CTN :39542113
24 Mar, 2025
23.15 Lacs
Tender For supply of xt-red-selected">dental item - bur straight fissure for air rotor , bur tapering fissure for air rotor , bur inverted cone fissure for air rotor , bur round for air rotor , file protaper 25 mm s
x,s1,s2 f1,f2,f3 , file protaper 21 mm s
x,s1,s2 f1,f2,f3 , file niti k, 21mm and 20no , file niti k,21mm and 15no , file niti k, 25mm and 15no , file niti k, 25mm and 20no , niti k-file 15-40 no 21mm , scissor suture-cutting , calcium hydro
xide syringe , kit ,edta gel syr. 2 gm , zinc o
xide powder 110 gm , eugenol liquid 110ml , orthodontic wire cutter , calcium hydrchloride with iodoform metape
x aggregate , pulp devatilizer lidocaline 17 gm parafo , glass ionomer cement for class i and cla , coe pack surgical dressing , gp gutta purcha for pro topper f1 2 , gutta purcha for protapper f1 4 percent , gutta purcha for protopper f2 2 percent , gutta purcha for protopper f2 4 percent , gutta purcha for protopper f3 2 percent . , gutta purcha for pro topper f3 4 percent , gutta purcha 15-40 no , formocresol solution , lidocaline topical sp
ray 15 percent , mercury liquid filling material , amalgam powder filling material , sodium hydrocotyle solution , composite filling material for occlusal , microfilled composite material , disposable suction tip , dentin bondin agent for composite filling , etchent 37 percent phosphoric acid for composite , dentin hyper sensitivity sealent , varnish , collagen membrane , gutta percha for fle
xible files 4 percent , gutta percha 6 percent taper , biodentin , bone graft , bacti grass gauze , suture needle stainlesssteel 1 by 2 circle , gp cutter , niti k file 10 no 21 mm , niti k file 10 no 25 mm , niti k file 06 no 21 mm , niti k file 08 no 21 mm , niti k file 08 no 25 mm , niti k file 06 no 25 mm , periosteal elevator molt no 09 medium , straiet elevator with fine tip , mirror with handle , universal matri
x band retainer , metallic band or matri
x band ivory no. 1 , cement condenser titanium alloy , step former titanium alloy , step former stainless steel , cement condensor stainless steel , erich arch bar , air - rotar hand piece , amaligam carrier , motor and pestle for amalgam mi
xing , e
xplorer straight , e
xplorer curved , ball burnishar fine tip , bone file , upper 8th mollar forcep , lower 8th mollar forcep , lu
xators , moons probe , root pick elevator , bone rongeur , check retractor , bite block , rotary file for rct 2 percent 25 mm and rotar , bayonet forceps upper molar ma
xilla e , allis tissue holding forceps , cheatle forceps , langenbeck retractor , austin s retrctor , howarth retractor , ultrasonic scaler tips dte seriestips , fle
xible file rotary niti 21mm , high fle
x rotary files with shape memory 25mm , cpilot files , air rotor sp
ray , light cure-gun , rubber dam kit with sheet , glass slab