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Decontamination Solution Tenders

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Tender Value

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39429706 Due date: 14 Mar, 202514 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of prime script one step rt pcr kit ver 2 dye plus , emerald amp gt pcr master mix , total rna trizol reagent 100 ml , item 1 , item 2

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39356830 Due date: 08 Mar, 202508 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of thermo scientific chemicals - genejettm pcr purification kit, 50 prep , genejettm plasmid miniprep kit 50preps , generulertm 100bp dna ladder, 5x50 ug , generulertm 1 kb dna ladder, 5 x 50 ug , clonejettm pcr cloning kit, 40 rxn , 6x dna loading dye, , depc-treated water, 1 50 ml , water nuclease-free, 30 ml , transformaid bacterial transformation kit, 40 transformation , rnasezaptm rnase decontamination solution 250 ml , centrifuge tubes bulk sterile 15 ml , centrifuge tubes bulk sterile 50 ml , verso cdna synthesis kit 100 reactions

CTN :39338020 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of trizol reagent (q3)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39320972 Due date: 05 Mar, 202505 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of revertaid first strand cdna synthesis kit , maxima sybr green qpcr master mix 2x 200react , genejet rna purification kit,50preps , 200ul 96 well qpcr plates abi a12 cut clear frosted 50 per case , rna sure blood mini kit 50 , proteinase k recombinant pcr grade 5x1ml , trizol reagent , rna rescue stabilisation reagent

Private Sector

CTN :39321578 Due date: 05 Mar, 202505 Mar, 2025 3.79 Lacs
Tender For supply of consumables and antibody - dna polymerase , mammary epithelial growth supplement , synthetic sgrna , pd l1 polyclonal antibody , pd 1 polyclonal antibody , ve-cadherin monoclonal antibody , dmem high glucose pyruvate , trypsin edta , antibiotic antimycotic , trizol , 1 kb plus dna ladder

CTN :38764468 Due date: 20 Feb, 202520 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of reagents and consumables for various depts - phosphotungstic acid 100 gm ar extra pure , light green 100 gm mb , benzidine powder 100 gm extra pure , 1- napthyl butyrate esterase substrate 5 gm ar , methylene blue 100 gm , potassium hydroxide 500 gm ar , potassium iodate 100 gm acs , eosin y water soluble 25 gm acs , sulphuric acid 500 ml ar , hematoxylin powder 100 gm cbsc , potassium chloride 500 gm ar , sodium chloride 500 gm ar , silver nitrate 25 gm acs , carbolfuchscin 100 gm cbsc , fuchsin basic 100gm acs , potassium aluminium sulfate dodecahydrate 500gm acs , glycerol 500gm ar , disodiumhydrogen phosphate anhydrous 500 gm , tris base 500gm , may grunwalds stain 100 gm pg , hematoxyline stain 5gm , orange g hi 25 gm , tween 20 500 ml ep , 3- aminopropyl triethoxy silane 100 gm ep , diethyl ether 500 ml ar , ammonia solution 30 percent 500 ml ep , qualitative filter paper grade 1 , cedar wood oil microscopy 50 ml , methanol acetone free 500 ml acs , rnase decontamination solution 250ml , embedding rings

