Tender For replacement of gravimetric feeder belts replacement of head pulley bearings coupling halves studs bronze and rubber bushes of main drive pulley coupling take up pulley bearings opening and closing of r c feeder doors replacement and overhauling of main reducer gearbox repairing of 22 inch coal pipes from classifier outlet gates to all corners of boiler and rectification of coal leaks in critical areas of in service 22inch coal pipes (36 nos) from mill outlet bends to fuel inlet bends clearing of coal jam at bunker chute or bunker raw coal gate clearing pulverised coal powder jam in coal pipes connecting from mill classifier outlet elbow to boiler coal nozzle of unit 1 and 2 as and when required during the year 2025-26
Tender For corrigendum : design engineering supply erection commissioning of belt and rotary type gravimetric coal feeder and retro fitment of existing volumetric chain type coal feeder including dismantling along with comprehensive annual maintenance contract of 5 year
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of 36 inch gravimetric raw coal feeder belt and flexible hose pipe installed at 1x500 mw unit sgtps mppgcl birsinghpur.
Tender For corrigendum : work of removal of old rubber lining & providing of new rubber lining in various sizes tanks, pipes etc. of dm plant and repairing of 24 endless rubber belt of coal mill gravimetric feeder of stage i at wtps on as and when required basis
Tender For replacement of gravimetric feeder belts, replacement of head pulley bearings, coupling halves, studs, bronze and rubber bushes of main drive pulley coupling, opening and closing of r.c. feeder doors, replacement and overhauling of main reducer gear box of r.c.feeders and patch welding of 22" coal pipes from all corners of boiler to classifier outlet gate, dismantling /replacing and repairing of feeder out let gates, dismantling of damaged feeder out let chutes, replacement of new /recondition chutes, replacement of damaged center feed pipe of 36"gravimet feeder of out let of unit-3 and 4, stage-ii, dr. m.v.r. rtpp as and when required during the year 2025-26