Tender For supply of set of rubber spares for c-2 relay valve consisting 09 items (i) gasket pipebraket wabco pt. no. 580565 (01 no.) (ii) gasket ring wabco pt. no.527717 (01 no.) (iii) diaphragmwabco pt. no. 536300 (01 no) (iv) 'o' ring 1. 5/8
Tender For supply of compressor spares - grill protection for suction valve part no part no , s a valve suction ist stage part no 8035.17.03.00 , s a valve suction 2nd stage part no 8035.17.10.00 , s a valve suction 3rd stage part no 8235.17.12.00 , ring 118x111x2 for valve cu part no 24.431.180.00 , washer 20x13x1 part no 23.560.203.00 , ring 129x118x2 copper part no 24.431.290.00 , screw tightening m12x1.75x60 for va lve part no 22.194.450.00 , sa valve discharge ist stage part no. 8035.17.04.00 , s a valve discharge 2nd stage part no 8035.17.11.00 , sa valve discharge 3rd stage part no. 8035.17.13.00 , s a valve suction 4th stage part no. 8035.17.14.00 , s a valve discharge 4rt stage part no. 8035.17.15.00 , ring 106x96x1 cu 3ha4 part no 24.431.061.00 , gasket edd quality 95.5x85x2 for 70 cr56 and 57 valve , element for suction filter part no 94.109.905.00 , valve plate part no 8036.12.81.00 , valve plate part no 8035.18.98.00 , ring piston compression , packing gland ring m55.8x32x10 part no , gasket 250x200x2 betwn body and cove r of fec 280d part no 24.442. , gasket 440 dx286 dx2 for cylinder 2 80 d part no 24.444.400.00 , ring piston compression 180d part no 35.324.690.00 , gasket front 305 dia x 244 dia x 2 and back 180 dia 185dia cylinder , gasket cover 180 dia x 130 dia x 2 front end part no 24.441.780.00 , ring seal type 32 t6 bu white part no. 35.360.730.99 , ring piston compression 125d part no 35.324.140.00 , ring o 48x34x7 rubber ha and hb part no 24.540.340.00 , ring pressure breaker f gland pac king bronze part no 35.362.380 , ring piston 85d lub part no. 35.324.901.00 , ring 118x111.5x2 al ha hat part no. 24.421.180.00 , ring seal type 32 t6 bu white 185 d part no 35.360.730.99 , pin dowel 10dx80 part no 23.311.090.00 , element secondary filter new desig part no 35.190.360.00 , bearing big end f conn rod part no , bearing bush main part no. , nut hex plain m20x2.5 part no. 22.072.335.00 , nut lock hex m20x2.5 part no 22.058.305.00 , tube bundle intercooler first stage part no 94.102.336.00 , tube bundle intercooler second stage part no 94.102.337.00 , tube bundle intercooler third stage part no 94.102.338.00 , s a pump oil 2 4 6 cylinder part no , bolt round head m20x2.5x147 2 4 6 c part no 21.580.200.00 , nut hex plain m20x2.5 en-24 condi tion part no 22.072.335.0 , nut lock hex m20x2.5 en-24 condit ion part no. 22.058.305.00 , ring piston compression 280d 280dx12x7 ci part no. 35.324.400.00 , ring piston compression 180 d part no 35.324.690.00 , ring piston compression 125d spl ci ha part no 35.324.140.00 , ring piston 85d lub spl ci ha part no 35.324.901.00 , s a valve 3 8 inch bsp n r for 1 2 3 stg part no. , sub assy nr valve high p cy. 4th stg part no. 35.800.400.00
Tender For bid to ras repair and servicing of tata mobile 17c106194e - labour only for taking out us engine oil from chamber completely and refillling the engine oil of grade 20w40 7500 ltr , m and l for replacement of oil filter complete make purolator , m and l for replacement of fuel filter complete make purolator , m and l for replacement of differential oil grade 80 w 90 complete make castrol , m and l for replacement of brake oil complete make castrol , dismantling brake assembly repair and refix after replacing fwg spares rubber bush 01 brake liner 02 nos , m and l for wheel alignment of veh wheels and wheel balancing incl wheel