Tender For supply of electrically operated lifting barrier complete set suitable for 110v ac / 24v dc sup ply, without hand generator back up, and motorized boom locking arrangements as per rdso spec.no. sp n/208/2012 ver. 2.0 or latest. the 02 nos. of barriers of length 09.76 meter should be supplied along with stop boards and light. the spares & tool kit mentioned in rdso spec. no. rdso/ spn/208/2012 ver. 2.0 and amndt. 1 or latest, clause 10.1 & 10.2 reproduced as below should be supplied along with each full set :- i) gi boom - 1 no. complete. ii) belt - 1 no. iii) crank handle - 1 no. iv) motor contactor - 1 no. v) motor prote ction mcb - 1 no. vi) push button complete - 2 nos. vii) limit switch - 3 nos. (1 lever type and 2 top roller ty pe) viii) fuses used - 2 sets. tool kit consisting of standard sizes of wrinch/ spanner and allen keys should a lso be supplied with each set (02 nos.) of electric lifting barrier. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]