Tender For special repair to existing tech area perimeter security fence between gd post to gurudawa gate with chain link fencing and provn of 01 x toilet at various locations under age br i and age em of ge bengdubi
Tender For special repair of chain link fence of 2.70 meter height and 1742 meter length around unit klp of j-1 location under age b/r-i of ge (east) jalandhar cantt
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to qtr no 544,545,546,548,549 and 550 at ph ii of 313 coy asc( sup) type f and provn of chain link fence along unit bdy at 261 cedu under ge narangi
Tender For special repair to existing toilet blocks of stn auditorium, provn of overhead parking shed at mt section and special repair to existing boundary wall with y neck barbed wire fence on top at offrs mess under ge dehu road.
Tender For special repair of toilet block at adm block chq office complex and qm office and provn of chain link fence 200 mtr length and 03 mtr height for or line and 500 sqm internal pathway of interlocking tiles at trg ground at rvc c and c under ge (north) m
Tender For corrigendum : provn of chain link fencing baghpat road constn of security gate and sentry post at gharaya chowk, addn/altn to building p-9, provn of toilet block, offrs mess wall, special repair to building e-135, existing broken boundary fence under ge (south) meerut cantt