Tender For repair replacement of building security light garden light internal fitting and fixture of esd area and delhi cantt office complex under ge north delhi cantt 10
Tender For renovation of electrical wiring and illumination system with fitting, fixing of energy saving led lighting fixture, fan and other allied works at office of the ee( civil) west bank division, gap w and s sector at padmapukur wtp campus, howrah.
Tender For aden/hq/ajmer sub division : providing rain water harvesting network at drm office ajmer, & providing and fixing meter in stp, pipeline and low flow water fixture with aerators, dual flush, low flow urinal, self - closing door, shower, hand wash basin etc for igbc green health care rating certificate. and providing parking shed with solar reflective index paint and shed on dustbin and painting exposed roof surface with solar reflective index paint for igbc green heath care rating certificate for divisional railway hospital ajmer.