CTN :39074215
13 Feb, 2025
Tender For procurement and supply of xt-red-selected">dental items required for all health institutions for the year 2024-2025 (retender) - instrumentsamalgan carrier imported singleend type, matri
x band no.1 for molars, band for tofflemaire, applicator tips for composite filling- bristle head, applicator tips for composite filling- sponge head, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. pkts/4.nossingle inverted cone bur si-47, diamond rotary burs for ultra pushreduction hp. pkts/4.nossingle inverted cone bur si-46, diamond rotary burs for ultra pushreduction hp. taper conical end tc-11, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. taper round end tr-12, diamond rotary burs for ultra pushreduction hp.taper round end tr-13, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp.taper flit end e
x-28, diamond rotary burs for ultrapush reduction hp. tapered flat tf11, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. tapered flat tf12, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. tapered flat tf13, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. flame ogival fo-32c, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. flame ogival fo 25, diamond rotary burs for ultrapush reduction hp. flame ogival fo 27, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. flame ogival fo 32, diamond rotary burs for ultrapush reduction hp. ball round br-40, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. ball round br-41, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. ball round br-31, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. wheel round wr 13-c, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. e
xtra fine tc-11ef, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. e
xtra fine tc-tr-12ef, diamond rotary burs for ultrapush reduction hp. tc bur 703, diamond rotary burs for ultrapush reduction hp. tc bur 702, diamond rotary burs for ultra push reduction hp. metal cutting bur, composite polishing e
xtra finebur set, gutta percha points (.06 taper)size 40 (dentsply), protaper guttapercha points (dentsply) size f1, protaper guttapercha points (dentsply) size f2, protaper paper points size f1, protaper paper points size f2, protaper paper points size f3, lower third molar forceps right side (api or imported quality), lower third molar forceps left side (api or imported quality), bayonet forceps, cowhorn forcep lower, third molar forceps upper, third molar forceps lower, e
xtraction set pediatric, cryers elevator, ape
x elevator mesial, ape
x elevator distal, surgical curettes. small, bone ronger.end cutting., bone file double end. medium., rectangular t
ray size 14
x 10", disposable nitryl e
xamination gloves small size, disposable nitryl e
xamination gloves medium size, disposable nitryl e
xaminationgloves large size, micro pore plaster 3m 1 & 2 size, sterilization pouch (30
x10cm), disposable face mask (elastic tie-type/ ear loop type, disposable apron, disposable patients apron,
ray paper cover (10
x7.5 cm), medicamentslidocaine local anesthetic sp
ray (oral), glass inomer-no.1 gc gold, glass inormer no.9 dc gold label-e
xtra, light cure gic, silver alloy (aristally) 30grm, mercury 30grm, orafil temporary filling material, zinc o
xide powder, euginol.110ml, calcium hydro
xide paste (dycal), cavity liner, zinc o
xide eugenol root canal sealent, enamel etching solution 3m/charishma, bonding agend 3m/charishma, clean pro pit and fissure sealants, pro root mta (mineratised trio
xide aggregate) 2+1 gr white-destsply), calcimol lc (lihgt cured resin modified calcium hydro
xide), candid mouth paint, liquid calcium hydro
xide syringe type (metape
xt-red-selected">dental varnish, amalgomer cr/zirconomor, sensodent-kf.paste (50.g), kedodent paste, dolo gel, stolin gum astrigent, tooth stain remover, metrogyl oral gel,
xt-red-selected">dental gum massaging powder - gum tone /dentha, mouth wash ( betadin)50ml, mouth wash (chlorhe
xidine)110ml, depulpe 3grm (pulp devitliser), periodontal pack, zytee drops, glutasol with activator for instrument washing, sterilium hand sanitiser, dolo endogel edta lubricant for ro