Tender For supply of heavy duty industrial 280 ltrs. capacity man cooler (tent cooler) as per annexure attached. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 24" flameproof industrial pedestal fan , tubular man cooler fan , 24" flameproof heavy duty industrial tubular man cooler fan , wall mounted man cooler fan
Tender For corrigendum : undertaking rrc for diesel generators-prime mover m/s man make onboard kalvari class submarines for a period of one year - 3000 hourly routines., inspect the starting aid device and its injections as per jicbd01-i-045, inspect the pinion shaft clearance and the impeller condition of the motor charge air compressor as per jic bd-01-i-074.s., run the electronic over speed as per jic bd-0 1-1-083, check the calibration, the atomization and the tightness of the injectors as per jic bd-01-i-015., 5500 hourly routines., visually inspect the timing gear as per jic bd-01-1-037., 6000 hourly routines., check the engine controller connections as per jic bd-01-o029., inspect the starting air valves as per jic bd-01 l-007, inspect the decompression valves as per jic bd-01 l-008, carry out an endoscopic inspection of liners, piston heads and pre combustion chamber nozzles as per jic 80-01-1018., visually inspect the cams as per jic bd-01-l-035., visually inspect the inlet and exhaust lappet rollers as per jic bd-01-l-036., inspect the air distributor disk as per jic 01-l-046, drain the otter of the air distributor as per jic bd-01-l-047, inspect the main starting valve as per bd-01-l-048, clean the oil cooler as per bd-01-l-049, clean the fuel cooler as per jic bd-01-i-050., clean the air coolers as per jic bd-01-i-076., inspect the hydraulic clutch gears of the motor charge air compressor as per bd-01-l-077, inspect the thrust clearance of the turbocharger as per jic bd-01-l-078., inspect and calibrate the control and safety instrumentation., inspect the over speed safety slide valve and replace the o-rings as per jic bd-01-l-085, inspect the over speed solenoid valve as per jic bd-01-l086, adjust the tappet clearance on cold engine as per jic bd01-o-021, mandays rates, mechanical superintendent engineer @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., control superintendent engineer @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., skilled technician @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., semi - skilled technician @ /day/person inclusive of (lodging & boarding, local conveyance (to & fro) per trip., overtime charges., mechanical superintendent engineer / hour, control superintendent engineer / hour, skilled technician / hour, semi - skilled technician / hour, travelling charges to and fro karwar., mechanical / control superintendent engineer per trip/ per person, skilled technician per trip/ per person, semi - skilled technician per trip/ per person