Tender For supply of sitc of public address system - pa cabinet speaker 1000 w and above , sub woofer 1000 w and above , pa cabinet speaker 500 w and above , two zone pa mixer amplifier 350 w plus 350 w and above , portable speaker with bluetooth usb and 2 number wireless mic , set of 2 number cordless microphone , dual pa wireless microphone , pa wireless microphone - set of two microphone - one mic shall be handheld and second mic shall be collar mic , pa vhf wireless podium microphone - one set contains 04 nos. of microphone alongwith one number receiver , pa vhf wireless desktop microphone - one set contains 01 nos. of microphone alongwith one number receiver , portable pa amplier system , small speaker stand , big tripod speaker stand , big microphone stand with heavy base , pa microphone stand , 10 kva stablizer 100 to 280 v single phase , dual channel power amplifier - 1600 plus 1600 watt and above , electronic lectern , sound mixer , speaker cable , microphone cable , installation, commissioning and training
Tender For supply of transreceiver handheld 5 watt dmr vhf set as per rdso specification no. rdso/spn/tc/107/2018 ver 2.1 or latest along with one set of oem approved rechargeable ni-mh/li-ion ba ttery of 2300mah or superior, rapid battery charger, helical antenna and bell clip with each set, vhf set sh ould be without keypad and without display. additional accessories:- 1) tunning kit with software to progra m and connecting cables 2 sets, (2) one no. additional spare battery with each set. make: motorola, kenwo od or similar. poc shall be carried out once only until model/software version battery or hardware is chang ed. offered model by the bidder must have satisfactory poc report or poc for the offered model need to b e done as per latest guideline for poc vide rdso letter no. eoffice dtd 09/07/2024 .relevant document mu st be submitted along with offer. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]