rotation as directed , m and l taking down self strter for repair and replacement of unsv parts such as bendex, solenoid coil carbon brush and armature as directed , taking dow nad disconnecting radiator from vehicle and cleaning after adding radiator cleaning agent including refiling new coolant 01ltr with 03 ltr , opening of all electrical and mech connections of alternator assembly taking out unserviceable carbon plate commutator s and f of carbon plate , washing and cleaning of complete veh greasing and oiling of all moveable parts of veh , wiring check up and replacemtne of wipre blasde 01 set and tail light assy 02 head light 02 nos tail bulb 4 wiper moter assy 01 to be replaced , complete taking out of clutch plate pressure plate relasing bearing properly checking of replacement of unsv cluthc plate-01 , taking out old unsv water body from the vehicle supply and fixing of water body including connection of all joints , s and f of the new rexine seat cover for all the seats , complete removal of foot mat s and f of new foot mat stitched to fit on to the veh after removing the seats and cleaning the internal cabin , s and f of the dust collecting rubber foot rest set of 4 nos and gear rod cover , s and f in repair manual fuel pump as per existing make all as per direction of enginer in charge , m and l for removing of denting at various places of veh carriage and panting of the veh with existing.
Tender For procurement of jcb spares - 4827156000 brake shoe , 4h00906000 joint for rocker cover , 4827167000 field oil assy , 4827168000 armature assy , 4827129000 drive assy , 4827119000 solenoid switch , 2h00807000 o ring for cyl liner , 4827165000 bush set insul brush , 4h56220000 feed pump side operating , 4827127000 oil seal , 42003020 o ring cyl liner joint , 0300706000 oil seal , 4827140000 sealing bush , 4827142000 bearing bush inter bkt , 4827158000 bearing bush c e , 4h05203000 joint , 4h35902000 joint for lib oil sump , 1410282003 seal oil , 2000 0030 bellow , 4h1093040 pr spider coupling , 0250003 ring cylinder , 4827162000 bush set earth , 4h00724000 gasket for cyl head 1 point 25mm , 2911230701 bolt banjo , 9430032175 2201020000 fuel injector assy , 47035030 washer for relief volve , 47018100 lub oil looker assy , 4827160000 bush spring , 4827161000 bush carrier assy , 202427000 nut lock , 300706000 oil seal , 303601000 o ring dipstick , 304019000 oil filter , 0409101000 flexible pipe , 2915051106 nut , 34021050 joint , 34030050 bolt banjo m8 x 17 long zinc plated , 34050010 dynamo pully , 3408802000 joint for rocker cover , 3434120000 intermediate gear assy , 36005200 oil lub pump assy w o gear , 36010060 starter 12 volts , 42004240 joint liner to head 0 point 6 mm thk as reqd , 42004250 joint liner to head 0 point 8 mm thk as reqd , 42008730 set piston ring , 42109100 clamp , 44044010 manifold water oulet , 46040010 ring piston top compression chrome plated , 46072040 collet pair , 46072050 spring valve , 4607205000 valve spring , 47018020 element , 47033130 housing for water pump , 47113150 indicator restriction , 48068040 hose , 48068090 pile flexible , 48117100 fuel filter element , 48122010 ring sealing for push rod tube , 48126040 clamp for l o pipe , 48129010 fuel pipe , 48130100 fuel pump assy , 4813801000 adaptor crank pully , 48139010 adaptor for crank pully , 4817302000 housing bearing , 48173040 impeller , 48190010 ring sealing for bowl 89 id x 102 od x 3 point 17 thk high nitrille rubber , 5000208100 bolt hex m8 x 1 point 25 100 long stl 8 point 8 gd , 500100681 oil seal , 5001008075 stud m8x1 point 25 75 long , 50508 04 washer copper 61dx10 odx 1twk , 50508 05 copper washer , 50508 11 washer copper 141dx180dx15 thk , 90301014 terminal insulated plated , 9030859a pinion , 9421031001 cover closing , 9430034220 220104000 nozzle , m005400013 set main brg 0 point 25mm , 9030 876 center plate , 05012096924 solenoid valve , mmijd045 glass 5 , pk2418f436 oil seal
