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Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39403068 Due date: 06 Mar, 202506 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of insulator spout bushing - tulip contact , contact stry , contact assy , insulator spout bushing , off delay timer , contact assy elec , contact finger , grinder straight , cnctr lug 25sqmm , cnctr lug 35sqmm , cnctr lug 50sqmm , cnctr lug 70sqmm , cnctr lug 95sqmm , cnctr lug 120sqmm , cnctr lug 150sqmm , cnctr lug 185sqmm , pt , cable welding , hldr electrd , glass welding , side moving insulator

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39334792 Due date: 01 Mar, 202501 Mar, 2025 87.09 Lacs
Tender For procurement of mineline make flp acb and htstarter on oem basis - acb_core balance transformer_part_no_cbt80m ,acb_shunt trip coils_part_no_11_09_03 , acb_currenttransformer for ammeter_part_no_120_200_5_5 ,acb_isolator on_off_part_no_k4s , acb_fixed contact forisolator 300_400a_part_no_05_30_01_03 , acb_overloadassembly_breaker 30a_100a_part_no_11_01_00a , acb_novolt coil assy_under voltage coil assy_withmoulding_part_no_11_04_00a , acb_overloadassembly_breaker 110a_200a_part_no_11_01_00b ,acb_complete control wiring including plarelay_part_no_wr1 , acb_earth leakage relay 50_750m awith time lag with cbct_part_no_elm7lat_s__80m ,acb_ct for o_l_part_no_lat100_5 , acb_arcchute_part_no_ac1 , acb_push button actuator for elreset_part_no_boes3 , acb_limit switch_no_nc_forbreaker_part_no_mcr16d , acb_ct forol_part_no_lat200_5 , acb_current transformer forammeter_part_no_120_100_5_5 , acb_potentialtransformer_part_no_ds , acb_moving contact assy_forbreaker 300 amps_part_no_11_02_00 , acb_overloadassembly_breaker 210a_300a_part_no_11_01_00c ,acb_isolator assembly k3 on_off_part_no_05_00_00 ,acb_fixed contact assembly for isolator_part_no_05_01_00, acb_moving contact assembly forisolator_part_no_05_02_00 , acb_circuit breaker up to 400awith complete wiring assembly_part_no_wr_2a ,acb_current transformer forammeter_part_no_120_400_5_5 , acb_fixed contactassembly for breaker_part_no_11_06_00 , acb_brassterminal with insulator dmc_part_no_t5 , acb_brassterminal for og_part_no_t3 , acb_ct for ol_part_no_lat400_5 , acb_ct for o l_part_no_lat300_5 , l_part_no_lat400_5 , acb_ct for o l_part_no_lat300_5 , spring_part_no_11_05_10 , acb_moving contact finger300a_part_no_11_02_02_300 , acb_fixed contact assemblyfor isolator 300a_part_no_05_30_04_00 , acb_potentialtransformer 80 va_part_no_ds1 , acb_brass terminal withinsulator dmc_part_no_t10 , acb_shunt trip assemblycomplete_part_no_11_03_00 , acb_mounting bar forisolator_part_no_05_01_01 , acb_fixed contact for breaker300 a_part_no_11_06_00a , ht starter_glassfuse_part_no_glfu , ht starter_terminalbushing_part_no_oba , ht starter_heater_part_no_heat ,ht starter_ammeter 100_5 for ht 3point3starter_part_no_130_a_0_100_so_sht , htstarter_ammeter_part_no_am , ht starter_currenttransformer_part_no_120_100_5_15 , ht starter_currenttransformer_part_no_lat200_100_5 , ht starter_currenttransformer 60_5 15va_part_no_120_60_5_15 , htstarter_aux contactor for coli_part_no_boca2dn1229 , htstarter_core balance transformer_part_no_cbt80m , htstarter_ht_hrc_pt_fuse_part_no_bossabwna , htstarter_multicore bushing_part_no_mcb9 , ht starter_pilotrelay is_part_no_pru3_pru11 , ht starter_overload relaymagnetic_part_no_olr3 , ht starter_ht_bushing withstud_part_no_htta , ht starter_multi pilot relay 12_5dc_part_no_mpru5 , ht starter_multifunction pilot relaywith base_part_no_mpr4 , ht starter_potentialtransformer_3point3kv_500va_part_no_htptl1 , htstarter_earth leakage relay50_750ma_750ma_2a_part_no_elm7dlat_s__80m , htstarter_sensitive earth leakage relay 50-300ma withvariable time lag_part_no_elm7stwpt , htstarter_flameproof incoming cable adaptor3point3kv_part_no_r32 , ht starter_3point3 isolatoron_off_earth_part_no_kie_3_3 , ht starter_vaccuminterrupter_part_no_bev0053 , ht starter_3point3kvisolator on off_earth_reverse 400a_part_no_kire , htstarter_overload short circuit and motor protectionrelay_part_no_bossr , ht starter_electronic short circuitrelay_part_no_bompro100 , ht starter_vaccum contactor3_3kv_part_no_bev0061_3_3 , ht starter_sensitive earthleakage relay 50_300ma_part_no_elm10 minelinemake_acb_korba_area_core balancetransformer_partno_cbt80m,minelinemake_acb_korba_area_shunt tripcoils_partno_11.09.03,minelinemake_acb_korba_area_currentxmerfor ammeterpartno_120/200/5/5,minelinemake_acb_korba_area_isolator on/offpartno_k4s, minelinemake_acb_krb fxdcontactforisolator300/400a_partno_05.30.01.03, minelinemake_acb_krboverloadassmblybreaker_partno_11.01.00...

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39357358 Due date: 25 Feb, 202525 Feb, 2025 87.86 Lacs
Tender For supply of mine line make spares for different equipments - cover bolts , isolator assembly k3 on off , isolatorassembly k4 on off 300a , mounting bar for isolator , coilspring for isolator up to 400a , isolator micro switch assly ,catcher assembly , arc chutes , ammeter100 5 for acb ,ammeter 200 5 for acb , ammeter 300 5 for acb ,ammeter 400 5 for acb , push button actuator for el test ,push button actuator for el reset , potential transformer ,incoming gland , outgoing gland , glass fuse with holder ,power cable for 300a for breaker chamber ic og set ,power cable for 400a for breaker chamber ic og set ,power cable for 200a for breaker chamber ic og set , limitswitch 2no 2nc for breaker , brass terminal , push buttonwith spindle , brass terminal for cp , earth leakage relay50 750m a with time lag with cbct , moving contract forisolator , overload assembly breaker 30a 100a , overloadassembly breaker 110a 200a , overload coil 200 a , movingcontact for breaker upto 200 amps , moving contact forbreaker 400 amps , shunt trip assly complete. , no volt coilassy. under voltage coil assy. without moulding , no voltcoil assy. under voltage coil assy. with moulding , currenttransformer for ammeter , busbar , indicating lamps ,moving contact finger 400a , fixed contact assy. forbreaker , operating handle for isolator , terminal bushingwith insulator dmc incoming 6mm 20mm , terminal bushingwith insulator dmc incoming 8mm 20mm , fixed contactassy. for isolator 400a , overload assembly breaker 310a400a , arc chutes pillar , fixed contact breaker , potentialtransformer 80v , overload assembly breaker 210a-300a ,limit switch no nc for breaker , on off isolator 300a ,rectifier , ht bushing with stud. 3.3kv , reveering isolator3.3kv , ht rec pt fuse , p fuse plate wiring ass. , ht fusesupport base eppxy cast , aux. transformor single phase , support base eppxy cast , aux. transformor single phase , voltmeter selector switch , potential transformor ,isolator handle , off delay timer , incoming throughgoing sealing box with cone and gland assy , outgoingterminal swaling box with cine gland 3 way , copperterminals with dmc bushing , brass terminal with dmcbushing , brass terminal with