Tender For corrigendum : procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery - procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery., bushing alignment p/n. w132626, seal oil deflector p/n. 300018ak3im, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432mb32, spring p/n. 9539t16, crab valve p/n. w131493, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432kd5, valve disch p/n. mlh44433kd5, ring packing p/n. r87096c278d24im, ring packing purge,p/n:r87096a278t24im, washer lock p/n. 14a5s36, bush crank pin p/n. 5833c1, bush x hd pin p/n. 5832c1, bush sheave p/n. 166092, crosshead p/n. mlw125207g1, ring scrapper p/n. 27a11b24dim, pushrod p/n. w131775dp3, pushrod p/n. w131775dp4, set screw p/n. x1531t739c, set screw p/n. x1531t742c, setscrew p/n. r83516b8p1, set screw p/n. x1531t735c, pipe suction p/n. 3188e1t2, gasket outer head p/n. 7735d1t132im, seal oil part no 207a11an9044, packing rod comp p/n. mlh65180nbdg5, ring packing set p/n. r87096c298d32im, ringpack purge set p/n r87096e298t32im, crosshead p/n. f38958, washer 3/4 " p/n. 12a5c9, cap breather p/n. 6459b1, dowel pin p/n- 17a13a141, bushing p/n. 3800c1t2, rod unloader p/n. r83517kp1, setscrew hex skt p/n. 109a2s1, bushing main brg p/n. r16430, bushing set p/n. h62654im, bush x hd pin p/n. 5027c1, ring scrapper p/n- 27a11b32aim, spacer packing p/n. w120342, ring packing set p/n. r87096a728t32im, rod packing assly p/n. 1h44450np5t2, rod packing p/n. h44450np5t2, cylinder & liner p/n. 1f30793al2, o-ring p/n. r90244t441im
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - rfq 11395 annual rate contract for hiring of service engineer of ms kirloskar pneumatic company limited for 2 no screw compressor 1000cfm at concentrator plant
Tender For design, supply, installation and commissioning of electrical power operated screw aircompressor - 140 cfm capacity including foundation, as per crs, tirupati technical specification no: scr/tpys/m&p/spec/electrical scre w aircompressor/2024-09. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of tools and equipments - allen key set , calliper inside spring , caliper outside spring , dividers spring , electrician screw driver , hammer ball peen , handls file for second cut , philips screw driver set of 5 , pliers combination , spanner de set of 12pcs , spanner socket , steel rule , chisel flat , wire cutter and stripper , adjustable spanner , drill twist , electric soldering iron , enginees square , feeler gauge , file flat bastard 200mm , file half round 2nd cut 200mm , file square 2nd cut 200mm , file square round 300mm , file trainsgular 2nd cut 150mm , flat file 2nd cut 250mm , flat file bastrad350mm , drift punch copper , hacksaw frame , hammer chipping , hammer copper with handle , hammer mallet , insulated screw driver , magneto spanner set , piston ring groove cleaner , pliers flat nose , pliers round nose , pliers side cutting , punch letter 4mm , scraper traingular , spanner t flocks , spanner adjustable , spark plug spanner , stud remover , torque wrench , vaccum gauge , valve spring compressor , vernier caliper , steel measuring tape , auto electrical test bench , battery charger , car jet washer , blow lamp , belt tensioner gauge , chain pulley block , compression testing gauge , cylinder liner , different engine bearing model , diffrent piston model , fuel feed pump , enginees sthethoscope , grease gun heavy duty , lifting jack screw , multimeter digital , automotive oil pump , radiator cut section cross flow , radiator cut section down flow , radiator pressure cap , surface gauge with dial , tachometer , tandem master cylinder , thermostat , timing lighter , turbocharger cut section , automotive water pump , work bench , working model air brake assembly , alternator assembly , cut section transmission gear box , cut section centrifugal clutch , demonstration board of electronic ignition system , demonstration board of mpfi system , disc brake in working condition , drum brake assembly , functional model of diff sensor , steering assembly , tubeless tyre cars truck , tyre split rim wheel , working model of power windows , air conditioned crdi vehicle in running condition , automotive exhaust five gas analyser and diesel smoke meter , dieselengine crdi four stroke for dismantling , dieselengine running condition stationary type , hydraulic jack hi lift , multiscan tools to scan engine , working condition of dieselengine crdi four stroke fault simulation , cut secton of four bye six cylinder dieselengine , dieselengine six cylinder in running condition , four stroke petrol engine with cng setup , mpfi petrol engine with swiveling stand , petrol engine two stroke , tybe tyre vulcanizing machine , two post car lift cap 4000kg , wheel allignment machine , wheel balancing machine , working condition of petrol mpfi engine fault , carburetor solex mikuny , cut section model of electrical sysytem working model , heavy commericial vehicle , cylinder bore gauge capacity , mini drafter , set square , draughtsman drawing box