CTN :38988784 Due date: 06 Mar, 202506 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of microbiology molecular biology reagents - acinetobacter selective medium with supplements - pack of500gm , camphylobacter selective medium bracket boold freeand with supplements bracket - pack of 500 gm , cary - blairtransport medium - pack of 500 gm , enterococcus selectivemedium - pack of 500 gm , macconkey agar - pack of 500 gm ,modified cary - blair medium - pack of 500gm , mrs medium -pack of 250gm , mrsa selective medium with or withoutchromogenic - pack of 500gm , pseudomonas selective agar -pack of 500gm , salmonella shigella agar- pack of 500gm ,selective , vibrio selective media with supplements - pack of500gm , xylose lysine deoxycholate- pack of 500gm , yersiniaselective agar - pack of 500gm , sim medium - pack of 250gm ,mrvp broth - pack of 250gm , kovac sindolereagent - pack of100ml , barritt s reagents a alpha - naphthol - pack of ml ,methyl red reagent oblique indicator - pack of 50ml , simmonscitrate agar - pack of 250ml , triple sugar iron agar - pack of100gm , mha medium - pack of 500gm , durham tubes length 25to 27 mm diameter 6 by 7 - pack of 100 , tryptone broth - pack of500gm , sucrose powder - pack of 100gm , mannitol sugar powder- pack of 100gm , lactose sugar powder - pack of 500gm , xylitolsugar powder- pack of 100 gm , adonitol sugar powder - pack of10 gm , sulfanilic acid - pack of 25 gm , amikacin bracke amkbracket - pack of 100 discs , amoxicillin bracket amx bracket-pack of 100 discs , ampicillin bracket amp racket- pack of 100discs , azithromycin bracket azm bracket- pack of 100 discs ,cefepime bracket fep bracket - pack of 100 discs , cefotaximebracket ctx bracket- pack of 100 discs , cefoxitin bracket foxbracket- pack of 100 discs , cefoxitin - cloxacillin - pack of 100discs , ceftazidime bracket caz bracket - pack of 100 discs ,ceftriaxone bracket cro bracket - pack of 100 discs , cephalothin- bracket cef bracket - pack of 100 discs , chloramphenicolbracket c bracket - pack of 100 discs , ciprofloxacin bracket cipbracket - pack of 100 discs , clarithromycin bracket cla bracket - bracket - pack of 100 discs , clarithromycin bracket cla bracket - norfloxacin bracket nor bracket - pack of 100 discs , ofloxacinbracket ofx bracket - pack of 100 discs , penicillin bracket pbracket -pack of 100 discs , rifampicin bracket rd bracket - packof 100 discs , teicoplanin bracket tec bracket - pack of 100 discs, tetracycline bracket tet bracket - pack of 100 discs ,tobramycin bracket tob bracket - pack of 100 discs , vancomycinbracket van bracket - pack of 100 discs , potassium chloride -pack of 500gm , sodium phosphate dibasic bracket mw 141 dart96 g oblique mol - pack of 500gm , potassium phosphatemonobasic bracket mw 136 dart 09 g oblique mol - pack of 500gm, 0.5m sodium edta - pack of 50 ml , 100percent acetic acid -pack of 50 ml , 10x te buffer- pack of 10 ml , agarose - pack of100 g , nuclease free water - pack of 500ml , potassiumdichromate - pack of 500g , stool dna purification kit - pack of 50pairs , qubit tm 4 system verification assay kit - pack of 50 assays, 1x te buffer, ph 8.0 - pack of 100ml , rnalater solution - packof 100ml , formaldehyde , glycerol - pack of 100ml , sybr tmgreen master mix - pack of 1x5 ml , first strand cdna synthesiskit - paco of 50 reactions , trizol reagent - pack of 100ml , 2propanol bracket isopropanol bracket moleculer biology grade -pack of 500ml , ecl western blotting substrate - pack of 250ml ,prestained protein ladder for western blot - pack of 500 microliter, tris hcl bracket 1 m bracket ph 8dart0 rnase free - pack of100ml , sodium chloride for molecular biology greater than orminus 99 percent bracket titration bracekt - pack of 500g ,sodium dodecyl sulfate - pack of 100g , ethyl alcohol formolecular biology greater than or minus 99 point 8 percentbracket bracket gc bracket - pack of 500ml , tris dash borateedta buffer 10x - pack of 1000ml , gel loading buffer - pack of5ml , hot start pcr master mix ready to ...

