Tender For corrigendum : supply of compressed air foam system (caf) for pp and cdw unit - supply of compressed air foam system (caf) which includes design, engineering, procurement of materials, manufacture, assembly, inspection at seller s works, final documentation including the operational & maintenance manual, testing at seller s works, painting & protection, tagging and lettering as per project specification, mechanical & performance guarantee, packing and forwarding, transportation up to buyer s project site and necessary supporting documentation etc. as stated in material requisition., compressed air foam system (caf) - water mist fire extinguisher 50 ltr. operating pressure 15 bar
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of weapon control system - torpedo pre-setter controller , torpedo interface console , maneuver setting mechanism , depth setting mechanism , local launch computer , launch authorisation key unit , power conversion unit , interconnecting material , mock-up , mrls kit of onboard spares , mrls kit of base & depot spares , documentation , installation material
Tender For corrigendum : supply of ibs system , fiberoptic cable-ipms , cat-6-ipms , docuemntation-ipms , tools -ipms , on board spares -ipms , training at oem -ipms , training at hsl -ipms , service charges -ipms , class inspcetion -ipms , extended warranty -ipms , any other items-ipms , system cables for ipms , bccs , fiber optic cables - bccs , cat6-bccs , documentation-bccs , tools-bccs , on board spares-bccs , training at hsl-bccs , service charges-bccs , class inspection-bccs , extended warranty - bccs , any other items-bccs , system cables for bccs , hrms , fiber optic cables - hrms , cat6-hrms , documentation-hrms , tools- hrms , on board spares-hrms , training at hsl-hrms , service charges-hrms , class inspection-hrms , extended warranty - hrms , any other items-hrms , system cables for hrms
Tender For corrigendum : supply of selection of lso vendor for construction of 60t bp tug at hindustan shipyard limited - main engines and its auxillaries , srp shafting and its auxillaries , clutch and its auxillaries , external fire fighting system and its auxillaries , hull outfit group , accommodation , engineering , piping , onboard spares , installation and commissioning spares if an , standard special tools and test equipment instruments if any for maintenance and defect rectification of equipment , project management cost , production fabrication installation fitment connectorization services , electrical , conduct of equipment sys commissioning and trials hats , services at sats , training , documentation including delivery docs 4 sets each