Tender For supply of spare parts of deep well hand pump india mar ii conforming to is 9301 1990 with latest amendment may be read along with 1st amendment is 15500 part-1 to 8 2024 with latest amendment for spares of india mark iii respectively - supplying of spare parts of drilled tube wells for india mark-ii conforming to is 15500 (relevant part 1 to 8)/2004 (with latest amendment) only from approved manufactures/suppliers from bis/unicef after proper varification of offer sheet, inspection certificate, marking & packing etc. as per bis/uniceff standard norms etc. all complete., hexagonal bolt m12x1.75 x 40mm long common to mark-ii & iii, hexagonal nut m12 x 1.75, high tensiele bolt m 10 x 1.50 x 40 mm long, nylock nut m10 x 1.50, handle axle (ss), ball bearing 6204z, chain with coupling, nitrile rubber cup washer for im-ii & iii, n. rubber sealing ring big for lower valve mark-ii, n. rubber sealing ring small for lower valve mark-ii, handle assembly (g.i), water tank assembly-ii, cylinder assemble complete set for mark-ii, upper valve assembly complete set for india mark-ii, lower valve assembly complete set for india mark-ii, upper valve guide (g.m), cylinder body with brass liner for im-ii with reducer cap for top & bottom, pump head assembly gi with front cover, bolt & third plate, 32mm gi socket, nr sealing ring im ii, connecting rod 3 mtr long with coupling and nut electro-galvanized, reducer cap for cylinder assembly im ii, check valve guide im ii gm, check valve seat im ii gm, gun metal spacer, hexagonal rod coupling m12x1.75x50mm long, gst 5%
Tender For supply of spare parts of deep well hand pump india mark ii conforming to i.s 9301-1990 with latest amendment 2004 with latest amendment for spares of india mark ii respectively under d w and s division hazaribag for the year 2024-25 - spare parts of india mark ii deep well hand pump conforming to i.s. - 15500 (pt-ii)/2004 to be procured only from approved manufacturers from approved manufacturers from unicef approved qualified supplier & after proper verification of offer sheet inspection certificate marketing and packing etc as per unicefs standard norms, hexagonal bolt m12 x 1.75 x 40 mm long, chain with coupling, handle assembly (gi), water tank assembly (gi), pump head assembly (gi) with front cover bolt & third plate, reducer cap for cylinder im ii, handle axle(stationless steel), nitrile rubber cup washer for im ii & iii, cylinder assembly complete set for im ii cylinder, upper valve assembly complete set im ii, lower valve assembly complete set im ii, upper valve guide im ii, cylinder body with brass liner for im ii with reducer cap for top & bottom, connecting rod, ball bearing 6204z, plunger rod for im-ii, gst @ 5% (add sgst 2.5% + cgst 2.5%)
Tender For supply of spare parts of deep well hand pumps india mark-ii conforming to is:9301-1190 with latest amendment (may be read along with 1st amendment is:15500(part 1-7) 2004 with latest amendment for spares common to both india mark-ii & iii respectively) under d.w.&s division, no-1, dhanbad for the year 2024-25. - hexagonal bolts m12 - 1.75 x 40 mm long, hexagonal nut m12-1.75 mm, high tensile bolts m10-1.50 x 40 mm, nyloc nuts m10-1.5mm, handle axle(stainless steel), chain with coupling, haexagonal rod coupling m12 -1.75 x 50 mm long, connecting rod 3 mtr. long with coupling and nut (electro galvinised), pump head assembly with front cover bolt & third plate, handle assembly (g.i.), 32 mm seamless pipe socket, upper valve assembly im-ii complete set, lower valve assembly im-ii complete set, ci reducer cap for im-ii, cylinder body with brass liner for im-ii with reducer cap top & bottom, water tank assembly i.m.-ii, ci cylinder complete set for im-ii, rubber sealing big, rubber sealing small, nitrile rubber cup(washer), gst-5%