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39279010 Due date: 03 Mar, 202503 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of chemical - 2 propanol isopropanol 1 lit , sodium hydroxide 1 kg , sodium dodecyl sulfate sds 500 gm , trisbase 500 gm , glacial acidic acid 500 ml , ethidium bromide 10 ml , diethyl pyrocarbonate depc h2o 100 ml , ethanol 99 point 9 percent 1 lit , folin ciocalteau reagent fcr 500 ml , sodium carbonate anhydrous hi ar na2co3 500 gm , catechol 500 gm , d minus plus glucose monohydrate hi ar 500 gm , d minus plus glucose anhydrous 1 kg , alpha nepthol reagent 1 kg , sulfuric acid h2so4 2 point 5 lit , agrose powder 500 gm , 50x tae tris acetate edta 500 ml , tris hydrochloric acid hcl 500 gm , polyvinylpyrrolidone pvp 500 gm , sodium carbonate na2co3 500 gm , potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous kh po 500 gm , potassium hydroxide pellets 500 gm , potassium phosphate dibasic anhydrous k hpo 500 gm , sodium hydroxide naoh 500 gm , copper sulphate cuso4 point 5h2o 500 gm , potassium sodium tartarate 500 gm , bovine albumin fraction bsa 100 mg , acrylamide 500 ml , bis acrylamide 500 ml , bromophenol blue 25 gm , ammonium persulfate aps 1 kg , n n n n tetramethyl ethylene diamine temed 100 ml , methanol 99 point 8 prencatege 500 ml , acetic acid 500 ml , beta mercapto ethanol 250 ml , cetyl trimethly ammonium brom ide ctab 500 gm , phenol solution equilibrated with 10 mm trishcl ph 8 point 0 with 1 mm edta 500 gm , isoamyl 500 gm , trizol reagent 100 ml , sodium acetate anhydrous 500 gm , chloroform 500 gm , phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohol mixture 500 gm , dimethyl sulfoxide dmso 250 ml , acetone 2 point 5 lit , potassium phosphate dibasic anhydrous k2hpo4 500 gm , potassium phosphate monobasic anhydrous kh2po4 500 gm , methionine 100 gm , riboflavin 100 gm , 1 m ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid edta ph 8 point 0 100 gm , nitroblue tetrazolium nbt 250 mg , hydrogen peroxide h2o2 500 ml , 5 sulphosalicylic acid dihydrate 1000 gm , ninhydrin 25 mg , phosphoric acid 250 ml , toluene 2 point 5 lit , l amino acids kit 1 kt , thiobarbituricacid tba 100 gm , trichloroacetic acid 500 gm , tricarboxylic acid tca 25 gm , sodium hydroxide naoh 500 gm , hydrochloric acid hcl 2 point 5 lit , 3 5 dinitrosalicylic acid dns reagent 100 gm , methanol hplc 2 point 5 lit , 2 2 diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazil dpph 1gm , gallic acid 500 gm , anthrone reagent 100 gm , n hexene 2500 ml , perchloric acid 500 ml , glycerol 1 lit , glycine 100 gm , sucrose 500 gm , glucose oxidase kit 1kit , b nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nadh 500 mg , 2 6 dichlorophenol indophenol dcip 25 gm , thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide mtt 5 gm , pyrogallol 500 gm , linoleic acide 25 ml , nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nad plus 5 gm , malate 100 gm , nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate disodium salt nadp plus 1 gm , l proline 25 gm , oxaloacetic acid 25 gm , ammonium sulfate 500gm , 5 5 dithiobis 2 nitro benzoic acid dtnb 10 gm , magnesium chloride mgcl2 ar 500 gm , acetyle coa 10 gm , boric acid h3bo3 500 gm , linseed oil 1lit , potassium sodium tartrate 500 gm , copper ii sulfate pentahydrate 100 gm , l malic acid 50 gm , ascorbic acid 25gm , lecithin granules 250gm , cellulose 500gm , brewers yeast 150gm , myo inositol 25gm , choline chloride 500gm , flaxseed oil 1lit , phytagel 100gm , vitamin fortification mixture for insects 100gm

