Tender For supply of description : form no. t-806. shunting order. books of 50 leaves in triplicate. . printed with blue ink. brown kraftcover binding.. top wire stitching in two places, one side printing machine numbering size: 29.7cm x 21 cm . paper:white map litho 60 gsm, i.s no. 1484/07 (reaffirmed 2012). paper must conform to para 4.8.2 (a) type-a of i.s-1848,brown craft paper;110 gsm of i.s no 1397/90 grade-ii (mg) printing matter to be collected form consignee and onesample for printing, binding and finishing to be got approved from consignee before bulk printing.
Tender For supply of materials for htc cum production centre under sopd across btr for the financial year 2024-25 - 5 mtrs. circumference warping drum with creel, supply of fly shuttle frame looms with jacquard, computer sets with accessories including printer, furniture arm chair with writing pad, stitching machine (interlock), stitching machine
Tender For supply of self powered weaving machine and associated equipement for handicraft centreft center - circular saw , handy planner , plung router , angle grinder , impact drill , tailoring sewing machine , garment stitching accessories, scale and scissors , carpet cutting and designing scissor , carpet punching tool , solar light with panel , spindle charka , painting brush small and large , white board with marker , thanka cloth , crochet needle 3.5mm 4.5mm , normal knitting needle 7 no 10 no 11 no 12 no , knitting machine manual , generator 3 kva
Tender For supply of form no-g-225-self pto local. book of 100 leaves , 1)unit-number of books, 2)size- 152x305mm,plus/minus 5mm, 3)printing paper- white security paper with watermark ir logo of 58gs m, i.s no. 1848/part(1)2018 or latest amendment . 4)printing- both side in black ink with two machine numbering in two places as counter foil basis , printing matter to be collected from consignee, 5)bindi ng- left side two stitching by 20 gauge wire with brown kraft paper cover of 110gsm of i.s no 1397/90 grade-ii (mg),6)sample:- one dummy sample for printing, binding and finishing to be got approved fro m consignee before bulk printing, 7) packing: each pack will contain ten plus ten total twenty books. e ach ten books must be wrapped in more than 50 micron transparent poly propylene foil or bag as suit able as approved by govt. and packed in suitable size of five ply corrugated cartoon box with proper la bel of p.l.no., form no. & serial no. if any,8) inspection -by consignee with mtc & mgc. special condit ion:-quantity is in number of books and material to be supplied in book. specn: form no-g-225-self pto local [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of press articles for the assam govt. press - press articles, transperant sheet a4 size, surgical hand gloves, transperant sheet fs size, antivirus software for server addition, antivirus software (multi user) for pc, dempaning roller hoose for 4 hi machine, dempaning roller hoose for sahil machine, dempaning roller hoose for max print 4 colour, dempening roller hoose for mark 62 machine, dempening roller hoose for auto print machine, anti set off powder best quality, surgical cotton 500 gm., grease white multi purpose, numbering machine pad, stitching wire no. 20, stitching wire no. 22, fiber bit for rekord cutting machine, cutting oil blade sharpening, cello tape stand, 36 gb pen drive, stockinet per mtr, steel wool per pckts, polyester master a3, polyester master fs, binding cloth per mtr