Tender For supply of boq item list - modified wheel jack , air fuel filling system , fuel filtration system , head light relay , head light bulb , head light switch , head light holder , fuse box
Tender For e-tender are invited online for the supply of veterinary instrument, equipments and others item from manufactures,stokist and authorized distributors - sheep (18 kg) , goat (18 kg) , formalin ( 5 ltr pack) , sodium hydroxide (naoh) (500gm) , liver extract paste (05 kg pack) , beef extract powder (05 kg pack) , thioglycollic acid (2.5 lit. pack) , becillocid special(01 lit. pack) , sodium hypochlorite (10 lit. pack) , dextrose anhydrous ( 5 kg pack) , xylene ( 01lit. pack) , trypsin 1:2000 u/g bovine pancreas (500 gm) , minimum essential medium , isopropyl alcohol (5 lit pack) , nutrient broth , borosilicate glass roux flask( 01 lit) , borosilicate milk dilution bottles (200 ml) , glass pipette (graduated) 1 ml , glass pipette( graduated) 10 ml , platinum wire for loop (0.5mm diameter, 99.9 % pure) , refrigerant gas r-134 , sartorius media filtration (s.s.) assembly cap. 02 lit. and autoclavable , (gmp) compliant rectengur double doorautoclave size (1200mmx1200mmx2400mm) , ultra filtration assembly sartorius/tff system , nanodrop spectrophotometer , inverted microscope (trinacular) , flourescent microscope display unit , media filtration assembly with vacuum pump :[ cgmp/glp compliant] , immune histochemical kit , soft and hard copy of current edition of ip , soft and hard copy of current edition of usp , soft and hard copy of current edition of bp , soft and hard copy of current edition of oie manual , soft and hard copy of current edition of european pharmacopeia