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39238179 Due date: 27 Feb, 202527 Feb, 2025 6.30 Lacs
Tender For tender for supply of chemicals reagents and plasticwares for bmgf - acetone extrapure ar, 99.5 percentage, 500 ml per pack, srl-15168 , methanol, 500ml per pack, srl-59029 , methanol, 2.5l per pack, srl-59029 , aniline extrapure ar, 99.5 percentage, 500ml, srl-22285 , boric acid extrapure ar, 99.5 percentage, srl-80266 , chloroform extrapure, 99 percentage, 500ml per pack, srl-96712 , edta disodium salt dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 500gram per pack, srl-43272 , tris buffer superior for molecular biology, 99.9 percentage, srl-37969 , dimethyl sulphoxide dmso extrapure, 99 percentage, 500ml per pack, srl-43404 , sodium chloride for molecular biology, 99.9 percentage, 500 gram per pack, srl-33205 , polyethylene glycol 8000- peg 8000, for molecular biology, carbowax 8000, 500gram per pack, srl-54866 , magnesium chloride anhydrous extrapure, 98 percentage500gram per pack, srl-31196 , magnesium sulphate dried for cell culture, 62-70 percentage, mgso4, 99 percentage, endotoxin-bet, 0.05eu or mg, 100gram per pack, srl36502 , calcium chloride dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 500grams per pack, srl-97080 , phenol crystalline for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, srl17286 , isoamyl alcohol - isopentyl alcohol- pure, 99 percentage, 500ml per pack, srl-57020 , acicase-casein acid hydrolysate, casamino acids- bactobio for bacteriology-500gram per pack, srl-68806 , potassium tellurite monohydrate extrapure, 90 percentage, 100 gram per pack, srl-35889 , potassium chloride extrapure ar, 99.5 percentage, 500gram per pack, srl-38630 , d- - - tartaric acid extrapure, 99 percentage, 100gram per pack, srl-28682 , sodium thiosulphate anhydrous extrapure ar, 99.5 percentage, srl-89728 , sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate extrapure ar, 99 percentage, srl-83417 , potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 250grams per pack, srl-54358 , sodium bicarbonate for molecular biology, 99.7 percentage, 500grams per pack, srl-36328 , edta disodium salt dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, srl43272 , nalidixic acid free acid extrapure, 99 percentage, 5 grams per pack, srl-20346 , ficoll 400 for molecular biology, 25 grams per pack, srl-45460 , sodium hydroxide pellets acs, 98 percentage, 500gram per pack, srl-68151 , n,n,n,n-tetramethyl ethylenediamine-temed, for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 100 ml per pack, srl52145 , ethidium bromide for molecular biology, 95 percentage, 5 gram per pack, srl-93079 , sodium acetate anhydrous for molecular biology, 99 percentage, 500grams per pack, srl-22342 , 2-propanol, sigma-aldrich-190764- 500ml per pack , mutanolysin from streptomyces globisporus atcc 21553-10,000units, sigma-aldrich-m9901- 10ku , gel loading buffer, sigma aldrich- g2526-5ml pack , acetic acid, sigma-aldrich- a6283-500ml pack , sodium chloride, sigma-aldrich- s9888-500gram pack , poly, ethylene glycol, 500gram per pack, sigma-aldrich- p5413 , phorbol 12-myristate 13- acetate, sigma-aldrich- p8139 , poly, ethylene glycol, sigma-aldrich- p5413-500gram pack , hydrochloric acid about 37 percentage, for analysis emparta-acs, supelco-1930012521 , trizol-reagent 200ml, invitrogen-15596026 , dnazap-pcr dna degradation solutions, 250 ml per pack, invitrogenam9890 , rnase away decontamination reagent-250ml per pack, invitrogen-10328011 , lonza agarose powder, size 500 microliter in poly bottle, lonza-50004 , hexamethylene bisacetamide, abcam- ab142438 , hydrogen peroxide solution, 30 percentage-sq, qualigens- q18755 , axygentf-300-r-s, 0.1ul to 10ul tips, 96 tips per rack, 10 rack per pack , axygen-tf-1000-r-s, 100ul to 1000ul tips, 100 tips per rack, 10 rack per pack , axygen-tf-20-r-s, 2ul to 20ul tips, 96 tips per rack, 10 rack per pack , axygen-tf200-r-s, 2ul to 200ul tips, 96 tips per rack, 10 rack per pack