nylon bushing , isolatorhandle , on off isolator 100a , glass fuse with holder , noactuator , nc actuator , relay coil voltage 2co contact ,pot. transformer , push button with spindle , actuator nonc , hrc fuse 16a , hrc fuse 63a , sensitive earthleakage relay 50 300ma with variable time lag , indicatingled , body bolt , ammmeter , core blancetransformer , thermal overloderelay with block , isolatork3 on off , thermal ol relay ctr 50 5 range 20a 50a ,ammeter 120 5 for lt starter , on delay timer , potentialtransforiner , aux, contactor220v ac , glass fuse withholder , potential transformer 80 va , sensitive earthleakage relay 50 300ma with variable time lag with controltransformer and suitable cbct , pilot relay , brassterminal with dmc bushing , brass stud with dmcbushing for og , hrc power fuse , isolator handle ,thermal o l relay ctr 120 5 range 48a 120a , off delaytimer , aux. relay 220v ac coll 3co base , multi pilot relay12.5 dc , single phasing preventer current operated ,single pole two way toggle switch , actuator no , actuatornc , push button element , isolator on oft rov 300aa ,isolator 3p on off 100a , indicating lamp , potentialtransformer , ht bushing , control relay 110v , dcpower pack , hcr ht pt fuse 3.3kv , pct transformer, aux contractor , natutral earthing resistor , vcbclosing coil , vcb shunt trip coil , vacuuminterrupter , neutral monitoring relay withresistance , earth leakage 5 750 ma and 750 ma 2 a dualsetting with time lag with cbct , 3 pole oil dashpot relay300 5 , dc power pack , vcb limit sweitch , hv bushuing ,isolator , current transformer , vcb shunt trip coil , controlrelay , capictor trip device , vaccum circuit breaker , pottransformer 500va , indicating lamp , contrtol fuse , undervoltage r...

CTN :39100843 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : proc of tata jd spares - 4922685 hammer 0 point 670 kg , t158579 washer , td01467 relay unit ii , tf23p tooth point , 252420120140 assy thermostate , 261054500104 combination switch , 4661004010 gear box assy , lde0005507 fuel filter , pkde005743 element fuel filter , 20658500102 assy tool box , 38h1094 elbow fitting , 92de0011 washer banjo bolt , 99de1040 fuel filter , at171098 hydraulic hose , 14280500900 hose clamp , 265454204902 relay base , 35011200166 bihex socket 12 point 5 x 18 is 7381 , pkde005607 fuel filter , te02516 fuel filter element , 1424650005 governer spring , t160385 muffler extension , tb00477 main wiring , td01761 01 tube s a 1 , un4583 hose , te02057 indicator lamp hyd oil filter , at176439 hyd hose , 252409120106 assy fuel feed pump to filter , 25340005801 rubber below , 265115100115 assy drive , 265954504902 relay for starter moter , 3121810308 assy oil filter cartridge , 35011200182 bihax socket spanner 12 point 5 x18 , a590106 washer plate m6 , pkp102654407 pi02654407 lub oil filter , td01760 20 kit seal , td01784 piano switch , te20027 spnr 14x15 , 424700605 j cap fueltank , 265115100118 assy field coil , 4094258 bar extension 400mm , at171637 hydraulic hose 915 lg , pk99de1042 pipe , t14280500900 hose clip , t77613 o ring , td20100 speed meter , td20597 hyd hose , te00237 light switch , te21403 relay 0501324432 , 206054500108 hazard switch , 4168028671 torque converter assy , z958407 wrench 10 , 252309110103 assy over flow valve , 257454209969 horn , 26925113a starter motor , at169032 valve three function , pk338171351 seal , td01187 gauge pressure 60x10mm cpricol , td20058 hydraulic hose , te20369 accelerator