabra
Tender For annual contract for the work of sample collection, testing, solution preparation, transportation of various chemicals, chlorine gas tonners, assistance in operation work and other miscellaneous work of chemical division at phase-i and ii ctpp, chhabra