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of various make consumable c and i spares for ahp and mrs of ph-4, stps sarni - various make consumable c&i spares for ahp and mrs, s.s. 304 bar ball valve size-15mm,one piece design full port with s.s. 304 ball & stem, renewable taflon seat & seals, blow out proof stem, m.s. lever screwed end to bsp female one side and male on another sidehydr. bodytest-31 kg/cm2hydr. seat test-23 kg/cm2pneumatic seat test-5.5 kg/cm2make- l&t, regent, adco or equivalent, afr 212 (1/2") air filter regulator combined unit with pressure gauge in outlet side. port size-1/2 bsp body material allu, alley d/cast mex. inter presser 10 kg/cm2 secondary pressor-0-6 kg/cm2 , pressure gauge dial-2 (50mm)make- rotex, asco or equivalent, afrl 225 (1/2 ) air filter regulator combined unit with pressure gauge in outlet side, port size-1/2 bsp body material allu, alley d/cast mex. inter presser 10 kg/cm2 secondary pressor-0-6 kg/cm2 , pressure gauge dial-2 (50mm)make- rotex, asco or equivalent, rf type level switch probe sansing probe of 330mm for mrs systemmake- eip or equivalent, 12 window alarm annunciator with built in push button(ref. no.-series mbas-0600, modal 2 2b 10s p0)voltage-90-270 vac/dcmake- l&t, minilic, selec or equivalent, 14 window alarm annunciator with built in push b amp. button(ref. no.-series mbas-0600, modal 20b14sp0)voltage-90-270 vac/dcmake- l&t, minilic, selec or equivalent, 3 way gauge cock, connection size-1/2 ncp (f)x(f)x(f)material- ss 304,type-3 way, 3 way gauge cock, connection size-1/2 ncp (m)x(f)x(f), material- ss 304,type-3 way, paint synthetic enamel smock garymake- berger, asian, indigo, birla or equivalent, paint synthetic enamel sky bluemake- berger, asian, indigo, birla or equivalent, thinner for synthetic enamelmake- berger, asian, indigo, birla or equivalent, flexible hose size (galvanized ends) grade-r6 (per mtr)tube:- synthetic oil resistant rubberreinforcement: one textile braid cover: weather & oil resistance synthetic rubber wp: 28 bar bp: 112 bar, bending radius: 64mmtemp.: - 40deg c approx. to +100 deg c approx. std. color: blackapplicable standard: sae 100 r6 (din en 854) make:- parker or equivalent, flexible hose size 1/4 (galvanized ends) grade-r6 (per mtr)tube:- synthetic oil resistant rubberreinforcement: one textile braid cover: weather & oil resistance synthetic rubber wp: 28 bar bp: 112 bar, bending radius: 64mmtemp.: - 40deg c approx. to +100 deg c approx. std. color: blackapplicable standard: sae 100 r6 (din en 854) make:- parker or equivalent, flexible hose size 3/8 (galvanized ends) grade-r6 (per mtr)tube:- synthetic oil resistant rubberreinforcement: one textile braid cover: weather & oil resistance synthetic rubber wp: 28 bar bp: 112 bar, bending radius: 64mmtemp.: - 40deg c approx. to +100 deg c approx. std. color: blackapplicable standard: sae 100 r6 (din en 854) make:- parker or equivalent, amatic pu tubing size od -8, id- 6 for instrument air pr-10 kg/cm2make:- jenatics or equivalent, amatic pu tubingsize od -10, id- 6.5 for instrument air pr-10 kg/cm2make:- jenatics or equivalent