rod , at179983 hyd hose lh , 38h1521 elbow fitting , te20534 strap , 634402540 piston ring , 206013113103 connecting rod bearing half , 21825631 cutter , 2523090130168 pre cleaner , 252707130110 assy vaccum cyl , 252718120101 assy oil cooler , 253401155311 gasket cyl head cover , 257354509927 starter push button sw pec electrical , 265115404901 regulator , 3343f012 pipe lub oil delivery , 3520305120 assy conrod w obrg shells , 5870300007 internal pullaur , 5870610001 wheel stud pullar , 816 00193 blanking cap , at135084 pin , at169087 ball joint , at173100 hyd hose , at179974 hyd hose , l002666108 themostate , mmijd025 entrance door lh , pk14181a026 ring piston assy comprising , pkl07de00012 belt cogged alt , t113128 cap screw , ta20006 bucket , td01919 tc20003 operator seat assy , td20331 6 assy hour meter , td20594 hydraulic hose , td20601 hyd hose , te21760 hose hyd , ulpk0005 kit lift pump repair , ta00376 backhoe bucket , t128535 pin , at175825 boom cylinder assy , te21523 wire harness , 4168028209 torque convertor , 252703100140 assy crankshaf with counter , 2572705100103 assy camshaft with pin std , 257354500110 fuse box , 4142v066 rear seal assembly , 67de0081 pully , pkl002485613 thermostate , t133292 knob , t157277 seal dust , t160218 frame , td01777 guage speed meter , uii2547 o ring , we00392 parking brake warn lmp , pk99de1040 pipe assy feed pump , 501214269 range selector , at180908 ditch cleaning , at169831 pin special 50x270mm , p102654407 filter lub oil , 4504198 clamp , pk2314j014 screw , at173400 front isolator , 3576m005 pipe oil assy , mmijd043 glass 3 , t154712 washer top swing frame , t77932 o ring , f2863r snap ring , td01746 hyd hose , td01925 piano switch , 350009 dowel , 32416118 plug tappet chamber , 32416119 plug camshaft , 3311r003 washer sealing , 3686t006 joint , 4922635 hammer , at139741 lever , pk2641a067 lift pump , 2659504902 relay starter motor , ta20042 transmission 2wd , r26375 o ring , re20342 seal , re65978 clamp , 3114v041 connecting rod assy , 5870287007 high pressure pump , td20621 relay wire harness , td20331 instrument cluster , 1749063014 self starter assy , 5870240025 clamping yoke , 87790003 big end bearing , at69831 pin , t154621 bushing sleeve 80x55mm , tb20049 hood , td02026 hyd hose , 14m7274 nut , 38h1044 elbow fitting

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39335120 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of 8zone microprocessor based fire alarm panel , 4zone microprocessor based fire alarm panel , multi sensor smoke detector , heat combination , 150 x 150 x 40mm ms box , abs manual push button station , 95-105db abs hooter , response indicators , 2 x 1.5 sq.mm frls copper cable , end termination , 4.5 kg co2 fire extinguisher , 9lts capacity fire buckets , refilling of 4.5 kg co2 fire extinguisher , hose pipe of standard length , horn , wheel

CTN :38763309 Due date: 20 Feb, 202520 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of es6031d-5050814000 washer copper , es6031d-5050835000 waser copper , es6031d-7405071000 oil seal , es6031d-7407706000 gasket , es6031d-7426505000 o ring rubber , es6031d-7432412000 set of oil seal 19by30 by 7 for aroto g 15sp ffp , es6031d-7903109000 outside spring , es6031d-7508411000 gasket 138by138by2mm , es6031d-7526719000 barring gear air outlet connect , es6031d-7530404000 flexmaster conn pipe 60 3mm od , es6031d-7551901000 air cooler outlet conn hose , es6031d-7551942000 governor speed setting air inlet connection , es6031d-7902906000 exhaust valve seat , es6031d-7904628000 o ring , es6031d-79046115000 plunger spring , es6031d-7904625000 fuel pump filter , es6031d-7908821000 oval joint , es6031d-7915237000 loctite , es6031d-7909304000 banjo bolt , es6031d-8019205000 piston ring compression , es6031d-50037125000 self locking nut , es6031d-5050810000 copper washer 12 by 18 , es6031d-5054005012 spring dowel pin , es6031d-7426963000 bearing bush , es6031d-7425134000 gasket , es6031d-7432641000 bush dia 22 by 26 14 , es6031d-7527134000 flexmaster conn gm 1006 038 pipe 48 3 od , es6031d-7902934000 nut , es6031d-7904115000 ring d164 3 5d 6 531 60c7 , es6031d-7531208000 round joint , es6031d-7550311000 thermostat element 74 by 82 deg c , es6031d-7902107000 con rod small end bush , es6031d-7904004000 washer , es6031d-7904006000 piston ring , es6031d-7904608000 barrel cap , es6031d-7904404000 spring , es6031d-7905012000 ball bearing , es6031d-7913508000 intermediate pinion , es6031d-7248022000 joint , es6031d-7230642000 gasket , es6031d-5050160000 circlip external 60mm , es6031d-5050807000 copper washer 10 by 14 , es6031d-50501450000 circlip external 45mm , es6031d-7007587000 inlet valve , es6031d-7425428000 locking wire 1 mm dia l 1mtr 304l , es6031d-7409407000 bs ring , es6031d-7426506000 joint dia 184 240 ep 2 , es6031d-7426018000 injector pump pin , es6031d-7426030000 screw 6 by 6 by 6 , es6031d-7426613000 internal circlip , es6031d-7426615000 snap ring , es6031d-7426618000 o ring , es6031d-7427903000 sleeve spring , es6031d-7526757000 barring gear air inlet cinnection , es6031d-7904105000 spring , es6031d-7529539000 o ring , es6031d-7551928000 intake pressure connection , es6031d-7900135000 loctite nut and loctite 549 gasket , es6031d-7902604000 hyloner paste , es6031d-7903316000 pressure screw bar , es6031d-7904611000 thrust stopper , es6031d-7904617000 scale shim bar , es6031d-7906812000 bearing , es6031d-7907804000 gasket for exh , es6031d-7909308000 bs ring bsb d12 nse6 51 20a8 , es6031d-7909403000 sping , es6031d-7442102000 joint for balmo fuel feed pump , es6031d-79143516000 pinion on reducer , es6031d-7923850000 indicator cock assembly , es6031d-7942165000 sealing bush , es6031d-7456112000 filter element for 2 stage marin engine , ek3010b-f6 073 09 0 pr air starter , ek3010b-300515000 zinc rod , ek3010b-7426968000 threaded bush fuel feed pump , ek3010b-7904106000 injector adjusing screw , ek3010b-79046250 filter oil fuel pump 1 set 16 nos , es6031d-1355067 packing perform , es6031d-182149 seal , es6031d-7412701000 inspection door , es6031d-7432401000 fuel feed pump ccw engine , es6031d-7435715000 o ring for inspection dooen l 1300 mm long , es6031d-7448934000 o ring , es6031d-7460036000 o ring , es6031d-7903640000 cover , es6031d-7904102000 injector body , es6031d-7602461000 bearing , es6031d-759651000 horn off push button , es6031d-7597102000 fuse holder , es6031d-7600702000 connecting rod temperature sensor , es6031d-7604205000 anti bore ring , es6031d-7903390000 valve rockers assly , ek3010b-7428022000 joint , ek3010b-7600134000 loctite 242 , ek3010b-bearing 6308 , es6031d-1355103 packing perform , es6031d-7442367000 gasket , es6031d-182829 packing o ring , es6031d-206165 gasket , es6031d-206564 gasket , es6031d-355827 hose flexible suction , es6031d-7405004000 gov driving gear pinion , es6031d-7432631000 grive shaft with u pinion 1028 , es6031d-7451515 locking washer , es6031d-74
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