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Tender For providing of custom bid for services - per day 04 nos semi skilled labour at gkp and 46 nos unskilled labour at gkp and ntv and 01 nos unskilled agricultural labour at gkp and 03 nos watch and ward labour at gkp details attached,custom bid for services - contractor profit for management of integrated running room and cms lobby and electric trip shed at gorakhpur and rest room nautanva for the period of two years details attached,custom bid for services - per year one set of uniform for all deployed labours for management of integrated running room and cms lobby and electric trip shed at gorakhpur and rest room nautanva for the period of two years details attached,custom bid for services - cleaningitems for better upkeep and maintenance for management of integrated running room and cms lobby and electric trip shed at gorakhpur and rest room nautanva for the period of two years items and quantities details att..,custom bid for services - gardening items for better upkeep and maintenance for lawns at cms lobby and running r
Tender For auction sale of scrap weighable materials consisting of following 2 items,m s scrap mss-13,scrapped cylinder liner,aluminium scrap,scrap glasses any size with or without broken,scrapped thermal plastic roll,scrapped rexine,m s scrap mss-19,scrapped countable items consisting of 4 types,scrapped crank shaft,scrapped countable items consisting of 5 types,scrapped old papers (raddi),scrapped countable materials consisting of 5 types,scrapped countable materials consisting of 12 types,scrapped counatable materials consisting of 7 types,scrapped countable materials consisting of 7 types,scrapped counatable materials consisting of 6 types,scrapped countable items consisting of 9 types,scrapped engine dismentling items,scrapped valve spring tc/ll,scrapped dismentling item,scrapped automiser,scrapped floring wood,scrapped countable materials consisting of 4 types,scrpped work shop sweeping,m.s scrap,scrpped domestic vehicle tyres,scrapped plywood pieces