Tender For supply of server , high end desktop computer , workstation , online ups (v2) , equipment enclosures , data repository system , network linkage device
Tender For providing of annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - desktop pc; any type desktop computer,annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - multifunction printer (monochrome , laser , composite cartridge, lower range; any type multi function printer,annual maintenance service -data center assets - network devices; network per node; neither oem nor asp,annual maintenance service - audio conferencing system - projector; any type projector; neither oem nor asp,annual maintenance service - audio conferencing system - ceiling mount camera; any type cctv camera; neither oem nor asp
Tender For supply of desktop computers with factory loaded os , computer work station , active led wall , projection system , touch screen display , video wall processor , hdmi matrix switcher , interactive panel touch display , visualizer , schedular system , interactive digital podium , ptz camera , ceiling tile microphone , digital signal processor , network ceiling speakers , input output usb bridge , poe plus network switch , touch pad 10 inch , network input output expanders , biometric control system , bullet camera , online ups , installation integration commissioning
Tender For supply of computer intel core i5 desktop 12th generation 512 ssd min 8gb ram preinstalled latest window 10 operating system monitor 19point5 min wired keyboard mouse make hpordelloreqvl , multifunction laser printer spdf mono print copy scan duplex a4 size printing speed upto 40ppm drum life 1 lks copies min make hp kyocera canon or eqvl , printer a3 size print copy scan network dadf duplex printing printing type b w paper size a3 a4 legal printing speed 32 ppm drum life 6 lks min resolution 1200 dpi make kyocera canon hp or eqvl , plotter machine single function inkject size a0 a3 a4 print speed 01 for a0 resolution 2400 1200 dpi giga lan wifi make hp canon or eqvl , 650va ups 15 min battery backup offline make luminous microtech cyber power or eqvl
Tender For supply of book bank list 3 - elements of x ray diffraction , concepts of genetics ,microeconomics , research methods in social sciences ,data structures using c , problem solving and programdesign in c , cryptography and network security principlesand practice , computernetworks , modern operatingsystems , introduction to automata theory languages andcomputation , event management , basics of eventmanagement , communication systems , electronics circuitanalysis and design , principles of electromagnetics ,computer system architecture , computer organization andarchitecture , design and analysis of computer algorithms ,python for programmers , fundamentals of databasesystem , artificial intelligence a modern approach ,introduction to machine learning , inorganic chemistry principles of structure and reactivity , postcolonialliterature an introduction , contemporary literary andcultural theory from structuralism to ecocriticism ,elements of the theory of computation , modern digital andanalog communication , organic chemistry , electronicdevices and circuit theory , wireless communicationprinciples and practice , marketing management , materialscience and engineering , quantum mechanics , genetics ,digital fundamentals , learning and teaching , financialadministration in india , basic accounting , complexvariables theory and applications , communication systemengineering , engineering circuit analysis , datacommunications and networking , digital logic andcomputer design