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39222851 Due date: 26 Feb, 202526 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of na2hpo4 , dl dithiothreitol dtt , eosin dye , ethanol absolute alcohol , ethyl acetate , ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid disodium salt dihydrate , ferric chloride iron iii chloride fecl3 , ferrous sulphate feso4 , fish spawing hormone injection , folins and ciocalteus phenol reagent , formaldehyde cho , fuchin acid , fuchin basic , gentamicin , giemsas stain , glabridin glycyrrhiza glabra root extract powder of licorice , glycine powder for electrophoresis 99 percent , glycogen , guanidine hydrochloride , haematoxylin , haematoxylin stain , higroton terracotta bead , higro white net pot , hydrogen peroxide , hydroxyl amine hydrochlorine , iodine , lead ii nitrate , lead chloride , lipase enzyme powder , lysis solution al , macconkey agar medium , mercuric chloride , metformine hydrochloride , methyl green pyronin mgp solution , methyl orange indicator , middlebrook 7h9 broth base , molischs reagent , mono potassium phosphate kh2po4 , mueller hinton mh broth , n 1 naphthylethylene diamine dihydrochloride ned , nickel ii chloride hexahydrate , nigrosine stain , nutrient broth , orcinol reagent , orthophosphoric acid , oxoglutaric acid a keto glutaric acid , periodic acid , phenol saturated , phenolphthalein , picric acid , p nitrophenyl phosphate pnpp , polyacrylamide paa , polystyrene , potassium azide kn3 , potassium chloride kcl , potassium dichromate , potassium hexacyanoferrate iii k2fecn6 , potassium metabisulfite k2s2o5 , potassium nitrate , potassium permaganate , riboflavin , rnasea enzyme , salmon sperm calf thymus dna , seliwan offs reagent , silver nitrate agno3 , sodium meta arsenite hi ar , sodium azide , sodium benzoate , sodium bicarbonate nahco3 , sodium carbonate na2co3 , sodium dodecyl sulfate , sodium hypochloride , sodium iodide , sodium nitrite , sodium nitroprusside , sodium perchlorate naclo , sodium pyruvate , sudan iii powder , sudan iv powder , sulfanilamide , sybr green 50x20l , tetracyclin , tetramethylethylenediamine , thiobarbituric acid , trichloroacetic acid , tripsin powder , tris base hydroxymethyl aminomethane , tris edta 1x tris edta ph 7 point 0 , triton x 100 critonx 100 , trizol c reagent rdp trio reagent , tryptone soy broth , mercaptoethanol bme c2h6os , autoclavable bags pp , autoclavable biohazard bags pp , carboy canister , coplin staining jar plastic pack of 12 set , forceps blunt dissecting 6 , hi flexiloop 2 glass , l spreader , micro tips bulk 1000l blue ref bev pack of 500 , micro tips bulk 10l pack of 1000 , micro tube box 1 point 5ml packof 4 , microcentrifuge tube 1 point 5ml pack of 500 , microcentrifuge tube 2 point 0 ml pack of 500 , microcentrifuge tube stand , parafilm m roll 250 length x 2 inch width , pcr tubes 0 point 5ml pack of 1000 , pipette pump pack of 4 , pipettor stand , purepack centrifuge tube conical bottom sterile 15ml , purepack centrifuge tube conical bottom sterile 50ml , quartz cuvette set of 2 pcs with transmission certificate , slide draining rack , spinwin mc 00 micro centrifuge 6 place rotor for 1 point 5ml tube , sterile petridish tarson pack of 12 , sterile surgical blades scalpel 11 , sterile surgical scalpel blades 10 , sterile tissue culture plates 96 well , syringe 2ml pack of 100 , syringe 5ml pack of 100 , test tube holder cross pattern stainless steel , test tube stand rpp 15ml tube 16 dia 31 place , test tube stand rpp 50ml tube 25 dia 18 place , tissue paper roll pack of 10 , torniquet arm belt , triangular s s spreader , universal micro tip box for tips 0 point 2 to 10micri ltr pack of 10 , universal micro tip box for tips 200 to 1000 micri ltr pack bid details/ 2 / 141 of10 , uv safety goggles , glass fish aquarium with cover l 80 x w 33 x h 40cm 6mm glass thickness , conical flask with screw cap 120ml pack of 20 , conical flask with screw cap 250ml pack of 20 , reagent bottle narrow mouth with screw cap 1000l , reagent bottle narrow mouth with screw cap 250ml , adjustable 20 inch led white light , air stone for fish tank pa
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